Using the cochlear nucleus 7 with a resound hearing aid

Thanks for responding
I was implanted with the ci612 and have ordered the Kanso2 processor
So far I am just sore and am experiencing loud tinnitus.
It’s been 3 days since my surgery and each day seems a little better
I don’t have a mentor but would really appreciate any advice and or encouragement

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Do a Google search for “MyCochlear” join that. It’s good for keeping up to date and ordering things too.
You can also get on Cochlear’s site and ask questions and also get a mentor.

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Welcome to the forum 2055bp. I’m bimodal with N7 and Resound Enzo 3D, implanted with a 522 nearly 2 years ago. I have 2 different sounds of tinnitus in my implanted ear. Fortunately when I have my process on I can’t hear any tinnitus. You could well be the same.
Start your own story on another page. Then keep adding to your story as you travel along this journey to better hearing. In your journey you can ask us all your questions, we will only be happy to try and help and encourage you. When is your activation day?
Good luck on your journey…:four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

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Thanks for reaching out Deaf piper
My activation day is 5-27-2021
My implant is 621 on the right side which I’ve not had much hearing in for the last 6mo or so. I’m 66 yrs old and have been a performing musician since I was in high school.I had to finally give up after hearing aids were no longer helping me hear pitch. I know this will be a long journey, but hopefully my brain will adapt.

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If you get a chance, do some reading on the category cochlear implants forum. Lots of helpful information.

Some of us had problems with the Kanso 2 not holding well to the newer 600 series Cochlear implants, ci612, ci622 and ci632 implants. Swelling is usually the problem but some of us just have thick skin. It took me about 3-4 months for the swelling to go down enough for the K2 to hold with the #5 magnet. @debbie_o uses the K2, she will chime in if needed. I actually wear the N7 during the day then put the K2 on in the evening. I use an android phone, the Google Pixel 3 that streams without any intermediate device. The N7 and K2 processors need Android 10 or higher to do this or you could also use most any Apple phones, iOS without an intermediate device.

Each of us are different concerning hearing. Some get speech understanding faster than others but most always do within a month or two. Then it just gets better. Pretty amazing technology.

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@2055bp how is everything going since activation? I hope all is well with you.

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I was thinking the same thing as Sheryl.
Are you really surprised? Activation can be a lot of things.
How are you doing?

I have the Nucleus 7 and Resound one9. When taking or making phone calls the N7 curs out. The smart app disappears. Message says can not find responder, turn on and hold close to the phone. These were paired by professional audiologists. I have contacted every company and all say it is not our fault. New 11 iphone. Everything has the latest updates possible. When it works it is great.

Welcome to the forum.

Try doing a hard boot of the phone.
Let us know.

I have hard booted, soft booted, bounced off walls, shook my finger at. Nothing improves.

Get rid of that iPhone, get yourself an Android phone. I use the Google Pixel 3 and don’t have phone issues with the N7 processors.:kissing_closed_eyes:
Just teasing.
@Deaf_piper uses the same set up you have I believe with an iPhone. Maybe she will chime in on this. @debbie_o might also have the same set up as you.

Might try removing the apps and starting over with everything booted. The aid and processor absolutely have to be paired to the phone at the same time. I think the Cochlear procedure is further up this thread somewhere but not sure.

Welcome to the forum. We will get rid of you Raudrive!:grin: Did your CI Aud pair your Resound one on her CI computer or did you try to do it? Because if you tried to fo it, it won’t stream. I can’t remember which one of mine kept cutting out. I think it was my CI. But it sounds like a pairing problem to me.
Have a look in your settings-accessibility-Hearing devices. Under your name at the very top it will tell you if it’s paired correctly. As you can see with mine I have both CI and Resound both paired to my CI and phone. Mine aren’t connected at the moment as it’s 6 am and I’m not out of bed yet.

Edited- once they are paired properly they stream seamlessly. Good luck.

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I have 2 Auds 1 for CI and 1 for my HA. It’s a tight royal pain in the butt. Because the HA Aud has to do her thing , then I have to take a 4.5 hr round trip on public transport to my CI Aud for her to hook my HA to my phone and CI. For me it’s a 2 step to get it all paired and working properly with my iPhone 11.

The CI audi needs to link both the hearing aid and the CI. Last year mine became unlinked and it drove me crazy. You can pair to your phone, but that doesn’t work if they aren’t linked. Only the CI audi can link your devices together so the can be paired to the phone so you can stream to both devices. I wish the audi’s would explain this to their patients.

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I am a new CI recipient (rt) and was activated with a Nucleus 7 on 6/28. I will be paired to iPhone on next mapping appt. I have an Oticon Exceed (L) and an iPhone.
Even though I am not paired yet, my phone cuts out if I have not taken my
iPad or TV off of BT.
Before you ditch your iPhone though (Ha ha) do give speak screen a whirl. Add “highlight content” and you have a very user friendly and enjoyable way to turn audio books into CI listening therapy.
You will find all this under accessibility and spoken word on your phone.
I use this program each eve and really think it helps as I read along. The high liter allows me to repeat sentences.
I am really excited about getting paired but do understand that my audiologist has to do both devices together.
These are very helpful devices and I am looking forward to using all of them for happy hearing soon!

Fudydud to the best of my knowledge the Oticon HA brand of aids won’t pair with the N7. You really need a Resound aid to pair to phone and N7 with ease. Oticon can be used but it will remain unpaired and won’t give you bimodal hearing/streaming effect.

Yes you do need to continually disconnect your iPad etc.

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I don’t have a CI yet, but I’m meeting with the surgeon on August 16 to discuss which device and to s schedule the implantation.

I went to Cochlear’s website and signed up to get a mentor and have yet to hear back from anyone?

Is that the norm?

How long ago did you ask for a mentor?
I got help within a couple days if I remember correctly.
They have been great.

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I’m sorry, I left that part out. It will be a week on Monday.

Try contacting Cochlear again.
Did you tell them you will be getting implanted soon?
Did your audiologist that did your CI evaluation talk about brand implants and processors?