Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out

Chuck, the delays you mention at VA might be helpful – perhaps folks are on older firmware? 1.3.0 never had the issue, and I was okay with 1.4.1 until switching to 1.4.2 and (inadvertently, through Oticon’s replacement mistake) back to 1.4.1. It’s as if the platform switch that I believe came in with 1.4.2 contaminated some internal setting in the connect clip?!
In short, VA customers might benefit if they were stuck on older – 1.3.0 and (maybe?) 1.4.1 – firmware?!

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I updated my Oticon Mores to 1.4.4 two hours ago. It’s too early to judge but I feel optimistic about this update. Hopefully, this will end the Connectclip issues with Oticon More.


I think they have finally fixed it! I have tested various scenarios that previously caused cut-outs with the ConnectClip, such as moving away and returning, or shifting attention to my phone and back to the ConnectClip. There were even issues with audio stuttering on MacOS. After testing again MacOS still has audio stutter with connectclip but I think that is a Mac related issue. It doesn’t happen on Windows. However, the recent update has remarkably smoothed out these problems. It’s only the first day of testing, but the initial impressions are promising. I believe they have fixed it for good this time. The update seems to have effectively addressed the issues. It took quite a while for Oticon More’s known bug to be resolved, but with version 1.4.4, it seems they have finally done it. For anyone experiencing ConnectClip issues with their Oticon More devices, I highly recommend updating to 1.4.4.

> If anyone’s experiencing audio stuttering problems with their Bluetooth headphones connected to their MacBook, it’s likely due to having more than two Bluetooth connections active. In my case, it was juggling connections with my keyboard, mouse, and hearing aids. At first, I feared my hearing aids were permanently damaged, so if you’re in the same boat, hold off on buying a new headphone just yet.
> Typically, the fix involves reducing connections to just two or re-establishing the connection for one of the Bluetooth devices other than your headset. This adjustment or reconnection usually sorts out the audio stuttering issue without the need for a new headphone purchase. It happens especially with M1 macs.


Getting my 1.4.4 firmware upgrade today, fingers and toes crossed …

Here is an observation of mine that needs some consideration, not as a solution, but rather an odd manifestation of the problem. I have two (2) ConnectClips. One for the office computer, one for the home. I use the office one every day at work, constantly on, constantly used. I am useless if this is not working perfectly. The home one, I use maybe a time or two per week, and it’s NEVER failed. This is the basis of my theory below, that the home one has NEVER failed at home but has at the office.

After a month or so, the office device will suddenly start the on/off/on/off cycle during streaming, and with TEAMS does not work at all. There is nothing to resolve it, and believe me, I’ve tried them all with this thread being super helpful. I was currently offline with this office ConnectClip.

So, I thought I would bring my home CC in to try that, and VOILA! I’m back in business. So, I don’t think it’s the clip itself, because this same thing happened when my first CC at work “failed” and got a new one from my dispenser and got me back online at work. I took the “failed” CC home and it came to life on my home computer just fine! I use an EPOS BTD 800 USB dongle at both locations … solid as a rock and immune to Microsoft updates so far.

It’s almost as if my leaving my office desk and returning to my PC and CC results in too many “break-ups” between my aids and the CC resulting in an eventual log jam, I believe on the aids not the CC. A dispenser reset of the aids and/or firmware update will clear for a while. Why a CC not used on a PC in a while will work find when swapped is a complete mystery to me.

Here’s hoping the latest firmware does the trick. Just thought there might be others like me with the same CC resources and situations that might cobble something together if they can’t get a firmware update soon. One more thing … I do believe the CC pairing remembers the characteristics of what it is paired to, even if paired over and over and over. Moving the CC to another pairing somehow introduces a “whole new ballgame” to it, and it works fine, even if it stopped working long ago in a different PC.

I was really hopeful that the 1.4.4 firmware would resolve the issues with the connectclip, but no luck.
I tried all the normal things (three button reset, etc).

I did manage to isolate the issue to only audio output (to the hearing aids). The microphone may actually be working ok.

But listening to a standard youtube audio test, or the more complete Audacity software, confirms the breakup.

I just tried ao new realtek USB EDR 3.0 bluettoth dongle with high hopes. It even has a little antenna.

It’s definitely the connection between the aids and the connect clip.

When I purchased the aids I was given the TV adapter, which has a standard RCA audio plug.

This works absolutely perfectly for the audio (output to aids). This is not surprising, since one of the wireless complexities is removed.

I can combine this with a standard USB microhpone.

It’s too bad, because this TV adapter is rather large, if I hadn’t been given one for free, I would not recommend it.

@jerrythea can you please describe the issue you see? Is it a voice quality issue (voice breaking up or garbling which was also reported in the last versions of iOS) or is it disconnects? The Connectclip problem most folks have/had prior to 1.4.4 was very consistent.


Prior to the update to firmware 1.4.4 I was getting continual cutouts on playback (in my ears).

Since the update I see no improvements.

For example, if I stream a youtube musical video, it will play for about 10 seconds, cutout for 5 seconds, continue for 10 or so, and cutout for a few.

