Phonak app update / Autosense

Apple iPhone have a setting that means my App’s get updated without me having to say ‘yes’. Maybe your phone has that option. My old iPhone, I had to update manually.

Has anyone tried TV1?

Have my new naida paradise ultra power and I am not hearing any clicking sound as autosense switches programs. Not saying it’s not there. Im just not hearing anything

I’ve never heard clicking sounds either. I don’t notice AutoSense switching programs ever.

My response regarding to the clicking sound on autosense was to another individual who said he could hear autosense switch programs because he could hear it click. I said I had my paradise aids in order and would try to listen closely for any clicking. I now have them and don’t hear any clicking. But my hearing stinks so I’m glad to see that others are commenting that they don’t hear any clicking from autosense either. Personally I think autosense does a pretty good job

Yeah AutoSense is silent, no sounds to let you know what program AutoSense has decided to use, which is how it should be, I mean
could you imagine how that would drive you nuts having them kick off all day every time it changed !
A lot people, including myself do notice when it changes tho, AutoSense doesn’t always gets it right for some unfortunately.

Unfortunately that’s what one individual was saying was happening

I was not aware Phonak came out with a new app and certainly not 5.0. Are we talking an upgraded App that saves individual custom mode setting within MyPhonak app? Or are we talking minor changes? Last my Audi told me Phonak was taking there sweet time to make an App upgrade changes and that individual custom mode setting (by HA users) could not be permanently saved when aid are re-paired or set to shop, etc.

New upgrade not called 5.0 appears to only add features for new paradise model. Such as custom mode settigs that can be saved. I haven’t tried it yet

In myPhonak app, l don’t like AutoSence. For example in my room with ceiling fan and window a/c running, l hear the humming from the a/c and AutoSence says it’s noisy environment but doesn’t change program. In Target, l set my aids to the Speech in Noise program so l hear no humming noise. Nice to have the aids automatically switch to tv connector when the tv is on.

I think in the real world you’re supposed to hear the humming of the ac and with time the brain pushes it into background noise and eventually you don’t notice it at all although it’s still there


I’m new to the PHonak Paradise experience and have only used Autosense for a short while.

My Audiologists have used REAL EAR. However the one that sold me my Phonak B70’s didn’t bother to follow the suggested curves in Real Ear. Their setup was terrible and the hearing aids made my hearing experience worse. After many comments that they didn’t work, I left that firm. I should have left them years before.

My new audiologist also uses REAL EAR and I’ve had one follow up visit (one month after I received them) and now my Hearing Aids perform much better.

I have another follow up appointment scheduled. I shall look very closely at the screen when he uses REAL EAR next time.

I think that best use of haring aids comes from an audiologist that uses REAL EAR, and takes all the time to set up our hearing aids right.

True that l should hear some humming of the a/c however under AutoSence, the humming noise was too loud and that’s why l set it in Speech in Noise. I can hear other people voices just fine under Speech in Noise. In AutoSence everything thing was too loud.