Steps necessary to pair Roger Select to Lumity 90 hearing aids

That’s why going back to giving up on this ill-fated mission I foolishly started
Thanks for your efforts

Since you own an Roger Select iN (released Aug 2019) no special installer device is needed.
The Roger Select iN comes with two virtual receiver licenses and the license transfer is described in the PDF-file you got. After you performed the license transfer into your L90 aids you can perform the pairing

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Thank you kindly for clarification

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First push the hole button under clip with a something small enough - this step puts receivers in hearing aids and then push the chain button at bottom of device to pair to Roger.

After you connect the L90 with the MyPhonak app , you can check if the Roger licenses are installed in the hearing aids

Can you tell me what constitutes RECEIVER and MICROPHONE all directions refer to but don’t define. I know it seems ridiculous but that’s the truth and core of the problem.

Maybe Phonak thinks it’s obvious but not to me.

Honestly IT IS MIND BLOWING the time and effort expended to connect device and still fail. My previous endeavor/Topic has gotten totally off track. I want to perform steps as outlined by Phonak. But that’s impossible until someone can clarify and identify for me ROGER RECEIVER and MICROPHONE
This is making it confusing and impossible to connect my H.A.s and Roger Select IN as that’s the terms referred to in USER GUIDE.


I was going to add a picture of instructions to explain my confusion but as usual nothing works right

I’m totally tired of beating this dead horse but definitions are elemental to success

Press small hidden button with pin. LED will blink.
If you see two red blinks - turn on only one of hearing aids (turn off the second HA), place it close to Roger Select, and press this small hidden button again. You will see one green and one red blinks. Then turn off this hearing aid, turn on other hearing aid, place it close to Roger Select, press small hidden button again.
Now you will see two green blinks. Turn on both hearing aids, place it close to Roger Select, and press big button with chain link sign.

Each press of small hidden button with turned on and placed close to Roger Select hearing aid will bounce “licence” back and forward between Roger Select and hearing aids. When you see red blink - license is in hearing aid. When you see green blink - licence is in Roger Select. You can pair them with big button when both blinks are green.

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Aalthough I also don’t understand why there are two pairing steps. It would be quite enough to transfer the license as a pairing process.

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Hi @kcsummerkc, It is very confusing, but in truth a very simple process of transferring licenses, once you understand what you are doing… The Roger “In” version has has a built in installer, the Roger On version requires a separate Roger Installer, to transfer licenses from a physical Roger X receiver… Believe me, you are not alone in being confused, but once you see it done correctly, it’s so simple… Having said that, I once installed 2 licenses into the 1 aid, panic ensued as I thought I had probably bricked that aid, but fortunately each aid has 2 separate licenses slots, (type 02) & (type 03) I had somehow managed to install 2 x (type 03 licenses) into the 1 Marvel aid! I had forgotten to switch off the first aid after its license was installed & onboard, it was approximately 2 feet away from the Roger Installer, and obviously still connected, so it gobbled up the second license, fortunately for me, I just reversed the process, and all was well :joy: I honestly believe, if someone shows you how, you will see how simple the whole process is, and wonder why you found it so difficult… Good Luck, cheers Kev :wink:

I’ve been following this thread, I use my Roger on with a Roger x connected to a multi mic , as I have resound hearing aids. It was a one step. pairing connection. evidently no license involved for me. this all sounds a little too confusing for you to do without assistance. perhaps you could pay for one visit to an audiologist to do it for you. it is ridiculous that there is 0 support from Phonak, they should be able to connect with you and provide more than confusing emails. I’ve got good help from the British sites for hearing aid assistive devices, as they can sell without an Audi, ( and are very knowledgeable ). maybe they could do a zoom or something with you. this one is a pretty clear pdf of the select buttons and the steps.

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Is the delay noticeable with such setup?

Thanks, I did as you said and got the two blinking lights and pressed the chain button. Then I held one hearing aid touching it to the Roger Select and got a red light. What does that mean please? This is insane. Somewhere there’s something that says what a red light means but I can never find it when I’m in the middle of this.

What BIG BUTTON are you referring to press? Do you mean the connect button with the chain image?

I wish I had a dollar for every button I’ve pushed in every order and turning off hearing aids and turning on and turning off Roger Direct IN. Every conceivable combination of pushing buttons I have done.

Could you tell me PLEASE - What is device that is a RECEIVER. and What is device that is a MICROPHONE. Most directions I’ve seen say to do this that or the other with either Receiver or Microphone and maybe I’m doing it wrong but does Phonak think users intuitively know which is which. Why, for heavens sake don’t they say to place hearing aid near roger device or something like that. I know its a rhetorical question as you don’t know how Phonak thinks - but I’m just trying to explain why I have been fumbling around for 2 weeks. MAYBE if they made clear what devices are receivers and which devices are microphone then directions would make sense. THIS IS ALL SO FRUSTRATINGLY MAD-DRIVING ad infinitum process leading nowhere - for me anyway.

