Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out

Regarding the procedure to reset / clear pairings in the CC, in my experience, which was also confirmed by Oticon, it occasionally resolved the audio drop-outs, but in most cases it did not work. Also, in a very few occasions, just turning off and on the CC and the HAs temporarily fixed the audio drop-outs, but again, if it worked, it was only temporary and usually it made no difference at all.

If neither of the above procedures fixed the audio drop-outs, which was the usual case, the only way to get the HAs working without audio drop-outs was to reset / clear pairings in the CC AND also to clear the pairings in the HAs using Genie 2.

Whenever the pairings in the CC are cleared, you also have to re-pair it with the other devices. Usually, this requires clearing the pairings in the device the CC is paired with and re-pairing. (Pairing, by definition, takes place in two devices. That’s why it’s called pairing.)

As for why your HAs have not required clearing the pairings using Genie 2, I have no explanation, other than you should consider yourself fortunate. Perhaps Oticon can explain why this happens, but whatever the reason is, it’s very technical and probably only the hardware / firmware developers understand it, because Bluetooth is very complicated.

As for as my More1 aids are concerned i don’t have rhe very latest firmware, which i believe is why it works for my aids. I have 1.4.2 and not 1.4.3. I know that 1.4.1 had issues, and my VA audiologist said that 1.4.3 has issues and he will not install it.

1.4.2 also has the same problem. Be glad that for whatever reason your HAs are working properly.

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I haven’t ever had an issue with VA hearing aids. Between the VA inspections and my audiologist inspections. I am sure there was a problem it would have been caught.

… if the remote mic works with no problems and keeps the connection it rules out the connect clip being the problems …
I followed these instructions as exactly as I could with my Oticon More hearing aids, including unpairing everything and I noticed that the pink remote microphone state does not work (after re-pairing with phone as per instructions). This is my 3rd connect clip failure. I bought a replacement on Amazon in June, and got Amazon to give me a refund and re-purchaseed in August. I need the connectclip for work video calls, and that is the only way to connect my windows laptop to my hearing aids, even though its a fairly new laptop. I could go to my augiologists, and point to this forum; the first connectclip came from the Audiologists but not the 2nd or 3rd from Amazon.

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correction; this is my 4th connectclip failure.

Sorry if I’m disturbing you - did all 4 ConnectClips fail when used only with More? or were there other hearing aids before More? I would like to buy ConnectClip, but these problems scare me.

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Maybe I am lucky but I have 4 connect clips that i have received from the VA over the years, 3 of them work great with my More1 aids with firmware version 1.4.2. I have followed the instructions that I posted here that i got from Oticon, i have tested them with android. Fire Tablets, kindle e-ink readers. MacBook, and iPad and even the iPhone i once used. The bad one died because of its age and the battery life died.
I did have issues with the clip whem I had More1 firmware version 1.4.1.

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Yes, all four connectclips failed with More hearing aids
Apr 2021; purchased Oticon More hearing aid; included Connectclip free
Sep 2022; 1st failure; connectclip over 1 year old (no warranty), bought 3rd party replacement
June 2023; 2nd failure; Oticon doesn’t have serial number; Amazon connectclip purchase
Aug 2023; 3rd failure; Amazon graciously replaced connectclip
Oct 2023; 4th failure; going to Audiologists Monday

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This is really strange. I’ve only had one CC failure, due to the battery. Otherwise, the CCs have been very reliable. The problem of audio drop-outs is with the HAs, not the CC.

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… The problem of audio drop-outs is with the HAs, not the CC.

The hearing aids connect directly to the phone and the TV streamer alright. Hopefully my audiologists will be able to debug the connectclip drop outs on Monday. BTW, I called Oticon, and I’m on firmware 1.4.2, and the BT says connectclip 1.1 Oticon is sort of pissing me off too by blaming me for buying the connectclip on Amazon and being unclear if they support it or not cause I didn’t buy it from my audiologists. At least Oticon finally has a contact phone number. The CC serial number says manufactured in 2023.

I am wondering if the fact that my connect clips are all well over 2 years old and the ones failing are all newer, if there could be an issue with the newer clips.

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Based on what I’ve been told by Oticon over the past year, there is nothing that can be done about this until new firmware is released for the More HAs (newer than 1.4.3). It’s a known problem. There isn’t anything your audiologist can do to debug it. I experienced this problem with two sets of More HAs and three different CCs. One CC was older and the others were newer. They all had the same problem. (My original More HAs and CC were shipped back to Denmark for investigation.)

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Not based on my experience, but YMMV.

Then why am I not having any issues at all? I stream audio books hours at a time without any issues. I have the three connect clips, while I have to reset the clips to use a different one. I have checked all three. Tomorrow I will be taking all three with me to my audiology appointment. My audiologist asked me to make sure I brought one with me to pair with my new Real1 aids.
The procedure I have posted has worked perfectly as long as I carefully follow the steps outlined.

Why do you keep asking me this? You’ve asked this before and I’ve answered before. I have no explanation for your situation, which is why I said YMMV (your mileage may vary). There may be something different about your HAs and/or your CCs that causes your situation to be different, such as the production lot of the HAs or the CCs. Just because you are able to resolve the problem by resetting the CCs, does not mean that works for others. In my case, the only resolution for audio drop-outs was to clear the pairings in the HAs using Genie 2. Consider yourself lucky if you don’t have to do that.

Oticon admitted to me that they know there is a problem and they said it will be fixed with new firmware for the More HAs. They told me they told me they are working the new firmware, but they don’t have a targeted release date. Do you think Oticon would admit there is a problem that requires a firmware update if there wasn’t a problem? The only reason I asked about the More HAs is because I know there are others who were experiencing the same problem I had, before I exchanged the More HAs for Real HAs.

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I am a troubleshooter with an electronics background and IT professional background, I understand odd ball issues but too be honest, I don’t understand this at all, why? I do volunteer work at my local VA audiology clinic, my works is helping fellow veterans with their hearing aids. I have seen some connectivity issues, with all hearing aid brands. What I haven’t seen s connect clip issues like is explained here with any of the VA provided hearing aids or connect clips. I have contact with the VA Oticon rep and have asked about this issue and showed this forum to the representative. What I get from the rep is that it is something that is happening to some users. I have researched the database for the VA user base here in this region and find no issues reported.

I guess I’ve been imagining this, along with Oticon. Seriously, I give up.

Not saying that, what I am wondering is if there is something different about the aids and firmware that the VA gets and than the civilian population. What I do know is that once the VA receives hearing aids they are inspecting at least 3 times before the patient gets the aids.

I would be very surprised if the VA gets different hardware than everyone else. The problem is intermittent and it sometimes takes days or weeks to manifest. It’s completely random, so there is no guarantee a short test would reveal anything.

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