@Um_bongo: What is your experience (and guidance) regarding the longevity of the HA buttons?
Well I can say that’s it’s not common for then to “break” as such, but they get a lot of crap trapped inside/underneath the housing,this can cause them to cease or freeze up a bit.
@tenkan: Tencq - how can this be, whence the crud?
Yeah that and environmental gunk! It comes off your ears mate and works it way in there over time.
@tenkan: So, then … this is what we Canadians would call E.F.G., then?
I’ll take a guess the “f” isn’t for friendly.
@WhiteHat: E.F.G. = Ear Flap Grease (right up there with walrus blubber as a lubricant and leather preservative/waterproofing agent.)
[Addendum: EFG also makes a dandy spectacle hinge lubricant, if you can collect enough of it. It’s the ambergris of the 21st Century!]
Pretty good unless you work in a dusty environment or don’t clean the sweat/grease off your aids now and again.
I don’t recommend regular alcohol cleaning but some people should do it every couple of months. Preferably under one of those circular magnifier desk lamps.
@Um_bongo: Thanks for taking the time to reply.
FWIW, these are the things to which I attribute my avoidance of button failures over the past 16 years →
- I make sure the finger(s) with which I operate the buttons are clean and clear of workbench debris
- I wipe down the shells of my HAs with a clean flannelette cloth every night before I put them into the charger
- Ever once in a while, I take a cleaning brush and clear any dust/debris from the crack between the HA shell snd the button itself, taking care not to push crud down into the innards
- I try to keep button use to a minimum, preferring to use my Pocket Pool Remote for program/volume changes.
- I always talk civilly to my hearing devices, no matter how vexing their behaviour, and tell them a “Bedtime Charging Story” (not reeaally!)
That’s the KleenSpud tip of the day!
Nope. Not premature at all. Had I not experienced any positive differences between the Phonaks and Oticons I probably would not have said anything. I encourage anyone that is struggling as I have been to seek options. If you think my post was a discouragement, swipe left and move on.
@orgullodemexico: Please read my post again … I never implied discouragement. I merely said that in my opinion , six hours of experience is no basis for promulgating any opinion, either positive or negative.
I will follow you on the good SOP!
@dankailo: Goid morning, dankallo … I’m sorry → I’m not sure I understand what “follow you on the good SOP” means. Could you please explain? (I apologize … thereare many acronyms whose meanings I don’t understand!)
The above are some of the some of Good Practice that I will follow to keep the HA’s long lasting!
@dankailo: OKAY! Yes! I suppose they are SOPs! I know that meaning but I couldn’t connect the dots!
I appreciate your post. I currently have Rexton aids but get my More 1 next Monday.
Standard Operating Procedures.
@prodigyplace: Yes, thank you, Bruce, but I just was not equating my KleenSpud Tips to SOPs when I posted that … not enough coffee.
Oh, sugar! I ordered rechargeables. Mute via switch is handy.
Yes, mute via switch is handy. But turning the volume down to 0 (just a few more clicks) is the same as mute. Who knows, maybe a lower but still audible volume may be more preferrable than a complete mute.