Phonak Trial devices / demonstration instruments - maximum trial period

Unfortunately it cannot be done, although a couple of people have mentioned this, it’s not possible with target, as a side note, one forum member has brought a set of Naida UP from eBay where the seller claims the trial period and beeping was removed by the factory (Sonova) so never needing to be reset, we’ll know soon enough when he updates if this is indeed true.

To avoid the periodical beeping, you just need Noahlink Wireless and Target programming software, than you can connect the hearing aids to the Target sofftware and connect the aids , then save the session. At the save session step you can choose 8 weeks Trial period , then you have 8 weeks without beeping. After the 8 weeks connect the aids again with target and save the session again to get another 8 weeks without beeps. And so on…

Yeah this is the process, but it can’t be removed permanently, which I presume he was asking about.
I’m still looking forward to hearing about those Naida UP models as well, possibly someone found a hack.


You are correct, the Trial devices have a special firmware, and due to this you are able to programm them for each available tech level, and the setting for the trial period is included in this special firmware. You cant get rid of that trial period behaviour.

Regarding this thread, the thread creator already closed this.
Possibly the ebay seller tried to obfuscate the fact that he is selling Trial devices , that not could be selled.