New myPhonak app


I updated to the brand new app yesterday when I received notice.
Today I had an appointment with my audiologist–told him about the app and showed him! He got it while I was there.
During my appointment he made changes to the auto sense program and put it back as the No 1 program, as I had used the music program for a while as the start up…long story. :wink:

With the old app I would have lost the saved programs I had…with the new app they’re still there! I’m impressed. Sonova/Phonak has done well with this new app.


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I saw in the YouTube Hearing Tracker that the Phonak rep said Paradise can track steps, you just have to have the new app.

Only the rechargeable’s ones unfortunately.

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I said that in another thread here, I couldn’t see the non-rechargable HAs being able to do steps since they don’t have the gyros the rechargables have to use tap control.



UK here, its OK as I said

the new update to myphonak app arrived today. Phonak should have the option to keep previous versions unchanged. l don’t have the newest hearing aids so l liked the previous version better.

Totally a function of your phone, I think. I know I can decide not to update apps on my iphone. I’d think that exists in the google realms as well.


that’s true but l have to select myphonak app not to update every time l get google play notice.

How come everytime I return to this update it says disconnected. I turn on my aids they pair up and I start streaming music. I immediately return to the app and it shows I’m in streaming mode so I make an adjustment to the sound and return to the streaming app Amazon. Now if I return to the my phonak app 10 minutes later it says disconnected. I then wait a few seconds and it returns to connected. I don’t get it. I certainly don’t notice any difference in sound quality.

You can just de select auto update for the myPhonak App only on Android I believe.

l am going to keep the recent update because its pretty fast connection to the aids.


Several times now, after opening the App, it logs me out despite selecting remember me.

Mine is not staying connected.

Just for the record my aids are paradise. But I think I’m beginning to see a problem here unless we’re all doing something wrong

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Can’t seem to get rid of the remote support advert in the lower section of the screen.


I’ve not had any issues with the app so far fingers crossed

Yes the remote support advert is a pointless waste of space


Most of what you see on the screen is pointless waste of space if you know the symbology of a good UI. People have probably been unable to grasp how the old app worked (beyond slowly) and they are correcting by making it text intensive and gobbling up screen real estate.



The remote part is a joke especially if your audiologist doesn’t wish to participate. And why should he or she


Lrav. Are you telling me that when you return to your app 15 minutes later it still says your connected