Using the cochlear nucleus 7 with a resound hearing aid

Yes, I told them I would be implanted soon and we did talk about processors. MedEl Synchrony 2 and Cochlear Nucleus.

You can always ring Cochlear and ask to see a representative, who will come and talk to you. They will bring a processor with them and explain the ins and outs. Med El also offer this service. So give them a phone callā€¦

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I have same problem that Kanso 2 is not holding well with CI622 implant. It has been more than 5 months. I have to use hair clip safety and wear a cap. The holding is weak not tight. It is magnet strength 5.

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The K2 processors can be challenging for some to hold well to the implant.
I have found the K2 takes a magnet that is one strength stronger that what is needed for the N7/N8 processors.

Something else that might help you is it took the K2 processors about 6-7 months to hold on my implants. It takes a while for the swelling to go down us us thick skinned people makes it even more difficult.

Good luck and in there.

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@Deaf_piper I am considering a Resound hearing aid to use bimodally with my Cochlear sound processor. However, Iā€™m not sure if the benefits of this setup are only when streaming bimodally e.g. from smartphone, which is not necessary for me.

I know about AB CI and Phonak Naida hearing aid wireless advanced cooperation between them such as in link below (e.g. StereoZoom) but I didnā€™t find anything about similar working together in Cochler and Resound case:

Advanced Bionics | cochlear implant HELP

Do you know about any benefits from your setup other than streaming, for example, better directionality in noisy environment?

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