Steps necessary to pair Roger Select to Lumity 90 hearing aids

But I cannot install it because the licenses are stuck in my old hearing aids and try as I might I cannot retrieve them.

It helps the Roger On shows visibly whats in the device.

I just cannot seem to get the licenses out of the marvels.

After I take a short break to clear my mind I will come back and try again. Thanks.

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Check that there are any receiver licenses in the Roger Select iN microphone. Just briefly push the pin
tool into the button hole farthest from the S/N. ( just a short press, not 2 seconds See pdf-guide )

The color of the LED light blinking shows the number
of receiver license-codes available / not available

  • two green flashes = two receiver available in microphone
  • one green flash and one red flash = one receiver license in microphone , one empty slot
  • two red flashes = no receiver in microphone , meaning two empty slots

Note: the LED light is located between the button hole and the chain button on the underside of the microphone! See picture 5 in PDF-Guide


Thank you so much to everyone who has tried to help me get this resolved (which I hoped to have done by now). Unfortunately I have been distracted by and email I received from my remote audiologists from whom I purchased my Lumity 90 hearing aids.

I need to respond to their email and as soon as that is done I will return and try this again. I owe it to all of you who have taken your time to help me with this - I owe it to you not to give up and I haven’t. Thank you all so very much - promise to return later today and to give this another go.


THIS HAS TURNED OUT to be WAY LONG and I’m sorry for that.

Okay this is nuts -

Here the thing. My confusion started when I got this video link as the total sum and substance of “help” from my Remote Audiologist - which video is not helpful to me because there are no verbal “clues” or words/directions - just music on the video which they should have left out as its distracting and worthless - I can’t figure out what buttons the person on the video is pushing - his hands are in the way. I can’t tell what steps the video person is performing with which buttons or in which sequence and what happens after all the abra cadabra stuff on the video. My remote audiologist didn’t make this video he just sent it to help and or confuse me. Anybody want to share their take on this whether You find THIS VIDEO helpful or confusing?

Now people on this forum have tried very hard to help me but all the various steps etc. taken together with stuff from Phonak and Remoe Audiologist have run together in my overloaded mind. NOT THIS FORUM’S FAULT, let me be clear.

I just tried to perform the steps suggested in this Discussion. When I insert the little tool into the hole farthest from the SN - I get two blinking green lights.
Then when I hold one of the hearing aids close to or touching the Roger Select I get solid red.

When I press the connect button on the RS (with the symbol) it FLASHES BLUE and THEN immediate FLASHES RED.

So I think the only part that went according to plan was the flashing green light.

AND let me tell you over the past however many days I have lost track of how many messages have come from Phonak Support. So much stuff I can’t begin to read and/or make sense of it all but a lot of it is off topic to my goal here.

One email says that more than one different device can share the license with Roger Select. So don’t worry about retrieving license just go ahead and connect the RS and the two hearing aids because more than one device can be shared with.

One email says and I quote below in italics:

Thank you for your response. Is the device fully charged?

Make sure Roger Select is switched on.

Make sure the hearing aids are powered on.

Press the connect/chain-link button at the back of the Roger Select.

Hold Roger Select beside the HA. Make sure it touches both devices.

Devices should be connected now.

I followed the emailed directions in italics above. But THE EMAIL QUOTED doesn’t say how to tell if the transfer took place - it just says THEY SHOULD BE CONNECTED.

I started out in this whole thing confused and a little goofy. After all the different recommendations none of which seem to work - or going back to the retrieving the license from the old Marvels nothing seems to work and I don’t know how to tell if it works. All the flashing lights and solid lights of various colors GREEN BLUE AND RED has left me even more confused - but I admit I think I get more confused than the average bear.

I think to save my sanity I have to let this whole thing go. Which is disappointing because I paid just short of $1200 for this thing in 2020 and then COVID happened and my audiologist vanished never to be heard from again (whether she got covid or was just scared and staying home to be safe). So then a substitute audiologist from the same group told me the RS I had ordered had been received and she had it in her offiice for me to come pick it up. (I was quite excited thinking this R.S. new costly device would enable me to be capable of engaging more successfully in conversations. LITTLE DID I KNOW THE ROUGH RIDE I WAS IN FOR). So I went to pick it up (I was in her office AT THE MOST FOR 10 MINUTE. She paired it to my hearing aids and then she basically told me to take it home and play around with it. SELF-HELP.

I purchased this Roger Select IN mainly for two reasons (a few months after purchasing Marvel 50’s and finding them lacking). One was to be able to watch TV without always being so occupied reading the captions to actually see what was happening on screen. THE OTHER MOST IMPORTANT REASON was to be able to converse intelligently with my sons and granddaughter and her family and also things like a book club I went to once a month. With the RS IN I did get better word recognition SOMETIMES, depending on the tone or number of the people talking. The TV thing overall didn’t work out because it was too much echo / mumbling.

Neither of my goals for me with this device came to pass. THIS WHOLE THING HAS BEEN A BIG FLOP. I don’t mean here on this forum - I mean the hearing aids that I purchased weren’t sufficient and then I paid more for the RS and it didn’t work plus COVID interfered. I think the advice from my Remote Audiologist of ONE VIDEO was not at all helpful, just frustrating; and stuff from Phonak Support that seemed to contradict - but honestly between emails with Phonak and my Remote Audiologist (one of whom has actually been abrasive and hostile) and this forum which I STILL APPRECIATE - I’m just on MY LAST NERVE.

