What company will make the next Costco hearing aids?

The KS 10 is no more. Jabra is filling the void. Any rumors about the next Gen KS aids?

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I too would like to know this, as far as I can tell, nothing has been discussed about the brand that will take over from Phonak, inside info is hard to come by, they obviously have something planned, they’ll want to keep that sub $1500 deal for premium quality models, so anyone’s guess at the moment?

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Nobody really knows. My KS6 aids were Resound. My KS8 are Rexton. The KS10 was Phonak.
I believe we can be fairly certain KS11 will not be Phonak.



Wouldn’t it be great if Oticon came to Costco.


I believe you are correct.

Phillips is not an Oticon though.

Like the KS 9 and 10 are pretty much Phonak Marvel and Paradise aids. Would love to see the KS11 be a More aid.


Interesting look on that, if they did, I wonder if they’d keep to the pricing of $1500 and under tho, seems this is the hardest part for any of the manufacturer’s to do, undermining the pricing structure they have in place with the existing market.


Yeah @tenkan, Oticon sell to “The NHS” at around 10%, or less than the High Street price, usually this is 1 or 2 iterations behind the latest & greatest all singing, and dancing aids, I suppose it gets rid of old stock, plus the NHS do sometimes order newer aids in, at the discretion of their A.uD’s… I am almost certain the VA will have a whacking great discount, because of their buying power! It would indeed be nice to see the “More 1” on sale at Costco, at a “More” paletable price, if you’ll pardon the pun…


@kevels55: This is, IMO, what the reality of a “Oticon at Costco” fairy tale would look like. It’s doubtful that Oticon would ever permit their latest and most superior technological breakthrough to be sold at Costo discounted prices.

This is just my opinion, however.


Yeah Jim, perhaps? But, with inflation, and recession looming, most folks will be tightening their belts? I can’t see Oticon releasing the latest, but the may forgo the “More 1”, as they have the Oticon Own on the go now, don’t they? But, as always, it’s all hypothetical, and Oticon, like Phonak need to be selling aids, and a small profit, is better than no profit at all… Phonak sell that many aids to the NHS, they have their own “Phonak NHS Website”… Cheers Kev :wink:

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That is a very funny and astute way of phrasing their pricing. I think I’d probably just say they want to keep their insane markups and wouldn’t feel right selling the aids at a reasonable price, but that’s just me :roll_eyes::grin:


Yeah it’s quite amazing really that the NHS are able to do this, even if they are a platform to two behind, next year it’ll be the More range, as Oticon will be ready for a new platform, the public not having to pay upfront for good HAs is fantastic, the government spreads the cost to all tax payers, can’t complain about that.

I think the Own is just custom models at the moment.

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Costco KS aids tend to be the previous generation flagship. That could mean the predecessor to the More. Was that the OPN S?


Not always @prodigyplace, KS10 was to all intensive purposes the rebranded, Phonak Paradise 90… KS9 were Phonak Marvel 90’s. But, hopefully Costco gets something decent for their KS11… Cheers Kev.


@kevels55: Kev - isn’t the Own just a repackaged More, for all intents and purposes?

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Nobody but Costco really knows who the next manufacturer is going to be. I’ve been with Phonak my entire hearing loss journey, but would be open to a new manufacturer as I’m starting to hear more about different features that sound better on other devices than Phonak.

Although, that requires more research on my end. I think starting a poll would be a fun way to guess, of course, it would lead to too much speculation and I don’t believe this forum would appreciate it.

Not sure Jim, I’m not very clued up on Oticon, but I am certain they will have something better in the pipeline, if not the Own, then something other… Phonak released their Marvel 90, KS9, and then the Paradise 90, KS10, amazingly both aids where sold at Costco, shortly after they hit the High Street, a kick in the googlees for the independent hearing aid vendors, to say the least! Cheers Kev :wink:

My guess it is going to be the first LE Audio hearing aid that comes to the market which i think is based on resound omnia chip platform (via firmware update)

Oh sounds great, I hope your right,as ReSound has always been a favourite of mine.

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Resound and Cochlear always have a place in my heart. More i learn about bluetooth classic and LE Audio. It has become clear that Cochlear and Resound have the customer in mind.

Sonova (Phonak / Advanced. bionics) isn’t listening, all they seem to care about is short term profit/ growth instead of long term growth/profit and it is biting them hard with high power consumption and short battery life of their hearing aid / CI…

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My guess from what I see and the little I’ve heard from Costco staff is that Kirkland hearing aids are a thing of the past. They offer hearing aids from 3 brands at lower prices than I paid for my Kirkland 7s 6 years ago and one of them seems to be very similar to Resound Omnia. They offer more choice than many stand alone hearing aid practices. They really don’t have a need to offer Kirkland hearing aids anymore.
Tangent: I was just thinking that the Easyline app for the KS9 and KS10 is unlikely to get anymore updates.