Yesterday I went for a hearing test at Specsavers after discovering that the Specsavers Advance Elite, also known as the Advance 72, is a white label version of the Phonak Lumity.
Like the Costco KS10, which I am upgrading from, there might be one or two features not available. It is not available in the Life version of Lumity nor the Naida versions.
There is a 100 day trial. The price comes to £2125. This includes custom receivers, the rechargeable unit and a 4 year guarantee. I can decide to upgrade to the actual Lumity if I want within the 100 day period as long as I pay the price difference. The Lumity is £2800.
They are also locked but I don’t consider that too much of an issue as the Specsavers store is in my town centre and it is only 1.5 miles away, and I will be able to go back when needed to make adjustments.
After Costco and Sonova ended their relationship, this is a new exploration. The audiologist was knowledgeable and will perform REM in my follow up appointment in a couple of weeks. Impressions were taken yesterday for the custom c-shells.
We did briefly discuss the Naida Lumity. But the audiologist said the RIC version was within my range with the UP receivers - after looking at the Target screen. I will see if there is enough headroom during the trial. If not, I may opt for the Naidas.
She said specsavers will be releasing a new version of the App for the aid in a few weeks. In terms of colours one doesn’t get the same range as the Lumity. I chose the colour granite.
The audiologist was keen to know whether I used telecoil often. One interesting comment that my audiologist said about Telecoil is that it is very embedded in the UK in terms of legislation. So by law, a lot of banks, customer facing public services etc, must have a loop system. This legislation has taken a long time to implement. This means that Auracast will take a long time too to implement, as impressive as the technology may be.
I will post more in a couple of weeks. I know that people know about the Lumity already. This will be more about the whole specsavers experience. I know that they have stores in Australia and maybe other countries as well.