I WILL SAVE ALL THE ADVICE I GOT HERE. Maybe some day not too far off I can convince one of my kids to help me with this. Maybe read the steps out loud while I try to do them. Am I a total loser/idiot - at this point in my mind the jury is still out.

This remote purchase of my Lumity’s thing is a blessing because I never would’ve been able to afford them otherwise - but its also been a curse because I’m not sure how much confidence I can have in my Remote Audi’s.

I just want to reiterate that all this confusion is in no way caused by the people here who have tried so very hard to help me.

It has been ENCOURAGING to know how many people heard my plea and stuck with me trying to help.

So I’ll just wrap it up for now and say THANK YOU.

And you can be thankful that I’ll shut up now!

NO! Don’t give up now.

Your licenses are in the select.
You now need to press the hole switch with a paperclip for MORE than 2 seconds and it will start flashing.
Now place your first aid on it switched on.
If it transfers it will go solid green.
According to @Zebras you don’t have to switch the aid off/on, just keep the other well away.
Stop reading other stuff for now.


What makes you believe the licenses are in the select and how did they get there? Somewhere someone told me I didn’t need to worry about retrieving licenses and maybe you reiterate that.

I have tried going on that supposition and never got the solid green light indicating success.

All these directions are muddled hopelessly in my mind bits and pieces as though they’ve been thru a blender.

By now I do not have much confidence I can get anything helpful from Phonak so their SUPPORT moniker is a misnomer I fear

Do I have to do the connect sequence with both HA or only one? If I have to do both the blinking green lights go away if im too slow holding next to RS.

You need to do both.
The green light should go solid if the licence is transferred.
Don’t forget to keep the second aid well away.
Concentrate on what zebras and I are telling you.
The two flashing green lights are in confirmation that the licences are in the select.

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I’m also unpleasantly surprised. So Roger accessories require two pairing processes? The first is license transfer. The second is the actual creation of a pair. Oticon and Bluetooth accessories are much easier to pair.


The two blinking green lights indicating that two receiver licenses are in the Roger select microphone and you are able to transfer the licenses into your Audeo L90 hearing aids

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Yes I did that and got the 2 flashing green lights but when I held the hearing aid close to the R.S. I got a red light. What does that mean? This is so mixed up - I don’t know how to get the solid green light.

CURSES on PHONAK that’s my sentiment about them right now after all this endless pressing of lights flashing different colors. I follow the current steps and it does not work.

The agony Phonak’s invisible license transfer process is mental cruelty.

At some time in this whole thing SOMEWHERE there were instructions that involved pressing the Connect Button but now the instructions don’t refer to that. Anyway I have tried all these various processes and they don’t work.

How can what is supposedly a simple process - how does that expand to all these comments AND STILL NOTHING HAS WORKED.

This Roger Select IN has delivered, more than anything since purchasing it - it has delivered grief and confusion. I paid almost $1200 to be tortured with the device I spent the funds on. Not just with this but also with trying to use it with the TV, there also the process described by Phonak doesn’t work either. But PHONAK ONLY CARES ABOUT adding to their wealth.

Right now I can’t say with certainty what Phonak requires because of all the various instructions I’ve gotten from Phonak and my remote audi plus the ones here.

I can’t figure out why I get the first part - the two flashing green lights on the RS but then instead of solid green I get red and I HAVE NO CLUE.

Maybe you moved license back to hearing aid? Repeat moving license to Select, then press the big button with link sign.

NOPE - I’m sorry I QUIT. I just can’t continue - it’s messing with my mind. Not the people here who tried to help - but Phonak for all their dumb directions and mixed email.

When I look back at these pages - all that has transpired - my eyes glaze over and I realize my mind has ceased to function in any productive way.

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The lights were showing odd things to me but I did the installation and the App told me the licenses have transferred.

The Roger also works with my hearing aids now as well.

Which button were you pressing when you got the green lights?

My comments probably deserve a separate thread.
1 lost a left marvel
2 went to a new audio ( v unhappy with previous) , trialled and ordered Unitron Moxi Vivante
Audio advised (and confirmed with Unitron rep ) that roger in could be set up with the new aids.
3 Ordered new aids and I am flying a few days after they arrive.
4 Audi messages me and advises that Phonak will not transfer a licence from a lost aid and that I must buy a new licence !!!
5 Not sure what will happen next , perhaps I will buy a licence to let me fly and sue later.
In Australia I believe that Phonak are not acting legally and are about to find themselves in deep manure.
What a dreadful business model… words fail me



Why do you think Phonak should replace the license when you loose the HA?

Before the licenses were bought out for newer Phonak Aids, the Roger X receiver were attached on to the bottom of the HAs.

If you lost a HA, you also loose the Roger X receiver and will have to buy another Roger X.

It’s like asking for free things because you loose things! It isn’t Phonak fault that you loose things.

This is how the old Roger X receivers attached to older HAs for reference.


Because now it’s a software, not a hardware and different rules apply to it. License is bound to to the user not to the hardware and Phonak is artificially enforcing their own way, because they’re greedy.