Steps necessary to pair Roger Select to Lumity 90 hearing aids

Very useful thread! I realized that it’s better not to have anything to do with Roger - it’s too complicated, confusing and expensive!


You could pair any Roger Mic to any of your Lumity obviously if the licenses are in there. That one Roger Mic is not locked to the set of licenses.

I’ve transferred licenses between my M70 and P70. It can be done but I wouldn’t want to do it everyday.


@kevels55 has purchased several sets of licenses on the secondary market. You should check into that. Save a bunch of $$$

Have one stick
Licenses in both sets of aids.
At that point you’re good.

The price for the licenses at retail is extortionate but they can be had from eBay or other markets for much less.



Thank you @WhiteHat… If you are buying 2nd hand, it is imperative the Roger X receivers have a serial number above 1744, any Roger X that is lower than this, will not work with, Marvel, Paradise or Lumity… So ask, before you buy! All Phonak A.uD’s will normally have a Roger Installer, it takes less than 10 minutes to transfer both the licenses from 2 Roger X receivers into a pair of Phonak aids, they are done individually, a friendly A.uD should hopefully do this for nothing, or a very small fee… I have 3 sets of licenses, 2 x (type 02) 1 x (type 03)… Bought new here in the UK, Roger X receivers are about £350 each for (type 03) & around £600 each for (type 02) I tried it with 1 x license, it worked, but only in 1 aid… IMO, any Roger device works far better with both aids & receivers activated! To give some idea of prices I paid… The best deal I got, was for a 6 month old (type 02) Roger X, for £56… The rest all cost more, £380 for 1 pair of (type 02) still a massive saving, 1 other (type 02) was around £200, 1 x (type 03) for £76, the other (type 03) was bought new from my A.uD £360 if I recall correctly? This was my first and last Roger X, that I bought new… So there are bargains to be had, and it’s only the license you are looking for, it therefore makes no difference if the Roger X receivers are second hand… One other caveat, disreputable sellers could easily sell you Roger X receivers that are minus their license, so I would be inclined to always pick sellers with excellent feedback, I personally never encountered this, but it is always a possibility… Cheers Kev :wink:


Agreed on making sure the seller is reputable, as receivers over 1744 may already have had their licenses removed. This could bevthe same buying 2nd hand Roger iN devices too.

Personally, I’m one Roger X short (got 2x T3 & 1x T2) of having both my M70s and P90s Roger equipped. Ebay seems either very expensive or un-trustworthy at the moment.

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Yeah Peter, it’s sometimes a leap of faith, I usually go with my gut feeling… Occasionally, folk are selling things like Roger X receivers, and they have little or no idea of their retail value… I mean, does a Roger X (type 02) Educational receiver look like it’s worth £600? It’s tiny for a start, and maybe cost £20 to make, it certainly doesn’t look like £600 worth of gear when placed on the table… Good luck in your search for another (type 02) Peter… Cheers Kev :wink:


I totally GET where you’re coming from. I am not a DIYer, nor do I want to be overwhelmed with the tech challenges of devices I rely on EVERY DAY.

That said, I have really enjoyed the Roger V2 in certain instances: I take it to dinner when there’s a lot of background noise I want to cut through. (However, I do have to say that my Lumity Life aids will do a good job in most cases, it’s just that I’ll miss a bit more conversation unless I have the Roger to BEAM that speech to my ears.)

I’ve really enjoyed traveling with the Roger V2 and being able to stream the TV wherever I am. To my AMAZEMENT, I was able to get at the back of the TV in all but one hotel. That’s necessary to plug in the toslink cable for sound streaming. Only ONE hotel out of 7 we stayed at had the wall socket TOO FAR AWAY to plug in the Roger power cord. That could be resolved with an extension cord (used to take one on trips for the hair blower!) or traveling with a battery pack that has several hours’ of charge on it.

The Roger V2 acts as both a TV Connector replacement AND a device to beam speech in noisy places. If I’m a passenger in the back seat of a car, I can just point the stick at folks sitting up front to hear what they’re saying.

So don’t give up on the Roger! We need to keep trialing these devices and providing honest, in-the-trench feedback to our audis and folks here. United we stand. And we have to keep forcing Phonak and other companies to meet our needs with flexibility and quality.

I look forward to sharing my experiences with my audi (cc her Phonak rep) so we get the word out. Roger V2 is worth the money, but it still needs to be refined for the total USABILITY factor: license fees need to be realistic (or folks will find a work-around).

Hey, while we’re on the subject, I’ve told my audi and the Phonak rep that their “waterproof” claim for the Lumity Life aids is utter GARBAGE. It’s no better than any other aid out there, and they need to stop pushing that message in brochures. Without them hearing from us, and our telling them that we post our experiences HERE where their customer base is coming for advice, we’ll never get the devices we need.


Okay! That is impressive. I would be daunted trying to get that license on to the second pair of Lumity Life aids I have. But seeing that it can be done - with secondary market options - is very intriguing.


That would be IDEAL! I hope to get to that point by week’s end …
I’ll see what offer Phonak makes for the 2nd pair of licenses.

I really HATE to buy things at eBay. They always want PayPal payment (and I don’t trust vendors for my VISA), which leads to buckets of spam from the PayPal transaction.

