I’m a 73-year-old male. Today, I wear Oticon More1s and after having had 2 sets of Unitrons and a first pair of Oticons, I can categorically say that the OpenSound concept works for me.
I am accustomed to paying attention to sounds that emanate from all around me, and I enjoy how the Oticon OpenSound design concept connects me to my world.
I count myself very fortunate that Veterans’ Affairs Canada supplies me with hearing instruments that I could never afford to pay for myself. [Thank you, VAC]
I’ve probably made every mistake in the book wrt choosing audiologists and ear machines over the years. I made bad decisions that cost me years of quality life, simply because I couldn’t make out what people were saying.
These bad decisions happened because I didn’t have the information I needed to make better choices. Had I discovered this amazing Forum years ago, I would have been so much farther ahead of the game!
This forum has allowed me to grow in my knowledge and understanding of hearing loss and hearing aids, empowering me to effectively manage my working relationship with my audiologist and find solutions to cope with my hearing loss…
Today, I have better hearing and quality of life because of the knowledge that I have gained here, and I’m very grateful to DocAbram and the Hearing Tracker team for our Forum, and to all the members who have offered me help with my many questions.
I joined the Forum to participate in posting anything I have learned or have experienced that might help others to avoid some of the errors I’ve made that exacerbated the impact of my hearing loss.
[Also: I’ve played solo finger style guitar, Chicago blues, and classic country music professionally for over 50 years …]