Unwanted Volume Changes with Phonak and App

Not an easy combination to fit Peter, with your friend, I struggle quite badly, if my left aid is out, even though I don’t get much contextual information from that ear, I still notice “big time” if it’s unaided… Yeah, TV connector 2, is the dog’s dangly bits :rofl: for the price, it’s the best piece of kit out there, on my iMac i7, it’s absolutely pristine sound quality, for whatever reason? I am off to do some pool coaching with a Scotland International player, I have coached him, for many years, but he’s still a work in progress… Cheers Kev :wink:

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If he’s ever on the TV (Sky channels etc), let me know and I’ll tune in.

You wouldn’t know where to start with me :crazy_face: . Too many bad habits, oh, and beer :slight_smile:

We have an ex snooker pro in our league, and he helps coach a lot of younger players in our league. You can tell which ones by the way they approach the table, and their stance.


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Yeah, look out for Scott Gillespie & Jason Shaw, Scott won the European Pro event, last week I believe, Jason is in the European Team for the Mosconi Cup, he plays in the US 9 ball tour, he’ll be ranked in the top 10 pro players in the states, both are products of the Scottish Youth, Junior & Under 21’s set up, where I was once the coach, both are former world champions… Cheers Kev :wink:


Try that advice; perhaps it will help:



And this :arrow_down: