Transfer Phonak Roger X receivers between hearing aids

So if I empty it you think it might work?


Give it a go @michael1, if it doesnā€™t work you can reinstall the single license back into the Roger Pen ā€œInā€ :wink:

Does that only work if you have a table mic II IN . ā€¦ I can not get it to work with just a ON IN ???


Iā€™ve got it to work with the On iN on the Software marked 1.27.

Both of mine are saying 2 x receivers in each. Iā€™ve transferred out loads of times with the On iN but never the Table Mic II iN.

The On is Version 1.

@Zebras Are you saying that 1 Roger iN device can hold up to 10 licenses?

I had to load the receivers back in each time via the software.

No one (as in who Iā€™ve given receivers / licenses too) has lost any receivers / licenses by doing this.

My On and Table Mic both say it contains 2 x licenses again ready for my new hearing aids.

Not sure I understand you.
I thought youā€™ve had a Naida Paradise P70 UP?

Yes. What do you not understand?

1 Roger iN device can hold up to 10 licenses?

No, only two.

I had to go back on to the Roger Upgrader Software each time to Retrieve Roger Receivers by clicking on the button within Read Data part as explained further up the thread.

Has got me 10 x licenses. It doesnā€™t hold 10.


I didnā€™t know what the button would do and half expected the licenses / receivers to disappear from my Aids.

I thought why not, Iā€™ll click the button and manage what ever happens.

I was surprised when more licenses appeared.

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Have you looked on the software?

That might help you?

You do need to connect an empty Roger iN for the button to appear.

I did you use it, and once got me a roger select which had a battery problem, couldnā€™t upgrade.

I donā€™t have any roger devices or any hearing aids at the moment.
But what was the purpose of all this, I think Iā€™ve lost track?


If you have spare hearing aids, for them to be equipped to be able to use the Roger!!

I of course, also helped my Step Mum and my friends (twins) as explained above.

Step Mum has Sky M70 M
Friends have AB Marvel CI and Naida Link Aid each.

I have Naida P70 UP and will be getting the Naida L90 UP, once Iā€™m not house bound and can fully test them out.

My understanding is you need a roger iN version or roger installer.
Are you saying that the roger upgrader can do the trick?

Yes thatā€™s what Iā€™ve explained.

The Roger Upgrader Software can put more licenses into the Roger iN as explained above to be transferred out into other Aids.

It worked on my On iN and Table Mic iN. Donā€™t have anything else to try.

I see, but the iN needs to be empty.


When I connect both mine now, as they contain 2 x receivers in each, the button doesnā€™t show up to retrieve Roger receivers.

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Smashing, thank you very much for the explanation, but I still donā€™t get.

Donā€™t worry, I will figure it out.

On another note, are you VAT exempt when buying HA?