THE ONLY HOPE I HAVE IS FINDING SOMEONE TO READ your directions step by step to me because jumping back and forth I get lost. But since NOBODY visible lives in this d@mnable place I moved to after fleeing crime-ridden Kansas City - the chances of finding someone to help follow these steps are miniscule. Red Lights Blue Lights Blinking Lights Solid Lights Flashing Lights of all the colors of the rainbow - I dream about these thing. Admittedly I have a physical problem, i.e. ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder (I don’t have the hyperactive part of ADHD) but I have forced myself beyond endurance to concentrate here and then all the colors and flashing and do this then do that of some device I’m not sure they mean.

Then I get an email from Phonak asking if I purchased a receiver when I bought my Lumitys because she says they don’t come with them. My cheap ineffective Marvel 50’s came with receivers so surely high-end Lumity 90 do as well?

I’ve got all these little various notes scattered across my phone and my computer that won’t talk to each other that I stored SOMEWHERE on SOMETHING but which are right / wrong because I think the Phonak person who said I needed to buy receivers is crazier than I’m feeling these days.

If a hearing aid can have receiver than is it safe to assume that a Roger Direct IN is a microphone? I shouldn’t have to assume anything if Phonak would make common sense clear non-conflicting directions. It’s more stuff than my ADD-addled mind can deal with.

I did a google search. Here’s the Rogers Select Manual I truly hope it helps.

I have the same issues. Every time I saw my audiologist I ended up having to repair my hearing aids because he did it wrong. So I downloaded the owners manual for my hearing aids, my charger, my remote control and all my other accessories.

Phonak Audeo Paradise P90 R’s…

He asked me to find someone else who could help me more. So I’ve gone to a hearing aid practitioner who is excellent.

I truly appreciate your posts. Hope this manual helps you.


ps. I heard a comedian say “Common Sense isn’t so common anymore”

My Phonak hearing aids show me this every time I have a problem…(Jeep folks call anything that gets in the way Obstacles…put a tire on it and drive over it. maybe I’ll start calling problems obstacles.

edit: I must apologize. I forgot to post the link. Here are several and I hope they help.


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not that I can perceive.

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Maybe a stupid question, but if the “license” is actually transferred by a push-pin … well, could we just repeat that process on different aids?

I ask cuz I have TWO pairs of Lumity Life aids, only one pair of which has the Roger license on it. But I swap my aids in every other day, so I need yet another Roger license on the duplicate pair of aids.

Gawd, how I’d love if that worked … I’ll get me a push-pin!


You get two wishes with a new “iN” device. If they were already installed in a pair of aids, you are out of wishes. You can buy another new “iN” device for another pair of wishes, rotate licenses back and forth, or buy a pair of x receivers and have the licenses (wishes) transferred for you.


Wild thread, getting to be a bit of an Abbott & Castello bit. Let me take a crack.

@kcsummerkc It looks like you have already successfully transfered the licences (receivers) back into the Roger Select (microphone) from your old hearing aids. We know that because when you turn the Select on and press a pin into the hole briefly you get two green lights. Good stuff. Presuming this is still the case, try the following:

  1. Put your Audeo Lumities into their charger. Make sure the charger is plugged into the wall.
  2. Turn the Roger Select on
  3. Push your pin tool into the hole for 2 seconds (2 solid mississippis); make sure you’re holding it down.
  4. Remove one hearing aid from the charger and place next to the Roger Select (very close, basically on top of it so long as you can see the light)
  5. Wait and see if you get a solid green light. It will take some time for the hearing aid to boot up and for the license (receiver) to transfer.

If this works, yay! Put the hearing aid back into the charger and repeat with the other hearing aid.

Note that at this point the hearing aids are still not connected to the Select. But if this worked, come back and we can all do that next. If this doesn’t work, then I agree that a good approach would be to pay for one appointment to have an audiologist troubleshoot it for you.


Thanks so much for clarifying! AUGH. I was afraid of that. Thing is, I wear my two duplicate pairs of Lumity Life aids every other day. I simply don’t want to “mothball” one for backup use only.

So for this usage pattern to work, I need BOTH pairs of aids to:

  • have the identical program lineup & settings, so they both sound and cycle through programs identically
  • be paired + connected to the identical devices I use every day: my cell phone, the TV Connector, and now the Roger V2.
  • be completely transparent which aids I have on. I don’t want to fiddle-faddle swapping out Roger devices every single night as I use it.

If the Roger V2 requires TWO sticks, each with TWO unique licenses, that makes NO sense! That’s like me needing two Samsung Flip-4 phones cuz the aids only work with ONE unique cell phone.

I’m going in on Friday to talk to my audi about the pros and cons after a good, 2-week trial with the Roger V2. It would definitely impact my purchase decision if I’ll need TWO Roger V2 sets, each one dedicated to a single pair of Phonak aids.

Am I crazy? It shouldn’t be rocket science.