The commissioning and first 6 hours with my first ever hearing aids (Jabra Enhance Pro 20) from Costco

It might be one of those “different strokes for different folks” things. Most people, if they are using their podcast player or they are in a phone call, are not going to want to switch to their HA app to control streaming volume. Most people judge how loud they want the streaming volume to be by how it sounds in their ears. Wherever I’m fiddling with a slider to adjust either streaming or surroundings volume, I literally “play it by ear” to tune the relative volumes the way I want. And on the iPhone, when you start adjusting the volume with the buttons, a vertical slider appears (not very tall, though!), and you can adjust the volume up or down with a finger if you don’t want to hit the volume buttons. That effectively makes a streaming volume slider available everywhere, not just within the HA app. It’s been years, but I seem to remember that my Galaxy Note 8 had a similar volume slider that appeared when I was working the volume button. It would be nice if the dual view you suggested were available in the HA app, and you could adjust the relative volumes and save them as a preset or favorite.

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Thanks, Jim. I have 2 receivers in the earpiece behind the ear and…the receiver piece in my ear (if that’s what’s meant by M&RIE?) I’m going to give it some time for me to adjust. The wind and nearby road noise in the Outdoors program isn’t helping (except a bit if I also use the noise filter in that program.) If I don’t/can’t adjust I’ll see if the technician has any proposed solution. The wind noise–a persistent loud hiss–isn’t in a high wind. Just the tree leaves rustling in a low wind situation.


I find that using the noise filter button with each program silences sounds like the AC blowing threw the vents. Besides that I have closed domes (power domes). I too have the M&RIE Receivers which have a third microphone in the ear, attached to the actual receiver. These cut out most wind noise for me.

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I ride a bike (except that I’m not riding now because of a @#$%ed injury!), so I’m often in wind speeds of 25-35 mph from any direction. At first, the Outdoors program was great at suppressing wind noise. Then it was great for wind from some directions but not others. Now … it’s useless. No changes have been made in the programming. I just stay in All Around on the bike.

The 3rd mic is what is meant by ‘M&RIE’. I’ve had receivers with various types of molds, and the best domes I used was the tulip-shaped dome from Rexton; they were better than ReSound’s - but I have Pro 10s, and they’re different in some ways from the 20s. YMMV.

The M&RIEs are longer than regular receivers, so the domes need more space to be effective. The thing is: if you spend the $80 for molds at Costco, and they don’t work, they’ll give you a refund. Another thing is: molds are warrantied for 12 months, not 36, unless you get the molds that are not removable. Then they’re considered part of the receivers and get a 3 year warranty.


Thanks for the info, I don’t think I have the M&RIEs. My receivers in the ear don’t seem to be longer. I will ask when I have my follow up appointment.

On the OUTER side of the JABRA 20s, if you have what looks like a very small diameter “hole”. I believe that is the 3rd microphone.

Jim G

Hmmm. There is a very small hole on the outer side. (And 2 somewhat larger diameter holes on the top). Interesting. Thanks!

I am talking about the piece that goes inside the ear canal. THAT’s where the 3rd microphone is located.The much larger piece that goes behind the ear has 2 microphone holes in it for the 2 “normal” mics used on BTE HAs.

Jim G

Hi, Noreen

Here’s a link to a post in another thread that has a picture of where the M&RIE microphone is. The circular “dot” just below the receiver wire is the M&RIE filter that covers the M&RIE microphone hole. If you click on the picture, you can make it a lot larger.

ReSound Omnias with M&RIE Receivers - Hearing Aids - Hearing Aid Forum - Active Hearing Loss Community (

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The M&RIE Microphone and receiver inside ear (MARIE) system have three microphones. One microphone is located inside the receiver part and therefore inside the ear. Two microphones inside the hearing aid casing sitting behind the ear.


Thanks for all the assistance with me trying to understand this. I don’t think my Jabra Enhance Pro 20’s have the micro receiver inside the ear. I looked at the rather skimpy documentation about the aids and I’m not seeing any discussion of it. Here’s a photo of what I have.

Isn’t the Costco US warranty for molds 6 months? Or is the warranty a year and the remake period 6 months?

You have just a normal receiver without microphone inside , it is non M&RIE

The M&RIE receiver looks like this

MARIE receiver is little bigger than the standard receiver


Again, thank you. I’m still adjusting to the new sound of these. I’m mostly pleased. Hopefully the wind issue can be resolved.

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I got molds with my EP10s. Then I got more molds because I wanted to test M&RIE about 2 weeks later; those molds came at no additional cost. Neither set did much for me, and I used Rexton domes that look somewhat like tulips.

Then a new audi suggest molds that are small and can’t be removed. She looked into the warranty(?), and I was told I had to pay because the 1st molds were made more than 12 months ago. That makes me think 12 months is the time period that’s crucial, but I’ve never gone into the details of the warranty/return period for molds.

My Costco is 30 days for molds then no returns

Please post if your audi has found a fix for the ridiculous amount of wind noise. With my gains, even my car A/C fan causes a loud rustling noise and thats after 3 follow up adjustments. Tnx

My Jabra 20s work just fine when my car AC is blowing hard.

Jim G

Yeah definitely a programming issue, I’d like to see what they have programmed down low for your loss, road noise is usually the problem, not your AC, maybe yours is just “noisy”?

Im not refering to the slight noise my A/C makes, its the vent air blowing on my aids. Its wind/air noise, not fan noise. I can brush my hand on the top of my aids and get almost no noise. But just my car A/C on mid fan setting causes the rustling noise just like if you had a hand held microphone outdoors on a windy day. Its really bad and this is with the Noise Filter set to max. Are my lower feqs boosted to high? It happens on both aids. Tnx