Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out

If you are experiencing the audio drop-out problem, you will have to clear the pairings on the CC using the 3-button reset, clear the pairings on the HAs using Genie 2 and you will have to clear the pairing on the other devices the CC was paired with. After clearing everything, the first step is to pair the HAs with the CC, then pair the CC with your other devices.

The Bluetooth protocol is extremely complicated. There are thousands of pages of specifications and other documents. It would be a full-time job to “intimately familiar” with it (i.e., hardware / firmware developers). Without being intimately familiar with Bluetooth and also with the way the CC and HAs use the protocol, there is no way to know exactly what is wrong. I would say that only Oticon knows what is wrong, but in fact, they are still struggling with the problem.

To complicate the matter, the Bluetooth communication between the ConnectClip and the Oticon HAs is a proprietary protocol that Oticon licensed from CEVA (called the RivieraWaves) when they started developing the OPN and developed the ConnectClip and the TV Adapter. So it’s not even standard legacy BT they’re dealing with here, it’s proprietary BT, similar to how the Apple BT (namely the MFI protocol) is proprietary to Apple.

So for sure only Oticon and CEVA would be able to debug and come up with a fix for the issue. The fact that the fix for the Real was finally found, but that same fix can’t be applied to the More yet just goes to show how complicated it is.

Most people who have iPhones would use the MFI from the Apple iPhones to connect to their HAs. The only people who may choose to use the ConnectClip over MFI to use with their iPhones would be because they want to be able to use the hands-free option on phone calls that the ConnectClip offers.

Even so, for the Real now (I’m not sure about the More), the latest version of iOS would allow users to use the hands-free phone call feature with the Real now, so no ConnectClip would be needed for hands-free anymore.

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My informant says that the problem only occurs in combination with an Android phone. I wish to find out via this forum that this is indeed the case.

By definition, audio streaming using Bluetooth LE is “proprietary”, because there is no standard way to do it. Bluetooth standards for various use cases are called profiles. Here is a list of profiles: List of Bluetooth profiles - Wikipedia.

The ConnectClip supports these profiles, but they operate between the CC and whatever device it’s paired with:

  • Bluetooth profile support Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) 1.3
  • Headset Profile (HSP) 1.2
  • Hands-Free Profile (HFP) 1.6 including support for Wideband Speech

There is no profile for the communication between the CC and the HAs. This is why Apple developed MFi and Android developed ASHA.

Your informant is uninformed. The audio drop-out problem could be between any device the CC is paired with. It’s not Android specific.

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Your informant is incorrect, I have the connect clip paired to my More1 aids, several android devices and I am not having any connectivity. I did have an issue about 2 months ago and did a hard reset of the connect clip, unpairing the connect clip from everything it was paired to. Then I followed the instructions below from Oticon and haven’t had and issues since.

How to pair aids to connect clip

Oticon suggested pressing all three buttons and holding them…the light will turn white, then red. Then place the aids in the charger and turn the connect clip on and take the aids out of the charger. The connect clip will pulse yellow looking for the aids and then green when it finds them. Then they suggested to forget the pairing on the phone and re pair it through bluetooth. Once repaired they suggested to turn on the remote microphone (hold large button till the light turns pink). If the remote mic works with no problem and keeps the connection it rules out the connect clip being the problems and then we could assume its an aid problem. If the aids are connected to the phone and the connect clip is the two will fight and usually the aids will win so there is a known struggle but we can start by seeing if the connect clip is working

Yes this works

There is a profile between the CC and the Oticon HAs that you may not know about so you think that there isn’t any. It’s a profile developed by CEVA called the RivieraWaves that Oticon licensed from CEVA. Just Google up this announcement. It’s before Oticon released the OPN. JUST like MFI is for HAs and iOS and ASHA is for HAs and Android phones, Riviera Waves from CEVA is for between the Oticon HAs and the CC, the Oticon TV Adapter, and the EduMic.

I should have been more clear. When I said there was no profile, I meant there was not a profile that was part of the official Bluetooth standards, which is why the proprietary profiles exist.

Thanks for the info. I did try this exactly per instructions but it did not fix my drop outs. No change at all. Before I updated the HA firmware CC worked fine streaming from my iMac and MacBook. After firmware upgrade to More 1’s cut outs started. So I am with Volusiano in believing the problem is the firmware in the Oticon More. But thanks for your suggestion.

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I have the More1 aids with firmware 1.4.2 and I am not having any connectivity issues with my connect clip. I am a little nervous because middle of October i wll be getting my Real1 aids. And i have read that the Real aids are having issues with the connect clip. My hearing loss is such that i really need a good backup set of aids, and thst is what my More1 aids will become.

You should be fine, Chuck.
I’ve read that the latest F/W for the Real fixes the CClip issue, but no cure for the Mores.
Since your Mores are fine, and your Reals are coming from Oticon, I assume (ASS-U-Me) they’ll have the latest.
Just have to hope VA’s Genie2 software works.

Then why haven’t i had the issues with my connect clip and my More1 aids? Due to having the OPN1, the OPNS1, and More1 aids i have 4 connect clips that all work great with any of my aids that the clip is compatible with.

I have no problems with my 2 CClips and the Mores, either.
Just reading the sheer number of posts regarding the issue has some merit, for sure.
That’s why I pointed out no fix for Mores, because evidentially, Oticon is aware, but have not addressed it.

The VA Oticon rep gave me a procedure to follow if I had problems with my connect clips pairing to my More1 aids, which have had issues in the past. I had one of my connect clips to start not streaming for a few seconds at a time. I followed the instructions and it fixed my issue that the connect clip was not streaming properly. I have since preformed the procedure to all of my connect clips and have fixed the 2 I thought were bad.

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Well Chuck I amglad things are working for you. I have thought about getting Reals also then using More’s as backup, but I have trouble justifying the cost. I may wait and see if the OTC aids get better then grab a set of those for a back up. Best of luck with your Real1’s!

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I am extremely fortunate and blessed to be getting my aids from the VA. I am 50% hearing disabled, I haven’t paid for my aids in over 20 years now. And that goes for any extra supplies, devices too. The VA has supplied me with sound machine for sleeping, an alarm system for under my pillow, and that has included the TV adapters, and connect clips.
To be honest I couldn’t ever have afforded my aids that really help my hearing any other way. The VA has also proven me with BP monitors. And even a pillow that has had a sound machine built in.

Well I am glad you are getting the support you need and deserve from the VA. And Thank You for your service!

Since the firmware was updated in my Real HAs, I have not had a single instance of audio drop-outs. As far as I’m concerned, the problem has been fixed.

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