Anyone else tried direct bluetooth streaming with Android "Q" OS Beta

According to this: Best Hearing Aid Brands of 2019 - Everyday Hearing Resound Quattro will have this feature in November (they didn’t mention what year :>))

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The scary thing is the “…you may want to wait …” for the new feature, along with ReSound’s declaration on it smartphone compatibility page that the connectivity feature will not be available to all Quattro models…

From the link you provided:

We’ll start off by letting you know, the LiNX Quattro is about to get a new feature in November that allows Android connectivity, so if that’s something you’d be interested in, you may want to wait. Otherwise, the product is the same as what’s currently on the market.

Info from ReSound web page - hopefully the anticipated Smart 3D phone app update that’s coming “soon” will give a clue to whatever feature updates will appear in phone hardware late in 2019:

If my ReSound Quattro 961’s, purchased October, 2018, are not compatible with new Android features, especially direct phone streaming connectivity, I’ll be digging up old August 2018 press releases about how Android connectivity just awaits a new release of Android and asking for my money back!

I do find it amazing how we (and I’m definitely including myself) get sucked into these revolutionary new features that are just around the corner. For example, when I bought a new smartphone a year ago, I wanted one with Bluetooth 5, thinking it would be better for hearing aid compatibility. Heck, BT5 was announced in 2016, hearing aid compatibility must be right around the corner, right? (For those that haven’t been following this, as of yet, no manufacturer is talking about using BT5 in hearing aids, although I understand some features might get used. I have to conclude that this stuff is a lot more complicated to develop than I ever imagined.

I get a kick out of the flavors of the month. I too watch but my fellow hearing tracker members seem to keep me posted well enough.

I’m on my third Samsung Galaxy S3. It functions as intended. These new phones cost more than my first car!

On the good side, I spent $200 on my Nokia 6.1 and I do like it better than my old Galaxy Grand Prime.

There is a new version of Oticon Genie (2019.2) and Opn firmware available. Is anyone in a position to test this new firmware with Android Q Beta 6 for direct streaming?

Well this looks quite promising.

I’ve downloaded the final Android q beta release 6 on my pixel 2.

Having enabled developer mode, and looked at the feature flags, they are indeed blanked out. It’s been that way since Beta3, after the OP originally posted

So I can’t enable hearing aids. But having reset the oticon app and re-paired with the hearing aids, searching for hearing aids in Settings, all the support is clearly there.

I strongly suspect that when the final release comes out, and the accessibility settings for hearing aids is re-enabled, that I’ll be able to stream audio.

All those doubters in the thread above should be aware that it’s absolutely normal for features to appear and disappear during the development and beta process. :grinning:


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I’ve got no doubt the streaming functionality will be there. It’s what hearing aids it will work with that I really want to know.

You’d expect that any hearing aid that works with an iPhone will work with Android q. It might need a firmware upgrade from Oticon.

Sorry to burst your bubble but not all Android 10 upgrades are going to be the same. A lot of OEM (except Google) is not going to enable ASHA capability on their devices, it require a new Android Bluetooth Audio HAL version 2. So if they upgrade to Android 10, they have to upgrade the config files to version 2 for the device which i doubt a lot of OEM are going to do. If you buy a new device (with Pie and promises to upgrade to Android 10) from a manufacture called yellow incorporated, they will not spend time updating the HAL during the Android 10 upgrade when they got a ton of other things to do. Updating the HAL is not risk free, it opens a whole can of bugs.

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What manufacturer are you alluding to?

Any manufacture that isn’t google, I don’t want to name one of them.

Android 10 final has been released this afternoon for the Pixel 3 and 3 XL. It has been reported on XDA Developers that the ability to pair hearing aids directly is included in this “production” release version.
Now let’s see how long before GN Resound (and other HA mfgs) release software updates for Android ASHA.

Do you have a link? I was unable to find it. I have a long running thread there about direct Android HA support that I just updated.

Page #3, posts 23 to 25.

Whoa, another RC with HAs. :+1:

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Better than “another OF that’s also an RC…:wink:

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And here’s further confirmation > Android 10 supports direct Bluetooth LE streaming to hearing aids

Goood article there. Well, I’m also an OF that is an RC. Seems to be many of us fit that category.

Hello. I updated my pixel 2 to android 10, but haven’t been able to find the hearing aid options in the accessibility menu.

Anybody has better luck? Or should I get a new phone?