Steps necessary to pair Roger Select to Lumity 90 hearing aids

This to me seems all so complicated. I wish I had someone here with me to read directions while I try to complete this but unfortunately its just me. I will report my success or failure tonight or in a few days. When I get frustrated with things I have to force myself to put it aside and try later but that’s not easy to do because I like to get things done quickly but in matters like this it can be a slow process.

Thank you for your time and effort responding.

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Oh you are just like me, I don’t have much confidence in Phonak based on the years I’ve had their hearing aids. They tell me to talk to my audiologist and my remote programmer/audiologists tells me (if he responds) to talk to Phonak.

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I wish they would UN-COMPLICATE THINGS by tell me in very simple language what the buttons are for on back of the Roger Select. For as costly as they are it seems they can deliver hi-tech stuff but simple plain, clear language in directions is lacking. Same is true for some of the videos - they don’t say a word and somehow I am supposed to intuit just from watching them what’s happening in the video. Sigh. And why do they say to hold the Roger Select near the RECEIVER. Why don’t they say “near the hearing aid”? There must be a difference that causes them to say “near receiver” or maybe it was “touching receiver”. How do I know where the receiver is?

Its very difficult for me - I can’t properly explain why things are so difficult for me like this. I wasn’t always so slow to comprehend and it makes me feel quite fatalistic and discouraged because I don’t understand it myself so I can well imagine what others must think.

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Assuming you have a Roger Select iN:
Check if it has got a hole like this picture below:

If Yes it has got one, then you have a Roger Select iN, then the rest is much simpler; But if not, then you will need to see your hearing care provider.

Thanks, It does have a hole so good news this will be simpler with Roger Select ‘IN’.

Would you be able to clear up for me what is Roger Receiver. It’s confusing for me Roger Microphone. I don’t recall seeing much about hearing aids, instead the Roger Receiver and the Microphone.

Thanks but as to CONFIGURATOR it asks for product line ? Do I want to do this with Lumity or Marvel? Actually, coming back again with clarification request. it doesn’t list Marvel or Lumity so how do I choose from their list of choices ??

As usual I’m stuck at very beginning choosing from their list of Phonak items.

YOU SEE I don’t recall Either PHONAK SUPPORT line or my remote audi saying anything about retrieving licenses from marvel and installing to Lumity Before even trying to do the pairing. As for my remote audi, he just sent me a 5 year old 2 minute video with a mute man pushing buttons for a few seconds pushing a couple of invisible buttons that end with 5 seconds of happy cheering music signifying CASE CLOSED when it’s much more complicated than this. Both of them have let me down unless I missed something. Phonak says talk to audi and audi doesn’t actually respond at all which I took to mean he didn’t feel it was his responsibility as it involves a device a an item not purchased from him.

And now I’m confused further after reading the Firmware update thread. Phonak Lumity firmware update - #38 by Zebras This is so far over my head, I think Phonak wants me to give up and buy a new Roger Select but my bank acct is drained. I think is going to end up being moved to my LOST CAUSE folder.

In fact im so confused I can’t remember which issue(s) I’m confused about.

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Just to be clear, what does it say on the back of your Roger Select? Does it say

Model: Roger Select
Model: Roger Select iN

There’s a huge difference



@kcsummerkc Your best course of action is to take your Lumity + Marvel + Roger and any accessories you have working with your marvel to your next hearing care appointment, since you are in your 3rd month after purchasing the Lumity, I expect a follow up meeting with your hearing care provider.
So don’t worry too much about it.

This lady bought her aids online. They won’t help with the select.
@kcsummerkc have you found the setting hole on the back of the select yet. You need to know if you have a select or a select IN.

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Got this response from Phonak: The Roger Select must be a Roger Select iN (released Aug 2019). If it’s indeed a Roger Select iN and worked with the previous Marvel hearing aids, then the receivers could still be in the Marvel hearing aids. If that’s the case, the advice provided by @firenzel is correct.

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Thanks for suggestion. I Never noticed before. It says Roger Select IN.

I’m charging up my Marvels since I haven’t used them.

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You are correct I did buy them online and yes I have Roger Select IN. There are two buttons Left and Right and in the center between the two is a Dot. Is that dot the Setting Selection?

