Value in CI evaluation if you don’t want a CI?

Anesthesia has gotten notably better and safer over the years. I remember feeling sick and hungover after surgeries from long ago, but feeling remarkably perky after more recent surgeries. For safety, I’ll link to an article. In the 70’s, 1 in 10,000-20,000 died as a result of anesthesia. Now it’s like 1 in 200,000.
That’s .0005%.


Post-operative delirium is said to be very common in the elderly.

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It varies a lot depending on the surgery and how healthy the elderly person. For big surgeries (like open heart) and somebody not in good health, yes, it’s common. In lower risk surgeries (yes, I think CI qualifies) and somebody in decent health, not so much. I’m thinking most surgeons would not be eager to do an elective surgery on somebody they thought was high risk.
Postoperative delirium in the elderly: diagnosis and management - PMC).


I’m recently 44 years old and in good health overall so the surgery itself isn’t much of a concern for me (apart from my hesitation of having any elective surgery when my quality of life is currently very satisfactory) but this is all very good information to know for others that might come upon this thread.

Another consideration that I have been researching is that my hearing loss was moderate to severe when I was diagnosed at 3 yo and dipped into the profound range at the higher frequencies 30 years ago. I worry that my ability to process sounds at those frequencies is minimal if at all, even with a CI.

We are part of a small group at our church. We meet 40+ times a year for dinner and fellowship. One of our members has been significantly hearing impaired for decades. He recently got a CI in his worst ear. He went from not really hearing much in our group setting to hearing most of the conversations well. He is older, early 70s and he wishes he had done the CI years ago.

The CI has made a big difference in his quality of life. It has helped his wife as well as he can now hear her even when she is in the next room.


Deaf Piper is correct. I considered the shorter electrode to preserve my normal range low frequency hearing. HOWEVER if I were to lose that range I would need to be re-implanted with a full length. I chose the full length at the start and DID Lose my residual, but what I can hear with the Advanced Bionics CI is so much better overall, and together with the linked PHonak HA in my other ear, I have zero regrets.


@joanhawsey Thank you very much for your feedback :+1:t3:

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Glad to read that. You possiibly had no benefits from your ever low frequency hearing in your left ear before implantation, especially in word recognition score.

Which sound processor you have? Naida CI M90? I see you have almost identical hearing loss in right ear and left also if you lost residuals completely.

I’ve just consider Resound hearing aid to use it bimodal with my Cochlear sound processor, but I am not sure if benefits from that configuration is only when streaming bimodally.

I know about AB CI and Phonak Naida hearing aid wireless advanced cooperation between them such as in link below (e.g. StereoZoom) but I didn’t find anything about similar working together in Cochler and Resound case:

Advanced Bionics | cochlear implant HELP

EDIT: Oh, I’ve just noticed that you, @Deaf_piper have Cochlear and Resound, I will ask about this in this thread just for the sake of forum order:

Using the cochlear nucleus 7 with a resound hearing aid - Cochlear Implants - Hearing Aid Forum - Active Hearing Loss Community (

Why do you feel you lost your chance?

Advanced Bionics is the only brand that has the HA and CI linked and working together to provide hands free phone calls and streaming. I feel that having them work together helps each ear do better. Also easier to use one AB phone app to make adjustments for different listening environments. I can choose to reduce background noise when streaming which is nice - especially at the gym.

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Can you understand speech in your left ear with your eyes closed?

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Can you understand speech in your left ear with your eyes closed?

Hm…I’m going to have to try this but I’m guessing probably not!

The thing is - I don’t feel I’m missing out on anything I care about. My husband and I have talked about me getting a CI periodically over the years but it’s never been something either of us felt a need for. We will be married 19 years this summer and together since we were seniors in High School so we know each other pretty well at this point. We also don’t have kids so that is probably a factor as well.

I just brought this up with him again recently when I got my new Phonaks as I had been getting by on one right HA for the last few years until these new HAs and his perspective was that he was glad I could be a part of conversations again when out with our friends. If I want a CI to make that better he is supportive. For him personally he doesn’t care so long as he knows whether I have my HAs in or not - he’s always been excellent at communicating with me regardless.

