Phonak Roger Upgrader New version released 1.29.4245

This maybe more useful for those in education using the Touchscreen:
New updates since version 1.28: Roger Neckloop, Roger Table Mic. 2, Roger On, Roger Select and Roger Touchscreen (reworked Menu options, Settings, New Mute LED control…)
Direct download from Phonak here:


I think this was released in May 24. I checked my firmware on RogerOn, Select and TableMic II iN last week. They are the same here. Hopefully their next upgrade will offer more functionality re licenses

Previous version in my Roger On: 2.1.48014

EDIT: None of the new features appear in my Roger On V1 (without IN).

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Good news! With today’s myRogerMic update, new feature has been added!

However, I haven’t tested it yet. I have no idea how it differs from that Conference Mode.

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I upgraded the firmware on Sunday, and attended a meeting last night. I didn’t notice this setting though. I shall have a look.

What I did notice though, was that the RogerOn worked far better than ever before. I missed very very little.

Now, I’m not 100% sure whether this was because of the new firmware, or because of the programme options tweaking I’ve been doing in RogerDirect+mic. I was also using my recently purchased Sky (Naida) M70 SP, so maybe too many variables.

Edit: The App needed updating. That’s a useful feature. It makes the pointer mode have 2 options. I’ve also noticed, stereo mode is added to Table mode.

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Did you see any difference between wide pointer and this below?

I didn’t do the update (on the app) until after the meeting. However, when try the wide pointer up this morning, it picked up a fan, to my left. It was very noticable.

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Was that in stereo before? That’s the only difference I can think of.

Aaa, OK, I understand now. I have hearing aids only in my right ear (the left was unaidable and has a Cochlear’s CI).

I have roger on v1 and don’t see these options. Wondering what version you have.


I’ve had stereo mode in table since notice of a new Roger upgraded version went out some time back. I downloaded and installed this one without checking the version I already had. It said my Roger and dock were already at the current version in 1.29.

Wondering if this is really a new version over what went out a while ago.


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I had to:

  1. get Roger Upgrader 1.29
  2. upgrade Roger On firmware to (if I remeber correctly) 3.0.49472 (such as in OP) from
  3. update myRogerMic app to (Android 14 phone)
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I went back to the PC and hooked it up to upgrader again. The same message that it was already at the current version in the upgrader. I pushed it anyway. When it was done, it still had the same firmware identitfication as before I pushed. But now it work with myRoger to do wide pointer with stereo. Go figure.


I had that happen to me as well.

I think it was because the iPhone Roger app had updated. I had to download a fresh version of the updater program which then updated the firmware on my Roget iN to the latest version.

I installed the new myRoger a couple days ago, that wasn’t the change. Voodoo, I tell yah.


The link to the upgrader in the story contain a zip file which on my Win 10 PC brings the error message "Cannot open file: it doesn’t appear to be a valid archive.
can someone help?

The problem was my win 10 pc. works on other machine.
problem solved thanks, Noam

Hello Noam, I have checked the link and it works. It does not open a file instead it’s a direct link and should start to Download file.
If you can’t download because of some security / admin or other block here’s the website:

Then scroll down and click on the direct download link.
Im alos sharing the Quick Guide in PDF below:
Phonak Roger Upgrader Quick Reference - 1.29.4245.0 V4.pdf (430.7 KB)

I recently opened my new Roger On iN (V1). It showed “0” for the number of receivers. So I used the roger upgrader to get 3.0.49742 firmware up date. I added two new receivers. Then when I double check to see if the receivers are installed, they are, I notice a symbol above the 2 that I cannot seem to find out what it means or stands for. I saw in videos that there is typically a symbol of a hearing aid in that top spot and it was there prior to the firmware update. Any input would be appreciated.

The symbol also appears on my Roger On iN when the number of licenses is displayed. I do not know what it means. Sorry not to be of help other than confirming that it also appears on other Roger On’s and apparently does not represent a problem.

Ok, thank you very much for the quick response.