Shpere mode vs Roger ON: has anybody tried them both?

And 10 MORE “thumbs-up” for the GOOD NEWS. Ack. Why do I feel like Phonak expects us users to do the tech stuff on these aids & accessories when we don’t have the hardware, software, training or inclination?

Ah well, that frees up the day to clean house instead. :wink:

I borrowed one of my son’s computers to do the upgrade. I’m all apple on my gear for about 15 years,

I’m sure if I ask my audiologist about it she’d know nothing. Their recourse is sending things back for repair. I’ve talked with her about other stuff I’ve learned here and she’ll sometimes say something like she’d heard about it but didn’t have any specifics. I had to push on the activevents. When I went in for exam last month, I was still the only patient in a huge VA practice (Metro Boston) that has even tried activevents. I’ve had them about 2 and 1/2 years.

She is amazingly sharp at what she does all the time. I really value having her. I know the practice she came from before the VA, and it is where I had my first hearing test since leaving the service, and where I’d still be going if money were no object. (The audiologist started the discussion about buying hearing aids as saying something to the effect of, “expect to pay about as much as you would for a good used car.”)

I kinda see the upgrader as on the edge of DIY. I’ve upgraded firmware on hundreds of devices though over the years. I’m an IT pro for big brother.


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LOL! You gotta “safe house” in UT? That’s WhiteHat country out there… :wink:

That line about the aids being the price of a used car is SOBERING. And when you add in the necessary accessoriies, seems about right. I’d give anything to SELL my two redundant Lumity Life aids and buy the Sphere, but the resale value on 2-yr old rechargeables is like the price of a TOY car. I stil wouldn’t have the dough to buy that Sphere. :expressionless:

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I have a couple cow-orker friends that live out there. Visited one when we went to Wyoming for my son’s wedding.

If the work agency is on my side, I doubt I’ll need a safe house. They’d have me shelter at work where I only go once in a while if needs be. If things flip upside down, we have plans but not Utah.

I’ve signed paperwork you don’t unsign. And I know at least one of those packages will exist on file for about 80 more years.


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Tobin Frost. “Safe House”. Just watched it last night. Good to have a Plan B!

I guess mine is MOVE TO NEW ZEALAND - If anything inspires me to become a Phonak DIYer it’s that possibility.

I agree the sound is bad but who cares? As long as you can hear… It’s not like we’ve got so many other options beside, maybe… The Infinio Sphere, which takes me back to the ORIGINAL TOPIC! :wink:

Yeah, you gotta point there! And my apologies for taking this thread on the Sphere into a different orbit. :wink:

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I am currently trialling Sphere in the UK. My audiologist tells me that the new Sphere HA is incompatible with Roger v2- and that I need to purchase the new Roger v3.
The Sphere is also unable to connect to a loop system, but this isn’t something I have tried previously.
So far, the Sphere HA is impressive. The results aren’t as miraculous as some reviewers suggest, but as a general HA they are an improvement on my previous Phonak; the Sphere mode is a significant improvement- although comprehension in a noisy environment remains a struggle as I found in the pub last night (but at least I know someone is trying to speak to me now, rather than everything being hidden in mush!).
My hearing loss is severe; I only use one HA as my other ear is profoundly deaf.
Sphere seems to offer an improvement, though the inevitable drift towards an implant remains the likely ultimate result for me.


This is BS. Plain and simple. They are compatible with any of the Rogers given the proper receiver license.



Agree completely with WH!! I have both Roger On V2 and the original V1 and they are completely compatible with the Sphere. To get the most utility from the Sphere and Roger, you should upgrade the firmware in your V2 and in your MyRoger app. I don’t believe there is much or any difference between the V2 and the Roger 3 except possibly how you obtain additional free licenses when needed.


@nglfriend My Roger’s ON do function normally with my Spheres. What does your audiologist mean with that?

I bet the v3 will cost a lot more and apart from more then 10 licenses didn’t hear unti now it would function better.
My impression in comparance of Roger use vs Sphere is that the Roger is more useful if you don’t have Sphere functionality.

Do you find the Roger still useful despite you can now count on the Sphere mode?

@DamonHill, see ~10 first posts on this topic (first Sphere review on this forum, by @pproducts):

Good thread there.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously, don’t do it.

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Jesus Christ… He/She had a nerve! :flushed:

Or ignorant/repeating a rumor they heard. Maybe hoping to make a boat payment.


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The South Island looks stunning

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While walking on a very busy street with 3 persons I used my Roger On to see if I could hear better then whit my Spheres alone. Pointing to the person I would like to hear with my Roger On gave me a lot much better understanding from what she was saying.

Thanks Emile!

But are you sure that, in that street, the Sphere mode was operating? Cause traffic noise shouldn’t be not so loud to activate that mode (which activates by default at 70db I think)…

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No sorry I’m not sure as then I have to go in the app to look at the settings. For that it is to crowdy and dangerous as well as complicated. But although I’m very content with my Spheres, as I can really hear a lot better than f.i. with my Paradise P90’s under difficult circumstances, I think my Roger still has some additional profits.

And about the dB’s it is thru that it sets itself in automatic mode above the 70 dB. So that’s why I also made an extra program for Sphere mode to use in the app. And I also use a dB meter on my phone to check what happens. But at that time I didn’t. Still I assume that the noise will at least be around or maybe just under the 70dB.

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