User Review of Whisper Hearing Aids

If you die before your 3 years is up, I guess you lose… :grin:

If you read the contract, it says that if you die before the 3 years are up, you or your estate is still liable for the rest of the money! :crazy_face:

Bless their little cotton socks.

Check your mail. Sent you a PM.

Whassup, folks? What’s new in WhisperWorld?

I can’t believe that this once-hot topic has just … died!


At the risk of sounding “cloak-and-dagger-esque” I sincerely hope that our Forum Members’ heretofore open and candid discussion of their experiences has not been thwarted in any way by their status as Whisper Brain Trust subscribers!

[Please! Someone pipe up, and allay my fears!]


Seem strange @SpudGunner, that no one is saying, well nothing! Not that I would be a candidate to use whisper aids Jim, but I am interested in their progress, as every new aid on the market, creates more choice for hearing impaired…… Hopefully all is well, for those whom took the plunge with Whisper, at present it appears to be more of a, “Will-o’-the-wisp” …… Cheers Kev :wink:


@kevels55: I’m reassured by your reply that I’m not sitting out on a limb, holding a saw. “Will-o-the-Whisper”, indeed! Nice shot!

Best regards to you and Elspeth, Kev!

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Thank You Jim, I hope all is well in your household…. My regards to your wife and your good self :grin: You would imagine, if they are working well? That most Whisper users would be keen to encourage others to try Whisper, but perhaps, they have problems, and the silence appears to be rather loud, not even a Whisper :joy: :upside_down_face: :rofl: if you’ll pardon the pun…. Cheers Kev :wink:

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@kevels55: Like you, I wish the company well, if for no other reason that I feel a debt of gratitude to Dr Schum, whose brainchildren are the terrific Oticon More1s, thanks to which I have been enjoying life, for the past year. I wouldn’t want to see his sterling reputation tarnished by the failure of his “Whisper” venture.

I think there’s some merit to the idea of an offshore “brain” to do the heavy lifting, although there are several “non-features” of the Whisper model that I find unappealing.

I was, however, quite enjoying the candid observations and comparisons being made and - like yourself - I’m nonplussed by their abrupt cessation.

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Yeah Jim, I agree with all your sentiments, it just seems very odd, that all the observations, and feedback dried up from the Whisper users, and why that should be, is open to conjecture, in the absence of any further comments…… Cheers Kev :wink:

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@kevels55: Surely, Kev - assuming there are no gags on any of the subscribers - I would expect at least one response to our expressions of interest and concern, wouldn’t you?

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Perhaps there is a gagging order Jim? Or a none disclosure order, as part of the trial for subscribers, who knows? That had indeed crossed my mind! In the absence of any replies, we might have to assume there may be? It would explain the silence…. Tis a pity! Cheers Kev :wink:

@kevels55: Yes, indeed, Kev - it does appear as though something has been imposed on the previously actively-posting subscribers. I’ve tried not to suggest such a thing, since I believe that - if true - it would reflect poorly on Whisper AI and on Dr Schum.

(I don’t want or need any further excoriations for making disparaging comments about the company and its way of going.)

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the sudden silence is odd…well, weird even. In a science fiction novel, we’d learn that the external brain is far more than a mere hearing aid.


Yes, I agree! For what are the odds of three or four (at least) heretofore active posters suddenly and simultaneously losing their voices?

UFOs got’em


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Unbelievable. All of these posts are literally about a conspiracy theory :thinking:

No gag orders, folks. All is well in Whisper land. There have been some annoying feedback issues that hopefully will be addressed in the next firmware update.


That’s good to hear @happymach…. Some of us are gluttonous for a good conspiracy theory :rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy: I look forward to hearing your progress. Cheers Kev :wink:

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@happymach: Are they still giving you performance that’s superior to conventional HAs?

Any idea why they’re feeding back? (Don’t forget who’s asking the question: a technical ignoramus!) I thought that feedback suppression was pretty much “in the bag” for mainstream HA manufacturers.