No real pattern I could discern.

I may do the 3-button reset one more time to see if that does it.

I may also submit another defective device claim and see if a new connectClip works for me.
I am on my second one already, having replaced the first.

For the first 6+ months of owning the ConnectClip I was using it all of the time without any issues at all. I don’t know if it was a firmware update that caused the intial one to have issues.

Thanks for the response and to me that does sound like the issue the firmware upgrade was intended to address.

One thing to try if you haven’t already is to ask the audi (or do yourself if you are a DIY person) to delete the ConnectClip pairing in the Genie software and then repair again.

Not sure if others have seen the same issue repeat after the firmware upgrade and it may be that you need to reestablish a pairing between the HAs and the connect clip. Hope that helps… It would indeed be very disappointing if the issue is not yet fixed after another firmware upgrade…

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Eight days ago my More 1 was upgraded to 1.4.4 and everything seems to be working correctly.

However, I must state that since my initial complaint in June, post, I have received a new ConnectClip and also replaced my Android Samsung S23 with an iPhone 15. The Oticon ONE app has been replaced by the Oticon Companion. That is to say that of the equipment I had in June, everything except the hearing aids has been replaced.

I use my hearing aids for:

  • Hands free phone calls. Using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) between mobile and HA.
  • Stream audio from the internet via the mobile phone to the hearing aids. Using BLE.
  • Listen to audio from the Lap Top via ConnectClip. ConnectClip is connected to the LapTop via BT Classic and to the hearing aids via BLE.
  • Listen to TV via Oticon TV adapter which is connected to TV via optical digital link. The sound is transmitted with BT Classic to the hearing aids. Oticon uses here its own data protocol.
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I had a similar problem years ago with Oticon OPN S 1 aids. In my case, it was most likely the Bluetooth firmware in my iMac Pro. When I used the Sennheiser BTD 800 USB dongle to connect to the ConnectClip instead of the built-in Bluetooth, the problem went away. Later, an OS update from Apple included a bluetooth firmware update and the issue went away. This issue did not happen with a similar age MacBook Pro with different Bluetooth chipset and firmware.

The BTD 800 was included with my ConnectClip - the following is copied from the Technical Data sheet from the Oticon site for the ConnectClip:

It can at times be difficult to pair/connect directly to a computer’s built-in
Bluetooth. To overcome any issues, ConnectClip can be used with the
BTD800 USB dongle for easy/hassle-free connectivity.

I have read reports of issues with various USB bluetooth adapters and the ConnectClip. Again, firmware updates might mitigate some issues - there have been multiple firmware updates for the BTD 800 :slight_smile:

My experiences with:
HA More 1, fw 1.4.3 and Connectclip
After a few weeks audio cuts started.

New Connectclip
After a few weeks, audio cuts are back.

Zirkon 1, fw 1.2.3 connected to the Connectclip.
No audio cuts

More 1 reconnected to the Connectclip
No audio cuts for now.

My explanation: HA Zirkon 1 frees up communication buffer space in the Connectclip.
AH More 1, fw 1.4.3 gradually fills a communication buffer in the Connectclip.
Next Wednesday my More 1 will be upgraded to 1.4.4

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That is also my experince .
However, this fault is fixed with FW 1.4.4


Just updated to 1.4.4 today, same old same old cutting out. Rebooted, shutdown everything etc etc. I have been going in circles with this for three + months with continual promises of solutions but nothing works. I have an older ConnectClip that does work in one ear without the 10 second cutouts, but seems to cutout when I receive texts for some reason. Oticon is out of their league with this technology.

Did you clear the pairing data of the ConnectClip in Genie 2? That seems to be a crucial step to wipe the slate clean.


Anybody here have other problem - Connectclip constantly lowers volume of connected computer by itself?

My aids were updated last Thursday, and my audiologist reset my connect clip in his software and everything is working great.

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Remember many of us do not use Genie 2. It is a tool for professionals.

It doesn’t really matter. The question is still the same, just a very slight twist that people should be able to infer easily if they’re not DIY folks → “Did you have your hearing care professional clear the pairing data of the ConnectClip in Genie 2? That seems to be a crucial step to wipe the slate clean.”

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I stand corrected. After 1.4.4 installed and a second interaction with audiologist and quite a bit of shutting down and reconnecting of devices and apps audio nows comes from my iMac to my HA without cut outs (using 2023 ConnectClip & an EPOS BTD 800). This has functioned for 2 days with several on and off changes so it appears stable enough. Patience is a virtue.

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I can now say definitely that the updated firmware has completely resolved the problem.

Over two weeks ago I had the Audiologist delete the pairing from the HA to the ConnectClip. It was a bit confusing for her, but she mentioned something about a trash can icon.

I also have the updated USB-C version of the EPOS USB dongle that is permanently paired with the ConnectClip.

I am able to stream and/or listen to music,voice without any cutouts for a very long period of time.
I have also had a few zoom calls and the participants do not notice any issues hearing me from their end.