Widex Moment Sheer 440 or Phonak Lumity 90

Hi, a quick update. I retried streaming classical music via the Moment app (installed on iPhone iOS17.2) to my Moment 330 hearing aids.
The streaming setting gets stuck on streaming Speech and I have no option to change it to streaming Music. So this may be a problem specific to my 330 hearing aids and my install of the Moment app.
If 440 users have the option to select either Speech or Music when streaming then they are lucky folk.
The OP may be in the same situation as me where their setup has ended up only providing Speech streaming.

I have just updated my iPhone 11 to 17.2.1 from 17.1.2 and I am still able to choose speech or music when streaming to my Moment 440’s
There is a definite difference between the 2 modes. The music seems more mellow and less treble.
Note that I did not say more accurate! I don’t feel qualified to comment on that

Yeah, overtuning is very practical feature. I overtuned my 1-2k and above over my feedback treshold and I feel better with that.

I have no feedback despite overtuning.