Unwanted Volume Changes with Phonak and App

Yes, that’s what mine do and that is what I am trying to stop them from doing. I don’t like the abrupt volume changes in the middle of a movie / song and I don’t know how to increase the volume for streaming mode.

Increase / decrease the volume using the streaming device.


Yes, I know that I could do all of that, my point is that it is very poor design of the user interface to make me have to.

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I always have my iPhone turned off each night to save battery so that might explain why I don’t have any issues.

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My husband’s KS10’s do this and it is maddening–especially since he has no idea how to remedy the situation and ends up turning off or on all kinds of smart phone functionality (he has a Samsung 21 Ultra). It has become very problematic, especially when he is traveling and in changing environments. I am thinking about looking for a remote as is mentioned above and removing the phone app entirely, just giving him the ability to adjust volume more easily. He keeps asking me the adjust his settings thru the phone app and then they evaporate for whatever reason.

Yes, absolutely correct or switch once a week will do. Switching off every night is also a good idea of saving power and good night sleep.
When P70 is connected correctly to BT, there is 3 things you can see in the BT setting of the iPhone:- 1.LE_L - Phonak HA , 2. LE_R-Phonak HA & 3. R-Phonak HA
The audio will stream directly into the HA’s from the iPhone 13.

Well my “previously owned” remote control I purchased off Ebay arrived this morning, and before I paired it I fired up the Target software, did a factory reset which hasn’t been done for awhile, and reloaded my last session. I then paired the remote and my Pixel 8 phone, and everything appears to be functioning perfectly.

I’m not even going to bother pairing and setting up the MyPhonak app again, because the few things I used it for, can be done with the remote control.

Also I don’t like having to pull out my phone when with a group of people, because it looks rude.


Hi All,

I’m new to hearing aids in my late 30s didnt see this coming.

I have been given L and R Phonak Bolero m70-m. One is loud and the other is not so have switch around to ensure its the hearing aid and not my ears.

So I set the volume at -1 L and +3 R and that balances the sound all good, then like everyone has said as soon as a notification or call comes in it reset both of the to the +3 volume, i have told it to only work for calls only as with notifications its unworkable.

Should there be that great a difffence beween 2 hearing aids i have fully checked them and no issues with the tubes or ear piece.

If i can get the volume to level out on them both then all should be working.

is there futher setting that can be changed via a pc?

Also has anyone had any complaints from people when on the phone, many people say they can hear everthing there no noise cancelling so it load and ever footstep is head loud.

Thnaks for any assistance.

Brian Kelly from Scotland :scotland:


Welcome to the forum, could you post your audogram so we can see how much difference between your loss, and yes there are lots of settings that could be changed in the software, did you have these set up by your local Audiologist, or are using them as you were given?
We have another fantastic forum member from Scotland who’ll be glad to offer some more insight for those Phonak models you have.



Welcome To the forum Brian, where about’s are you in Scotland, I live approximately 20 miles north of Inverness…I take it you where fitted with these aids via NHS Audiology? Cheers Kev :wink:


Hi Brian,

My wife says that background noises are really loud.

When I first got my NHS Phonaks, calls weren’t good as the recipient couldn’t hear me. Since then, I always set my aids to “adaptive bandwidth” (I have some private HAs too). Calls are now clear at both ends, but it does appear my HA mics are very sensitive. There are loads of settings in the “Bluetooth phone calls” section of the ‘Target’ fitting software, but I leave those well alone, which makes a change :slight_smile:


Hi All,

Thanks for the responces, Yes Kev I’m from Stirling.

It’s NHS ones they posted them out to me I have bad tinnitus but when there on it reduces to almost nonthing witch is great. I used to be IT concultant so will need to get a hold of this Target software. I found its about £200 to buy it does the NHS supply it if you know what your doing, would be easier for me to adjust as i test what works and what doesnt.

I appreciate the responses so quick on here, I will head to drop in clinic today to see them and get them to ajust them. I was completely shocked that in this day and age there still handing out batterys and there not a rechargeable battery build in thats a total scam unbelievable.

I lost high tones in my left ear after a car crash in 2017 didnt do much about it but due to work medicals, then in 2023 someone else smashed in to me and the side earbag went off in my ear, the ringing hasnt stopped since and my hearing is now bad in both buts its just that the tinnitus is one set noise like an old tv with static. so when they do the test i cant here the beaps.

Didn’t think the hearing aids would work but hey, there sounds in music i haven’t heard for years its fantastic.

How did any of you get the Target Software?



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Thanks for that Peter, that confirms exactly what i needed to know, now on a mission to get the software. Will go see the clinic today…

Appreciated :clap:t2:


Hi again.

You should be able to get the software on here, for free. There are many threads on here to help you. You’ll also need a NoahLink Wireless programming device. I got mine off Ebay.

However, the NHS lock their hearing aids (as do Specsavers), and they will not allow you to access them. If you do manage to access them, they will know as the changes will show up. They could take them off you, as they still technically only loan them to you. As you are new to NHS hearing aids, I’d suggest against that option, and perhaps search ebay for some second hand options. If Phonak, Marvel or Paradise and newer are my recommendations.

