Just updated our page for adding hearing tests to the forum.
- Make sure you are logged in
- Go to My Hearing Tests
- You will see the page below
- Enter your audiogram and click the save button
When you come back to the forum, you should have a headphone icon on your avatar and an audiogram on your profile. Thanks!
If you already have a hearing test on file, you will see the page below. Edit your current test or click the button “Add Hearing Test” to add a new test.
The link to submit hearing test gives this error:
We’re sorry, but something went wrong.
We will review the error and apply a fix soon. In the meantime, see what else we have to offer:
You need to have the profile in the other area and then you need to be logged in.
iirc all that is set up when you create an account.
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What other area? It seems I am logged in.
Go to the Forum “Home”
Upper right corner “Sign in”
I think I fixed the 500 error issue. Just make sure to edit your profile and check the box saying “I am a hearing aid consumer” … We currently limit hearing tests to consumers, though I may just remove that restriction at some point. I can’t see any reason to keep it that way
I know this is not a proper reply. However, I am unable to post a new topic and I don’t know what the problem. I was able to post new topics. Have I been banned? Thanks for any help.