Thank you for your help figuring out what I need to do. I purchased the Marvel Hearing Aids in August 2019 and the Roger Select was purchased in April of 2020 so based on what is inscribed on the back of the device and the dates it must be a Roger Select IN.

So I will go ahead and follow the information you indicate is correct from @firenzel.

It’s going to be a long process as it appears to me now but at least the device has been properly identified. I have gotten the Marvel 50s out of cold storage and they are charging.

I will attempt to follow the directions of Step 1 retrieving the licenses from the Marvels later this evening. But first. My two faithful dogs are waiting not patiently for their dinner. I’m ready for dinner too but to be clear there are 2 separate menus - one for canines and one for me.

I am very grateful for all the help so that hopefully I will know what needs doing.

Back later.

The setting is the hole on the back as the photo above.
Use a paperclip or a sim card tool to press the internal switch, you will feel it "give "
Press for 2 seconds and the green light will flash.
Place one aid next to the select and switch it on.
Keep the other aid well away and switched off.
The green light should go solid when the licence is transferred.
Switch that aid off and repeat with the second aid.
Press the "connect " button to check the transfer- this is the button with 2 links of a chain marked on it.
The procedure is not always reliable so keep trying.
Reread the instructions for the light sequence to check both licences are in the select.
You are ready to start again with the transfer to your lumity aids when you have 2 green lights.

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What a terrible pairing process! Hopefully Bluetooth LE Audio will make all accessories equal so we can choose the best one for any hearing aid!

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Oh you can be sure that companies will do everything in their power to make it harder for us. They don’t want you to have a choice.


There appears to be two holes on the back - one on the left and one in the middle. Is it in fact a hole in the middle and if so do you know what its for.

So I will read again the directions and the light sequences and TRY in a few minutes as soon as I gather my wits just coming in from working outside.

Before I begin my efforts to retrieve licenses so they can be used with my Lumity Aids - I want to say that I don’t recall ever seeing any such details from Phonak or from my remote audi/programmer (from whom I got a link to an approximately 2 minute instructional video how to pair my Lumity aids to the Roger Select. I don’t think he ever asked if I had a Roger Select IN or said how to determine if I did. Maybe he doesn’t feel that’s his responsibility since I only bought the Lumity’s and not the Roger Select from him. But he says the group he works for shoots for perfect score (5 Stars) from all their clients. I’ve already done my review but if not I would have deducted one star based on this issue with pairing. Not only that but when I wrote to tell him the video link was not at all helpful because the only sound was music, no language/words used which would have been helpful since its hard to look at my hearing aids and Roger Select and watch his video at the same time - and even when I did watch it was hard - for me anyway - to see the buttons he was pushing. The video should have (in my opinion) at some point identified the buttons and what they were for.
I’ll have to look again at the info I got from Phonak because there were more than a few links but I want to determine if they ever asked if I had an “IN” or not and if it had ever been used on previous hearing aids. I may have even said that it was from previous hearing aids but I don’t recall and don’t want to make false accusations.

I don’t recall either Phonak or the remote audi saying anything about licenses either.

So much of my anxiety could have been avoided with clearer guidance from Phonak and remote audi. That said, I am just grateful to have found guidance here from people kind enough to give it and for the forum being available - I and many others would I think be lost without it.

Anyway I’m going to read directions and get all the various cast of characters nearby (both Lumity and Marvels H.A. and the Roger Select IN).

SO TO READ and take a deep breath … here I go…

btw - I feel the need to explain for my sake and any interested reader: there maybe some watching this topic and wonder why it’s such a big issue to me - but its a problem I have had to deal with throughout life and I know stuff like this often invokes anxiety and frustration (if things go south). So I’m already anxious to start with. Wish me luck - I don’t like feeling not in control. I MEAN, its not like I’m preparing to do brain surgery :upside_down_face:
I ENVY (even though its said to be one of the seven deadly sins) those who are able to do stuff like this so easily and that technology comes so easily to them because obviously technology is here to stay at least for the forseeable future.


The centre ‘hole’ isn’t a hole, it’s just an LED