In my area, rechargeables and disposable battery options are available. The features are generally identical, and there are advantages and disadvantages to both. I won’t go into that here, as there’s a current thread discussing it. It’s a highly disputed subject.

Good luck, and enjoy your new hearing :slight_smile:


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Not all NHS aids are locked @PeterH, I think it may be a post code lottery, I have a set of Naida Marvel 70 SP’s that aren’t locked… I did get a firmware update for the Naida Lumity UP’s, things got clearer, much clearer, so much so, I had to turn them 3 clicks down from my normal settings! Ask @tenkan via PM for Target, he may supply you a link @Member366 :smile: NHS do not supply rechargeable aids, well strictly that’s not true, they may supply some on special order, or for paediatrics, but in the main, it’s disposable batteries, I would imagine this is to do with, longevity issues, and maintenance? I have horrendous Tinnitus myself, I have had it for 30 odd years, stress is a big trigger for Tinnitus, so learning to relax and excepting your Tinnitus, is part of the learning curve… Nowadays, I can basically switch it off at will, it took me a long time, to train myself, to relax and except it… Good luck with target, cheers Kev :wink:

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I was offered either battery or rechargeable in 2022 for their Nathos Nova range, in my NHS trust. Most people I know chose rechargeable, in my local area.

I’m with you on the Tinnitus Kev, I’ve found a way to ignore it. I say it’s at its worst during a hearing test, because I have to try and listen past it. I do believe it’s psychologically louder sometimes, rather than actually louder :grinning:


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Yeah @PeterH, again that’s probably down to whichever NHS trust you are lumbered with, my Audiology Department usually only dishes out disposable battery hearing aids, I am certain they issue some rechargeable aids, but probably not many? NHS Highland also suffers from logistical issues, it covers a very remote area, around the size of Belgium, with approximately 235k population, public transport is perhaps deemed, very challenging? An older person trying to navigate themselves from the likes of Caithness to Inverness, on public transport, might take several hours to get there, and perhaps you would have to wait till the following day to get back home? It is around a 12 months waiting list, from referral to fitting, some of their good NHS A.uD’s jumped ship, to the private sector, probably totally disillusioned? Yeah, once you except Tinnitus as part of you, it gets easier… I believe, there are pure tone tests with a warbling effect, to attain a better hearing test for those effected badly with Tinnitus, I have asked a few times about this, both Privately & NHS, I got the usual response, my request was ignored… :rofl: Cheers Kev :wink:


In Target, there’s built in hearing test programme called Audiogram Direct. My private Audiologist used this when my slimtips arrived. The software uses your existing hearings (which it knows when you set them up, including type of dome/slimtip/c.shell/mould). It gives out either a solid tone, or a beep beep beep tone. I guess the latter is to help distingish the tone from your Tinnitus. The NHS didn’t do this, or the Feedback/Real ear test either.

I certainly appreciate the distances in your area which will really make it impossible for many to use NHS Audiology. It can be over an hour in my area, woth very few direct buses and extortionate taxi fares. Yesterday I decided to do “remote session” and connect my laptop direct with the app and Target on my laptop. I just added an additional programme, as an experiment. It was a weird experience, as I could see my bonce on both my phone and my laptop (unnerving and alarming to some :rofl: ) . I had to turn the speakers off on the laptop, as there was looping feedback, but that wouldn’t happen in different locations. The software worked extremely well and was a decent experience, with the changes saved successfully. With your arsa in mind, surely this excellent feature could be rolled out in the NHS. I know it wouldn’t suit every patient, but it could if a family member was present??


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Yeah @PeterH, I have used Audiogram Direct on several occasions, but not with the beep, which is new information to me, so thank you for that :smile: They do not have “very good” internet in certain remote location’s in the Highlands, in fact, an old 56k modem, is probably faster? So the Broadband infrastructure isn’t there, to do remote programming, I’m fine where I live, around 70 meg, less than a mile away, they’ll get 200 meg easily with FTTP… I had a firmware update yesterday, I have been having issues with ear eczema, and internal sores, I have been wearing my Marvel RIC’s for a couple of weeks now, anyway, I tried the Lumity UP’s, it was one of those, WOW moments!!! The clarity improvement over the Marvels, was night & day, but it was more than that, a more clearer sound scope from the Naida Lumity’s altogether, I had to turn them down 3 clicks, until I got used to them… Suffice to say, I was delighted, it was as if I just bought new aids! Cheers Kev :wink:

That’s excellent @kevels55 , I’m helping a friend with total deafness in one ear and profound in the other. He’s testing my RogerOn to see if its worth buying one.

He has a Naida M70 SP NHS aids, but has just been given a Phonak RIC and says exactly the same. They’ve given him CROS too.

I’m seeing him next week. He says the RogerOn doesn’t help him as he still needs eye contact. He loves it for the TV though, so he’ll likely buy a TV Connector.


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