Not my experience at all.
Example: One of my hobbies is bowling. I have created a setting my the MyPhonak app to tone down the “crashy-ness” of the acoustics in the bowling alley. I call that program “bowling” ('cause I’m creative like that).
Just this evening, I was at the bowling alley. I opened the MyPhonak app and manually changed to my “bowling” program. Worked as expected. A little while later, I wanted to look at an email that I had received earlier in the day. As soon as I picked up my phone and turned the screen on, it switched to BT streaming (which also cranks up the microphones, making the noise worse.
I went into the app, changed the program back to bowling, then closed the app and opened email - BAM! Right back to streaming mode. Go back to app, switch back to bowling again, go back to email - BAM! Back to streaming again! In fact, if I open any app on my phone after switching modes, it puts me right back in BT streaming.
It seems that I only have two choices if I want to stay in the mode I selected: I can change the mode and then immediately turn the phone off and not touch it again, or I can change the mode and stay in the MyPhonak app and just admire the mode not changing while I keep the app active.
It’s really poorly designed. It should be obvious that if a user proactively opens the app and sets a mode, they very likely did that because they want to be in that mode. The HAs should stay in that mode until the user changes them again, or until they are powered off and restarted. The moment I change the setting from “Automatic”, I expect fully manual control until I put it back on Automatic.