Noah: Noah is software. Noah software collects all your patient data into a single Noah database. DIYers don’t need this. We run the fitting standalone using the database feature inside the fitting software. Notice the way Noah is spelled. Got it? Now forget this word Noah and don’t ever use it again.
NOAHlink: NOAHlink is old (almost obsolete) junk. It uses Bluetooth wireless to connect from the PC to NOAHlink and uses special short versions of programming cables to connect to the hearing aids. This was designed to hang around a patient’s neck so that the patient was untethered and could walk around your office. Don’t use this old obsolete junk. Notice the way NOAHlink is spelled with NOAH in capital letters. Now forget this word NOAHlink and don’t ever use it again.
Noahlink Wireless:
This is your huckleberry! So you should remember how it is spelled with only the first letters capitalized. Noahlink Wireless connects to your PC with a standard USB A-to-B cable (same as mini Pro/Hi Pro) and connects wirelessly to some of the newer hearing aids that are Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) enabled. GN ReSound’s Airlink 2 device can easily have a firmware update applied to the Airlink 2 which will make it exactly the same as a Noahlink Wireless device. Note that these are also backwards compatible with all of GN ReSound’s wireless hearing aids.