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Your feeling about Roger Devices would be fitting and justified if money-grubbing Phonak actually sells fewer Roger devices because of the endless confusion that seems to be associated with Phonak products.

Thanks Neville for taking a crack at this long-lived conundrum of mine. I will try your suggestion but I’m not sure I have the necessary ambidextrous talent necessary - especially since I destroyed my hands working here on my mini-“farm”. For my hard work I now have arthritis, mangled joints and crooked fingers.

Please excuse the aside Did anybody watch or remember the film “East of Eden” the same tale originally from John Steinbeck. The femme fatale / mother was played by beautiful vixen Jane Seymour - but she always wore gloves covering her hands and I remember wondering what could be so bad that you’d need to cover them up - well now I know but unfortunately I’m not the raving beauty Jane Seymour is.

Let me get this straight - am I to hold the pin down in Roger Direct at the same time as I’m retrieving one of my Lumitys and holding it on top of RS?

I think (its been so many attempts I get confused) I was able to get the two flashing green lights before but never made it to the Green Solid.

I will take your word for it that another step is needed to connect the RS and H.A. pair. But I have heard so many conflicting accounts and yada yada stuff from Phonak who has sent me an email saying that Lumity 90 does not come standard with receivers and that I will have to buy one. (if so I WON’T buy one because Phonak has let me down too many times).

BTW I have done searches and emails to various sources WHETHER Lumity 90 does in fact NOT COME STANDARD with Lumity 90 which is what Phonak has told me straight out that I have to buy one which would mean my two-week crazy-making adventure was doomed from the very beginning. So… I’m a wee bit reluctant to step back on the endless treadmill in search of connection. But I will try what you’ve suggested with reservation (not about you but about whether Lumity comes with receivers built in ).

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It SHOULDN’T BE THIS COMPLICATED and one should not have to get a MINOR in computer research about Phonak and its twisted ways, rules and means.

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IMO you shouldn’t have to buy two Roger Devices for 2 identical pairs of hearing aids. The more I read the more I despise the company who is the source of both my old and my new hearing aids.

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perhaps they were referring to the licenses which you already have, and have moved from the older pair back into the select. next step move to hearing aids. last step, pair

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Is this picture of an ADD-ON receiver rather than one that’s built in - is that the reason for additional length of the hearing aid?

But you see that RED is what I keep getting - which is apparently a “not successful” indicator. But there’s no clue why it wasn’t successful. It’s like being on one of those SCAVENGER HUNTS I used to hear about.

yes, your aids do not require the add on receiver, yours is internal, Follow Neville’s directions to install the licenses in your hearing aids.


I ONLY WISH THAT’S what they were referring to but they specifically stated RECEIVER must be purchased.

Can I assume the graphic you show is something from Phonak? IF SO - here’s a prime example of Phonak, despite its who know multi-trillion dollar company - making a great product but AFTER THE SALE IS WHERE THEY SCREW YOU up.

You can buy a can of soup and it will (because its required by law) have a list of every single ingredient in the can that makes up the soup.

But with Phonak hearing aids you apparently get no such complete list of what bang you are getting for your buck. BUYER BEWARE - but WHY/ HOW is this the philosophy of megalith Phonak monster.

Now that I am a “SENIOR CITIZEN” I take time and the spending of it much more seriously. Who knows when the sands run out for any of us. IF IS KNEW I had only a month or even a year before I died I WOULD NOT squander my time as I have with Phonak.

So I have mixed feelings. One says LET IT GO ALREADY. And the other says DON’T BE A QUITTER. Sigh

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Yes! That is what I saw the Phonak rep doing when she put the 2 licenses on a pair of my Lumity Life aids.

She held the Roger stick in one hand, thumb pressed against the hearing aid on top of the stick. Then she hunched forward and stuck the PIN into the Roger V2 stick. If you look closely, you’ll see a PIN-HOLE right above the ON/OFF switch on the right side of the Roger stick. What I don’t know is how long you have to press/hold the pin in for the so-called “license” to transfer.

Somehow, pushing that PIN into the Roger stick (with the aid sitting right on top of it) is how the so-called “license” is xferred to the aids.

The latest on my end is that I won’t be going in THIS Friday to turn in my trial Roger. Instead, Phonak wants to meet up with me at my audi’s in 2 weeks to discuss “doing something different” in order to address my requirement for Roger V2 on all 4 Phonak aids I own.

We shall see what transpires!


if you do not have the Roger select IN version then a Roger x receiver must be purchased. You have the IN version, ( Audi moved the licenses to your old aids ) ( you moved them back to the select ). now follow Nevilles directions and move them into the new aids.

rothlev1, I think you DO need to purchase the Roger license even with the latest V2 release. That is a current sticking point with my own purchase decision of the V2. If Phonak can’t sell me the so-called license so I can use ONE Roger V2 stick with all FOUR of my aids (2 pairs of Lumity Life aids) I will not be happy. I really need simplicity.

Analogy: A single Phonak TV Connector works with every single pair of Phonak aids I have: 1 Marvel, 2 Lumity Life pairs.

That’s the kind of simplicity I’m wanting for the Roger V2. One stick, any and all sets of Phonak aids that are paired + connected to it.

(EDIT: Well, perhaps I’m talking about how my audi & Phonak want me to get the Roger license legitimately on all these dang Phonak aids?)

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