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I am scheduled for an appointment with a new audiologist next week and will discuss this with them. It is sounding like a CI evaluation might be useful even if I don’t think I would go through with it.


Yeah, everyone needs to make their own decision. I guess for me the difference between ever being able to hear sounds above 1 kHz and never being able to hear them seems like a big draw and if my one ear weren’t doing much anyway then it would seem like an easier choice. But I think I’m also someone who would probably pursue some new implant that allowed me to feel magnetic fields or see in ultra-colours–teaching the brain to perceive in a new way seems very cool. But if you are not running into any functional barriers, then it is a pretty big jump to take.

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Food for thought: I was very borderline for qualifying as you can see in my audiogram. It wasn’t until i met with the surgeon at Vanderbilt that I had what I thought was a good reason for doing it now vs. waiting for my hearing to get worse. Surgeon said first: that at the moment, I don’t have any health issues - I am 62 next week - and that research shows people in better health overall tend to have better recovery. Second: that hearing typically gets worse as we age - it will not be getting better - so even if I lost residual, it would be just a matter of time before my ear is worse anyway. Third: earlier implantation helps because your brain still is getting input and can “learn” how to hear with the CI faster.

From another angle, my left year had always matched my right ear loss. Then it suddenly tanked to profound in the high ranges. I was worried that if my right ear got any worse, I would not be able to continue working, and I already had challenges in conversations in noisy areas or with more than one person. so, for me, it was worth the risk, but that threshold is different for each of us.


I saw my new audiologist today and did another hearing test plus word recognition. Hearing test was basically the same as what you see in my posted audiogram. For WR I was at 40% in both ears in my early 20’s, 30% in my early 30’s, and now at 44 I’m 20% in my right and 28% in my left (despite better hearing in my right - I blame the test a bit for that - I forgot they say “say the word X” and I missed the first few trying to figure out “say the word” :upside_down_face: ).

With that said, I already feel like I am much improved from before with my new HAs, I am really working on actually listening and not just hearing and while it’s challenging it’s slowly getting easier. I use the Bluetooth streaming through my HAs now rather that ramped up earbuds and I notice having to relearn how to hear my coworkers on Teams and the hosts of my favorite podcasts. I plan to start reading along with audiobooks as well.

My husband just told me today he really is liking my new HAs which was a big indicator on how much improvement there has been since he’s lived with me for over 20 years now with basically the same hearing and generally doesn’t make many comments about it (out of respect, not indifference - he’s the reason I finally did get these new HAs after all!). Our close friend who has known me since I had both HAs before the pandemic and then while I was down to one throughout the pandemic noticed as well and told me it has been great to have me ‘back’. It’s also been great to finally actually have a real conversation with his girlfriend of two years who until now has only known me as the quiet wife :smile:

The new audiologist gave me a referral to the ENT they use for CI’s and I will probably go for a consultation. Apparently the ENT has two CIs of his own and I am interested to hear his perspective. I suspect this is likely in my future, just not quite yet due to my lifestyle right now.

Thanks everyone for your input and perspectives, it’s really given me a lot to think about!


This working at hearing is very tiring. Many of us here on the forum understand this all too well. Your word understanding scores are well within CI range.

I hate to say it but this is a huge reason to take CI seriously. You are young with lots of life left. Your description of your 20’s, 30’s and now 40’s hearing is the rational of moving towards CI also. The trend is not getting better.

This is great news. Keep us posted please.
My audiologist is also bilateral CI.


It’s because after 30’ I have many, many less opportunities to rehab my hearing in real life. It’s less and less time to meet with acquaintances (who often are busy with little kids) and get to know anybody.

With poorer hearing I have had much more unpleasant experiences with people and isolation which somewhat inhibits me to make a new experiences and “giving a try” in dealing with people even if I could have miracuously “perfect 100% hearing” from now on.

To sum up, it’s many reasons suggesting getting CI earlier is better (I have written about my specific situation, when I have to rely on myself. It may be different when somebody is in deeper connection with friends).

These are the reasons CI just might be great for you.
I do know my life has changed since getting CI’s. It is a slow process but I got my confidence back to get out and do things again.


Yeah, thanks, I also think similarly.:slight_smile: I let myself to change my sentence to underline that even perfect hearing may not protect from difficulties.

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