I’m about 6 hours in on wearing new Oticon More 1 HAs, coming from Phonak Marvel 70s. I’ve had my Phonaks since November 2019.
After a remote session last Wednesday with my audiologist he told me there wasn’t more he could do to reduce background noise. I’ve also struggled to hear the cashier at point of sale (food counter, grocery/retsil store cashier. Restaurants are horrible however having the Phonak Roger Select iN microphone did help in a restaurant.
My audiologist encouraged me to try the Oticon More HAs and was willing to ship a pair for me to try for the next month. I agreed.
The HAs came pre programmed so all I had to do was pair with my phone and wear.
Some improvements I’ve already noticed in this short time
** Voices & music sound more natural - not so tinny
** Word recognition seems to be a bit clearer
** I went to a restaurant for lunch - I didn’t struggle to communicate as I did with the Phonaks. Still too much background noise but the audiologist says that can be corrected with a remote session.
If you are a Phonak user, no doubt you have the myPhonak app in your phone. Here are some pluses/minuses I’ve noticed with the Oticon On app.
** I have always hated how agonizing slow it took the the Phonak app to connect to the HAs to make a program change or alter a program. The Oticon app STAYS connected, and if I pull the menu down ffom the top of my android phone, there is a mini Oticon menu there that allows me to increase/decrease volume or change programs.
** Unlike myPhonak the Oticon On app does not allow you to customize an existing program and save it as a custom program.
** In my phone’s bluetooth menu, with Phonak I had the ability to turn on/off calls and audio to the HAs, that option does not appear to be there for Oticon. What this means is when there is an audible notification for new email, text, news, weather - I hesr it in my ears. That can get annoying after a few hours.
Just some feedback on my short term use of Oticon More 1 HAs. So far there is an improvement over the Phonak Marvel 70s.