Question for users of Phonak Sphere Infinio

Since the Sphere Infinio is supposed to have the best noise reduction capabilities, do you still find it necessary to use a device such as Roger On for those challenging environments such as noisy restaurants and bars?

Presently I wear Lumity 90s and considering an upgrade. I may wait to see if Phonak introduces Telecoil to the Sphere Infinio.


I doubt Phonak will add a telecoil to the already larger-than-average Sphere hearing aid (3g vs. ~2.3g). Maybe in Naida, but thatā€™s only my supposition.

Regarding RogerOn, I havenā€™t transferred the license to Sphere, but I think it could still be useful, especially for sources of speech >1.5m away.


It has great noise reduction and is directional. But I just decided to buy a Roger ON because I it could be contribute to more controlled listening. ,major activity a few key persons. At a panel discussion or presentation - especially when you have sound systemsā€¦ when key presenters are inexperienced at focusing on the microphone.
For me it is like buying tools, to have when they can be helpfulā€¦ and believe me, that has OFTEN happened!


There are situations where the Roger is useful but not nearly as many as there were before I got the Spheres. In restaurants, for example, I donā€™t need the Roger. But when the speaker is far away or the Roger can be worn by a speaker, it is still very useful.

Iā€™m sure you know this already, but you donā€™t need to transfer the licenses from another pair of aids unless, of course, you just want to. You reclaim additional licenses in your Roger iN and use those.


Besides the other points, there are reports of varying success with Roger On at hearing speakers at distances. Iā€™ve generally had good results in lecture/church type scenarios, but they have had single speaker environments. It mostly helps with echo for me. But some folks find pointer mode useless. Iā€™m only in P90, but I try to survey folkā€™s reports. I like my Roger on, but not everyone does.



Unfortunately I have V1, non-IN version :roll_eyes:

For what I remember, this depends on the openness of acoustic coupling and HA microphone attenuation or even muting. I had terrible experiences with Dynamic FM over 10ā€“12 years ago (no improvement with them), but there was little accessible knowledge, and I didnā€™t know that it could be deteriorated by a large vent or imperfect earmold. I wish I had the knowledge I had now.

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Yes, Iā€™ve found that even traditional (non-AI) noise reduction and directivity (Speech in Noise program) are excellent in Sphere, even with a dome instead of an earmold! I have Sphere since 4th March and compare it to the Paradise 90-RT.

Whatā€™s more, I use Sphere only monaurally, so I do not have access to StereoZoom 2.0 and the Speech in Loud Noise program. So the directionality of Spheres could be even better in binaurally fitted patients.

The only drawback I see is that the feature is very position-dependent regarding Sphere placement on the auricle. I noticed markedly improved hearing when I lifted the lower part of the hearing aid housing to align the two microphones more horizontally relative to each other.

I wish Sphere hearing aids were more L-shaped, like the Oticon Intent or Widex SmartRIC, for better horizontal microphones alignment.


interestingā€¦ wonder if the previous Intent Model also were thusly shaped? I have those still.

Why previous? Intent is the newest model from Oticon. Yes, it is L-shaped, maybe not as much as in Widex, but stillā€¦

sorry, well i have the previous modelā€¦ whatever that name was.
it was not my intent to be confusing :smile:


REALly? :stuck_out_tongue:

why sure!
think i was being phonak?
not my intent at all. :grimacing:

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By the way, could you test effectiveness of your directivity depending on HA positioning of your Spheres?

you mean like how they perch on the peaks of my ears ?

Yes, and does your perception of sound improve when, for example, you slightly lift the lower part of the housings in the Speech of (Loud) Noise program?

Just out of curiosity.

I checked by trying to listen to YouTube on my smartphone while the air purifier was running (~65 dBA), then adjusting Speech Focus to maximum in my Phonak app.

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If you upgrade to the Spheres itā€™s unlikely you would need a Roger device. Especially if you go with the I90s that have the full strength Spheric Speech Clarity.

I work at Injoy Hearing and the Sphere I90s are by far the most popular hearing aid right now.

Nearly every patient Iā€™ve talked to after theyā€™ve worn them for awhile has said they almost immediately improved their quality of life and eliminated the dreaded ā€œsmile and nodā€ at dinners, family weddings, etc.

My Opinion: Definitely worth wearing them for awhile before you swing for the Roger. Worst case scenario, you come back for the Roger or Partner mic later; best case, you save some money!


Save some money, by spending thousands on new hearing aids? Lumity (even my Marvels and Paradise) sort that problem with my Roger On.

Sort = Solve?
The Sphears let me hear people that I could never hear with my Lumity or Paradise even with the Roger On. Iā€™m not sure I understood your comment correctly.


My Roger TableMic II iN has used all 10 of its licenses, and no more are avalable via the Roger Upgrader software (v 1.30). I do have 6 working pairs.

Regarding my comment above, all I was meaning was Iā€™m ok with speech in noise with my existing HAs, with the occasional addition of my RogerOn. Speech enhancer works really well.


Sphere seems to do the job for me in noisy environments- and allows me to be less ā€˜confinedā€™ in terms of listening with Roger (for example if a waiter approaches I can hear, whilst with Roger iā€™d be limited to the direction set).
However, Roger is still essential for me to be able to understand the TV. I use it with the TV adaptor and it is linked to my Sphere HA.