Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out

Granted but the data I have viewed is over the whole time the VA has been issuing the More aids, Real aids, the connect clip, and the OPN and OPNS aids. All aids end up in civilian hands at least a few months before the aids are available to the VA system due to the way the contracts work. In most cases it is at least 3 months and sometimes as long as 6 months.

FYI @darylm & @cvkemp , I have the Mores and the OPN S, and 2 CClips.
From my experience, both CClips are very stable with both models. My Mores are @1.4.2.
ASHA does not play well with my Mores, and I haven’t been able to determine if it’s my Pixel 5a, or the HA’s, but the problem I get is when streaming one side will disconnect, and when it reconnects, the other side disconnects.
So is there an inherent bluetooth bug in the More F/W?I’d say for sure!
Since the OPN S is not ASHA compatible, I have no such issues.

I seem to remember Chuck had BT disconnect issues with his iPhone, and the Mores, also, so that again points to More F/W bugs.
I do not think the CClips are the issue @Sheldon_L.

But I am not have disconnects with my More1 aids and my Samsung S23 phone. Now I have had app disconnects from my aids on my phone but the phone and the aids are still connected and working just fine. I don’t use the app much at all as I have thr connect clip to use as a remote when needed and of course the rocker control on my aids work great for everything but the times I want to mute my aids. I find that my More aids are much more stable connectivity wise with my Samsung phone then they ever were with the iPhones I have had.

Exactly what I mentioned in my post, Chuck, regarding all the problem you encountered with your iPhones.

REALly glad the S23 Ultra is working so well with your Mores, and I’m sure your going to be REALLY,REAL happy with your new aids…Hmm, I can’t remember the model name anyMore.

Will your phone be able to run android 14? I am using the beta version of android 14 on my phone and it is very stable. I have even noticed my aids connectivity is a little more stable.

If your Oticon HA is a newer generation model and connect to iPhone easily then you can utilize the transmission from iPhone to your HA… Newer Oticon HA are MFI friendly. You must have a good internet connection in your office. Paired the iPhone with your HA. Used the iPhone to do video calls and the speaker voice will be transmitted directly into your HA. You can switch on your laptop if you want a bigger screen or type some messages. Mute the laptop and video if necessary.

In this way, you do need to worry about ConnectClip connection. No need to buy CC and pairing all over again. I suspect it is Oticon problem and they are not able to solve it. OS of IPhone keeps updating every now and then.

Try this out and hope it helps.

Yes it can, and I’m just waiting a couple weeks to insure A14 is stable.
I’m really in no rush to go back to my Mores, though.
The OPN S seem to be working well other than the notorious "Warble"issue, which they never addressed.

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I got my Real1 aids this morning I am finding connectivity to be very stable, with the Samsung Galaxy S23, with the connect clip, but I have to say that my audiologist zero out the connect clip then paired the Real aids to the clip. I have also the TV adapter and it is stable. I have had some connectivity issues with the companion app and also the beta version of the companion app, when the app drops connection the aids are still solidly connected to the phone itself. I have the remote control for my aids, and the connect clip also works as a remote control. I have found that once I set my volume preferences for the TV adapter in the app the aids keeps those values and I no longer need the app, the same seems to be true for the equalizer. Not only does speech have more clarity with normal hearing aids use but also when streaming. I haven’t tried any music yet, but have done a few hours of streaming audiobooks, testing from my phone directly, using the connect clip and my Fire Tablet, and also directly using the IPad. I still have seamless switching between phone, iPad and CC.

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In my case, and I suspect many other people that work at home as I do, the use-case for the CC is not with a mobile phone, it’s with a laptop. I’ve been using a CC almost daily (in some cases for hours per day) since I got my first pair of Opn HAs. The CC is just as important to me as the HAs are on their own.

I also used the MFi capability of the Opn HAs and now that I have Real HAs and a Pixel phone, my HAs are paired directly with both. I’m hoping that with LE Audio, I will be able to eliminate the CC.


As the connectivity with mobile phone is getting better, we might one day forget about using assisted devices. As AD is very expensive, WE just need a power bank for the mobile phones.
As more and more BT LE and Auracast will soon be in the market. Orsana AD will soon be launched next year.

Thanks for the insight, and I read your post on the other thread as well.
Sounds like the Real is a definite step up for you, that’s great!
So the you don’t think the companion app issues could be related to having both the More, and Real connected.
What happens if you go into app settings, and force stop the beta app?
If the companion stays connected, that may be the issue.
Do you think the variotherm molds are an improvement over acrylics?
Are the receivers sealed in the molds?

I can only wear one set of aids at a time. I stop the app that isn’t needed and have no conflicts.

So, the app is not disconnecting?
I thought you had some issues with it.
What about the variotherm mold? You like them?

All apps sometimes disconnect, I don’t have to depend on the apps that much. The key is that the aids don’t disconnect from the phone. And I am not having any issues with the connect clip and I stream through the connect clip hours at a time. The cone t clip makes a good remote, and I have a remote control for the Real aids as well as a connect clip.

I got my remote with my OPNs back in 2013, but since they issued the CClip, I’ve never used the remote.
The CClip is the Oticon Swiss Army Knife!! It does everything.

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So true, my audiologist got me the remote I use it at times when I know I am not going to be steaming from my Fire Tablet.

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The audiologists changed my Oticon More firmware to 1.4.3 not that 1.4.3 is necessarily better, and reset the BT with Genie and the connectclip remote mike still wouldn’t stay connected. Since Oticon won’t warranty the Amazon connectclip purchased in August 2023; manufactured in 2023, I bought a new connectclip from the audiologists and it is working fine. At least now Oticon will cover me for my next failure. I can either call it a day, or call Oticon back and express my displeasure …


Here’s an update: I don’t think my audiologists did the Genie bluetooth reset step cause the hearing aids remembered my Android Tablet bluetooth when I get home. Of course the new connectclip is working. Before shipping the Amazon connectclip back for an exchange for a backup connectclip I re-paired the hearing aids with the Amazon connectclip by rebooting the hearing aids, and the old connectclip is back to working. The Amazon seller imported the connectclip from Europe, which explains the Oticon not accepting the serial number thing, but it is a genuine Oticon part. I put the Amazon connectclip back in its box for the next time I have trouble, and I am using the “official” US version connectclip for my windows laptop for work. I wish the 3-button reset had fixed the problem, and I also wish that the audiologists had done the Genie bluetooth reset, but I guess that’s small stuff compared to at least its all working correctly again, and now I have a backup connectclip that will do the equivalent of a Genie bluetooth reset when I switch connectclips.

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The email I received from Oticon announced that they plan to release a new firmware update, version 1.4.4, for the Oticon More on December 5th. This update is specifically designed to address and resolve the issues related to ConnectClip cutouts. We can look forward to this update with the hope that it will effectively fix the issue.


That’s mostly a decent summary, except in my case the firmware downgrade to 1.3.0 has held (avoiding the issue of regular cutting out) for a full 6 months. Other more minor nuisances associated with the older firmware, such as one hearing aid going out and needing phone BT to be toggled, persist, but the deal-killer, where connect clip after some days goes permanently into a mode of half-on, half-off cycling, never came back for me.
I’m looking forward to 1.4.4 in December that apparently is promised to solve the issue!