Where to buy Phonak Roger On


Ok this is where people get confused.

The older Pen and Select has the right Bluetooth to make hands free calls.

The On has some sort of Bluetooth that isn’t suitable for making calls but can be used with the App.

As other have said many times on this forum, you can’t use the Pen and Select Bluetooth with Marvel and Paradise Aids as it makes the Aids stop working correctly, until you turn the Bluetooth back off on the Pen and the Select. That is why they stopped putting the appropriate Bluetooth for calls in the Roger iN devices.

The Roger Bluetooth has never worked with music / You Tube etc as it doesn’t contain the right Bluetooth for that.



We would like to inform you about the phase out decisions for the products listed below;

Roger Pen
Phase Out Date: 30.09.2021
Replaced by: Roger On

Roger Pen iN
Phase Out Date: 30.09.2021
Replaced by: Roger On iN

Roger EasyPen
Phase Out Date: 30.09.2021
Replaced by: Roger On or Roger Select


I like the Roger Pen. Use mine a lot. For me, pointing mode works great. True the newer stuff is better but $$$. Pens are $70 now.


Each to their own @Psych1, I am glad somebody likes it, mines ended up in the bin, where in my opinion it truthfully belonged :upside_down_face: In all truth, pointing mode never worked for me, Roger On & Roger Select, are light years ahead of the Roger Pen 1.1…. In saying all that, I will struggle in certain situations with the On, or the Select…… But not as badly as I struggled with the Roger Pen… As always YMMV :wink:

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What HAs had the licenses preloaded? I ordered L90 Lumity and Roger ON and the vendor stated OK to work.

I was glad tonight when my battery time was over on my Roger OnIn (max about 8 hours) to also have the Roger Pen 1.1. But as stated and I agree the Roger OnIn is clearly the winner although the Pen saved my life today as I could hear the conversation very well with the Pen. My HA’s wouldn’t have managed by itself. Happy to be a Phonak user…

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And when your Roger ON battery dies, try the Live Transcribe app for IOS iPhones. I am pleasantly surprised with how it works so far. Aim the speaker - mic end of the phone at the speaker and the flip screen lets you see what has been said. The pro version has a little more range that the cheaper version setting.

Thanks for your remark @rsinclair123 . They only have to make the microphones directional and intelligent on our mobile phones and we do not need the expensive Rogers anymore. But your tip is good. Personally my phone is an Android with Google Transcribe installed.


Just to bring it back to the licenses - I’ve a question: If you have the Rogers ON In, put the license (correctly) onto each HA, and then you loose your Hearing Aids, have you lost the licenses too?


@user106 Yesh :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Yes unfortunately but then it’ll be the same if you had to wear a Roger X receiver instead of the license on your Aid as well.


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Unlesh if you have a neckwoop :no_mouth:

Yes true @Baltazard

The only time I’ve lost my Aids and older Phonak FM System was when my bag was stolen when I was on summer camp as a child. I had taken them out to go kayaking and the minibus got broken in too despite being in a very isolated place.

That was 25 years ago!! Not happened since!


Well that sucks especially if one has proof of purchase of the Roger ON In… Thanks for the quick response though

Yeah I think so to, I guess you could claim insurance.

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I love neckwoops!


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:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

This is an interesting comment, @kevels55. I have had the Select iN for a few years, and whilst it’s not infallible, it does help in restaurant-type situations. The problem I have had is in ‘standing-around-talking-to-different-people’ situations.

I’m therefore trying out the Roger ON (using my 03 receivers already in the Marvels). So far, I’ve found it works as well as the Select in table mode (but I still massively struggled in a restaurant and table for 14 in London on Friday :woozy_face:), but (like you) still not convinced by the pointing mode. I will only keep this if pointing works well.

I’d be interested to hear of others’ experiences with the Roger ON in pointing mode. Thanks. Mike.

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Table for 4 or 6, (in table mode) the Roger On will be fine @Mike59, but 14 at a table then you can forget it, it won’t happen… Pointing mode, like all Roger devices in my experience, they all struggle… But in lanyard mode they are excellent… You need around 20db SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) in loud noise, and the further the speaker is from the Roger On remote mic, the speaker signal is simply going to be drowned out with background noise… That’s the way of the HOH world, everyone at a table, especially a large table of 14, and even those with pitch perfect hearing are going to struggle badly, and yes they will probably hear those immediately either side or in front of them, but to actually hear those folks at the far end of the table, that’s almost impossible… Roger On is much the same, and you are probably hearing better than most hearing folks at that table (in your immediate vicinity) … distance in noise is the enemy of any Roger device, we expect Roger to perform in almost impossible acoustically challenging situations, unfortunately it cannot perform miracles with no signal input! Cheer’s Kev :wink:


Not considering the App, would you say the On preforms the same as the Select in Table Mode?

The Select seems more user friendly rather than having to get your phone out.



Have you tried the Speech in Loud Noise program to see if it helps?


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