TV Adapter 3.0 question

Continuing the discussion from Oticon TV Adapter 3.0 with Intents - Only Right Ear?:

About to purchase the TV adapter 3.0 for new Intent 1s.
Question: Must you leave the TV adapter powered on all the time or can you power it down when you stop watching TV without having to re-pair it when you power it up again?
(Our California electricity rates are completely nuts so we try to save where we can :slightly_smiling_face:.)

I have had my TV adapter for about 6 years and never power it off. But I have at times lost power at home with our having the pair my aids again.

The power connector is a micro-USB with my two units and the rating on the bottom is 5 Volts at 0.4 Amp so 2 watts. If your TV has a USB connector that is turned off when the TV goes off you could probably power the adapter from that with an appropriate cable and it would be on only with the TV on.

We have power failures in AZ, typically with summer thunderstorms - my two adapters have never had to re-pair after a power loss. The only time I’ve had to re-pair was after some firmware update of my aids (OPN, OPN S, More, and Real).

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