New to the group but here are my thoughts on the Sphere 90 version.
I have been using the trials for a few days and have been testing them everywhere I can.
They are hands down the best aids I have tried. I am currently using power domes to get the full effect.
I have been wearing them about 14 or 15 hours a day and still have 50% battery life left.
Give them a try I think for those that are in loud environments a lot it will really help.
Below are some of the comments I sent to my Audiologist.
I changed the domes to the power domes, and the sound with the spheric speech mode works much better now.(I went back in for adjustment after I replaced the domes.)
Here are my thoughts after trying them in many different places.
These comments are based on my previous aids. (Phonak Paradise with a Cros in my left ear.)
I am still getting used to having a normal aid in my left ear again.
- At church today in a small group environment, they worked much better than the Roger On.
- I tried them in 2 restaurants. I must make sure that everyone is directly in front of me or to the right side of me. I think it will get better after I start getting used to having a left hearing aid again. I can hear them ok, but I can’t understand them.
- It does not filter the sound for the other person when on phone calls very well. They need to use the spheric speech mode for this since it has good noise cancellation.
- I like having the left hearing aid again since it really helps with directionality.
- Overall, the sound quality is better than my previous aids.
- They need to build the spheric speech mode into the Roger On.
- My guess is the ActiveVents will work well with the new spheric speech mode.
- I have great battery life after getting the aid replaced. I used them 14.5 hours and still had 50% left on the batteries.
After another week of use I would say in both loud and quiet environments than work better than my previous aids.
I think you will need to try them for yourself to see if you get the same results.
Yes they are pricing, but if you want to hear your best I think these are worth a try.
When trying the Sphere mode you need to be in loud environment like a restaurant to see how well they perform. I have the power domes and can hear everyone at the table. I have not had to use my Roger on for any reason this week.
Also, thank you Zebras for showing us how to use the Voice Isolation setting on an Iphone.
It works very well and I can talk to all of my clients now and not worry about back ground noise that they may be hearing.