hello ! Does anyone know how long after programming will walk phonak marvel trial version ? Thanks
I believe it’s 6 weeks before you get beeps on the trial versions on the Marvel and Paradise aids.
I got a strange answer from a professional…" 180 days, "So I was surprised. I also think much shorter. There is no information about this anywhere via google.
I am curious if the duration of “6 weeks” after programming is counted… calendar or the operating time of the hearing aid.
I’m not sure these are meant to be sold to clients.
Unitron software has a trial duration option which can be set to a maximum of six weeks.
So the 6 weeks before the beeps if I recall felt like more than 6 calendar weeks; I wonder if it is 6 weeks in hours of usage i.e. 1008 hours.
Anyway I have sold these aids now and have moved on to Paradise P90’s
The trial aids were great to me as I got them VERY cheap, I never however did try the other feature levels as I just left them at the highest feature configuration.
If you self programme and can get them cheap I would advocate getting them, as much as we should not self programme the seller should not be selling them.
where to buy trial aids that I could self-program?
I need Naida UP (Paradise)
Big thank you for your information !
Ebay.com or in the local market - announcements.
Hello there,
I purchased two Phonak M90-R hearing aids from an auction on Ebay.
When I received them it turned out that they are TRIAL versions. The TRIAL sign is clearly visible on one of them, while the other shows clear traces of scraping the sign off of the aid (see photos).
I visited my audiologist today and he managed to program them. The software did not have a problem with them being TRIAL and it seems that they were programmed without any problems.
Does anyone have any idea what I can expect from here on? Are the hearing aids going to stop working, since they are TRIALs, and if yes - when?
The problem is that I cannot return them (the fraudster has deleted his account).
Can I reprogram the hearing aids periodically if I get a Noahlink Wireless? Also, are they going to work normally if I reprogram them? And what happens exactly when the TRIAL period passes?
Photos: left right
@yassen_pashov: So, you’re sorta feeling like you may be wearing ticking time bombs that are going to “brick” on you at regular intervals when the hard-coded “STOP” command comes up, am I correct?
Yes, your interpretation is correct. Is this true or am I being paranoid without a reason?
They will start to beep every 2 minutes after 6 weeks until you get them reprogrammed.
You’ll be able to program them yourself tho.
@yassen_pashov: No, I wouldn’t say that. (But as @Zebras says: you’ll probably get used to it…).
@Zebras: Is there a limit on how many times they can be reset before they have to be binned?
From my understanding no, but I can’t be 100% sure.
@Zebras: T’would be a real bummer if that were the case…
[ … but, in all honesty, I can’t see
Sonova leaving it to the local Audiologists to retire and properly dispose of all their Trial units at the end of the maturation phase, or whenever in the product life cycle it is when they cease offering loaners for old models.
If I were they, I’d estimate how many times the loaners were likely to be going out the door, and then hard code them to be unrecoverable after that point, in order to prevent retired loaners from flooding onto the eBay platform.
But - that’s only my opinion. YMMV]
i will purchase trial paradise instead of P 90 to save costs
can any one tell me what different between them ?
for the periodical stop i can remove it with software .?
The Trial devices have no other differences to the other devices. Albeit the Phonak Trial devices have a Roger receiver pre-installed
And only the Trial devices can be programmed to all tech levels (P30, P50, P70, P90) and the Phonak Trial devices have all the trial period included. The Trial Period can be set up between 2 weeks up to 8 weeks (2 month maximum).
I don’t know if the periodical beeping can be removed from the trials.
Each Phonak Trial device of Marvel, Paradise and Lumity comes with a pre-installed Roger receiver .
This is different to the “normal” hearing aids as they come without pre-installed Roger receivers. They are labled “Roger Direct” which means that they have an empty memory slot for a receiver.