Shpere mode vs Roger ON: has anybody tried them both?

For those who have already tried the Phonak Infinio Sphere and are familiar with the Roger ON, how does the Sphere mode compare to the Roger ON in loud noise situations?

I own a Roger ON and I’d like to know if, apart from its bulkiness, those who have tried the Sphere mode mode would still consider it a viable solution or an obsolete one.



While I haven’t tried the Sphere yet (and what do you mean by mode? Autosense? Dedicated program or a phone app for “mode”?), I can definitely say that audio through the Roger ON iN is pretty crappy, harsh and just plain LOUD ALL OVER like a plaid suit in noisy places.

In fact, I’ve tried my Roger V2 mics in restaurants and places with music playing in the background and it is PAINFUL. Even if I use myRoger app to focus (or disperse) the sound, it’s UGLY. It’s a mic. Like a public address system in audio quality.

Hope others will chime in here.


Last year I was at a big event for work. I knew it was going to be super noisy (free alcohol so it got loud QUICK) but being able to make meaningful conversation with external folks/senior managers was why I got the invite.

With this in mind, I took Roger (v1 oN IN) as my +1, attached to my jacket pocket (I work with tech people who aren’t quite as freaked out by strange looking devices) and I’d say it made 1:1 intelligibility ‘functional’ and I could cope with small group conversation.

It wasn’t by any means ‘easy’ but I mean I could understand conversation well enough to take part and not guess/ nod and smile at the wrong points. It was still hard work separating speech from the background din. I used everything that the app could offer but I was struggling somewhat by the end (I was brain fried plus a few glasses of very decent wine).

Since the last firmware update, the new pointing mode is useful and I’ve made use of this for smaller meetings at work and socially. It worked well at a recent board game convention (big echoey hall, low grade rumble of aircon and chatter in the background)

I do value Roger though for less taxing situations and as my bridge to my corporate laptop (locked down bluetooth).


I haven’t tried the Sphere yet but I have some experience of the Roger On iN.

In relatively quiet situations like a classroom setting or where you can give the Roger On iN to somebody remotely, it gives massive benefit. I have gone from not being able to understand speech to almost complete understanding in some situations.

In noisy situations the Roger On iN also gives a lot of benefit but the background noise, whilst reduced, is still there. It remains as a kind of squelch, and you have to concentrate. So to this extent I agree with @1Bluejay. However it is still superior in my view to listening in a group situation with noise than just using aids only.

I would surmise that the Spheres would be superior here in noisy situations because background noise is scrubbed. However, if you have severe to profound loss or greater, the Roger On iN would still be useful in those quieter settings.

What I don’t understand is why Phonak are not putting the A.I chip in the Roger. That would be the killer.

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You’d think so. Roger 3 with infinite licenses plus Deepsonic DNN baked in.



Just to clarify, I own a Roger ON and I’m aware of both its merits and shortcomings, I’m mainly interested to get a coparison by those who have tried both the Roger ON and the Sphere AI mode of the new Infinio.

Great question awaiting for an on topic answer. (I’m also interested.)

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Um. Okay. This is news to me! I bought my 2 Roger ON iN mics last fall. Are they due for a firmware update? Cuz my audi hasn’t told me so.

This is what drives me NUTS about the Phonak sales/service model. They crank these puppies out, sell 'em like hotcakes at the weekly farmer’s market, and then … we’re on our OWN as to very necessary and useful firmware updates. I only seem to learn of them here at the forum.

I learned that the CHARGING BASE for my two (redundant) pairs of Lumity life rechargeables needed a firmware update! I was astonished. This is a thing that just plugs into the wall, and now it also needs a firmware update? Well, I took in BOTH of my charging bases, and the audi managed to “kill” one of them during the update. So I came home, surfed up to the internet and learned how to RE-SET a dead charging base, lol!

I will definitely ping my audi tomorrow and ask about the Roger mic update. Thanks for that eye-opener. :slight_smile:


For whatever reason, used-but-not-really Roger Ons tend to pop up a lot faster and a lot cheaper on eBay than used aids. Even if they initially priced the Roger at $4000 or whatever the retail price of the Sphere is, you’d be able to get it on eBay for $500 or less within a few months. Many people (probably including myself) would do that rather than pay $4000+ for new aids, so it would be a net revenue reduction for Phonak.


Unfortunately, scanning in the QR code only provided a link that took me to the Phonak website with a video on HOW to download the Roger Upgrader - DOH. I got no software app here at all. Plus, my Macbook Pro doesn’t have a USB-A port on it, only has USB-C ports.

Perhaps folks put the Roger V2 in its base and plug the base into a laptop? DUNNO. Annoyed that we can’t just go to a link and DOWNLOAD the stoopid app without having to use a QR code.

Phonak makes me yank my hair out in gobs. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

@1Bluejay Scroll all the way to the bottom of that page for the download.

@1Bluejay for running Roger Upgrader you need a Windows PC , or Windows on Mac

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I agree with you but they could counter that by forcing compatibility with the latest Infinios only. Or for those that have another type of hearing aid altogether, increase the boot price. Let’s wait and see.

Thank you! LOL, I had been clicking on the link here:

But just hit the “Download” link to its right, and I now have the .exe and a 16-page manual. Seriously? I’m kinda hoping firenzel is right and I’d need a WINDOWS PC.

No way am I gonna wade through this when I can just add this to the list my audi will do if she ever gets my Precious Pinks back from Phonak. Something fishy is going on there …

I SURE AS HE!! HOPE SO! Cuz I am simply not going to read this 16-page manual and figure this out before dinner tonight.

Owch. Head is hurting!

Windows pc needed. ( or windows emulator)



And 10 MORE “thumbs-up” for the GOOD NEWS. Ack. Why do I feel like Phonak expects us users to do the tech stuff on these aids & accessories when we don’t have the hardware, software, training or inclination?

Ah well, that frees up the day to clean house instead. :wink:

I borrowed one of my son’s computers to do the upgrade. I’m all apple on my gear for about 15 years,

I’m sure if I ask my audiologist about it she’d know nothing. Their recourse is sending things back for repair. I’ve talked with her about other stuff I’ve learned here and she’ll sometimes say something like she’d heard about it but didn’t have any specifics. I had to push on the activevents. When I went in for exam last month, I was still the only patient in a huge VA practice (Metro Boston) that has even tried activevents. I’ve had them about 2 and 1/2 years.

She is amazingly sharp at what she does all the time. I really value having her. I know the practice she came from before the VA, and it is where I had my first hearing test since leaving the service, and where I’d still be going if money were no object. (The audiologist started the discussion about buying hearing aids as saying something to the effect of, “expect to pay about as much as you would for a good used car.”)

I kinda see the upgrader as on the edge of DIY. I’ve upgraded firmware on hundreds of devices though over the years. I’m an IT pro for big brother.


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LOL! You gotta “safe house” in UT? That’s WhiteHat country out there… :wink:

That line about the aids being the price of a used car is SOBERING. And when you add in the necessary accessoriies, seems about right. I’d give anything to SELL my two redundant Lumity Life aids and buy the Sphere, but the resale value on 2-yr old rechargeables is like the price of a TOY car. I stil wouldn’t have the dough to buy that Sphere. :expressionless:

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I have a couple cow-orker friends that live out there. Visited one when we went to Wyoming for my son’s wedding.

If the work agency is on my side, I doubt I’ll need a safe house. They’d have me shelter at work where I only go once in a while if needs be. If things flip upside down, we have plans but not Utah.

I’ve signed paperwork you don’t unsign. And I know at least one of those packages will exist on file for about 80 more years.


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