Oticon More adds disposable battery model and MyMusic program

I was in the Navy for 8 years, Electronics Technician, mostly communication, but also some radar. My last 3 and half years I was in the White House Communication Agency and traveled by Air Force cargo jets everywhere. Some flights were over 30 hours.


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How is your real-life experience with the MyMusic program?
Can you hear/understand others who are talking to you while you listening to music via Bluetooth?

Can you pause/resume the music from Oticon More hearing aids if the phone is not around you?

I can’t answer your question as of yet, I don’t have the dedicated MYMusic program, as the Oticon rep said I have it as an added routine to my default program settings. I can hear and I enjoy music finally and it sounds great, but f my wife says something it will switch to speech routine and I understand her just great and as soon as she isn’t talking the music returns to a wonderful level. I know there are the ones that can’t accept my explanation but it is what it is at least for me. I will be getting the dedicated MYMusic program next week.

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If you don’t mute the microphones while streaming bluetooth audio you will hear external sounds, like voices, cars, etc.
You need the phone to pause/resume playback.
I’ve used the ConnectClip, but it stops playback, and you have to resume from the phone.


Fascinating conversation! Well I am a “musician”. I have moderate to severe deafness and have been wearing hearing aids for 15 years or so. I play the pipe organ and I am a choirmaster. The new MyMusic program is absolutely intolerable! The whole sound throughout the pitch spectrum is one big mush and the sound undulates. It is impossible to understand chords and hear the inner sections.
Things are so bad that every time I play the organ or conduct the choir I remove the More 1 aids and go back to my old Opn originals! Please can I have my old music programme back!

I am due to meet with the Oticon rep this week to see whether he/she can solve the problem. I do hope that he/she does as in other respects they are excellent hearing aids.

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@ian.balls: Welcome to the Forum! (and also, it seems, to the swelling ranks of the MyMusic Program Haters Cohort!j

@ian.balls, I have been one of the most vocal critics of the MyMusic program in the past, but as I posted earlier, my audi was able to see exactly where the problem lies, and he was able to make it sound, if not better, than certainly just as good as the original Music program!

It took 3 months, and 3 different audi’s to accomplish this, but I am now a charter member of the "I Love My Music Program"club.

You are now fighting a losing battle, my friend!
Take my sample of the screenshot I posted to your audi, and rekindle your love of My Music!!

See Post 28 “Tweaking the Oticon More”

Flash, you don’t love MyMusic, but a Frankenstein-like overtweak of the program.

No, it was a very logical programming change.
No Mel Brooks shenanigans at all!

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I had best not argue, because I have not paid much attention to it, to be honest. Too many other irons in the fire here at home, ATM.

Not arguing, only pointing out that the MyMusic program is excellent, when the proper HIS does the correct programming in the Fitting software.
It works, it’s dynamic, and uncompressed, just like the old Music program!
Hope things are ok at home, best to ya.


Okay I got the MyMusic program added today and I have to admit that the MyMusic program sounds much better than the routines that are embedded on my default program for music. I find that my aids overall sound much better since the firmware update. In the MyMusic program people talking sound like they are screaming, everything thing but music is extremely loud, dishes clanking, pots and pans banging extra are extremely loud, but instruments and singing sounds great.
On a different note I received the Smart Charger about 10 days ago and I really like it because I don’t have the three really bright green LEDs showing up in and otherwise dark bedroom at night.

@cvkemp yes, everything is louder because there is little compression, and all “Voice Optimized” features are disabled, so you get full dynamic range.

I’m glad to hear it’s working for you, Chuck.

As I posted before, it took 3 months for me to get it right.

I’m waiting for my Smart Charger, hope to get it soon.

The ConnectClip I received with my OPN S aids has a strange issue of turning volume down for notifications on my android phones.
I attributed it to my Nokia 6 (2018), but it happened immediately with my new Pixel 5A.

I paired my original Clip from my OPN aids, and it works fine, so I’m going to try to get a replacement for the newer 1 for backup.
Stay healthy out there.

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I.have 4 connect clips.but one isn’t working correctly anymore.

doo not rely on automatic program switching its always hit and miss
even signia classify music and noise interchangeably…
and when we murmering something its detecting car mod

Personally I prefer the default program, the one I that pretty much reacts the way my brain does. I am not good at remembering to change programs on my aids, I love that my More1 aids handles over 99% of all environments without me having to touch my aids.

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@cvkemp: Chuck, I agree that the default program sounds much more pleasant and natural to my ears than the amped-up MyMusic program.

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I love listening to music in the early mornings, before my wife gets up using the MYMusic program I can keep the volume down and still hear a full range of music that I can’t with the default program without really turning the volume up. I can listen to the music and not wake my wife, and believe it or not our two dogs relax and sleep, without the softer music they are running around and playing loud enough to wake my wife.

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@cvkemp: I must be misunderstanding you, Chuck, because your last two posts are saying contradictory things to me. In the first one, you say that you like the default program because it lets you hear the way your brain hears. Then, in the next post, you seem to be saying that you prefer yMusic because you can hear the full range of the music without having to crank up the volume.

I’m confused …