Steps necessary to pair Roger Select to Lumity 90 hearing aids

Did you ever see the “The Gong Show” here in the USA? I must be quacking in a vacuum AND pointing to my advanced age.

In short: I have failed! I’ve been GONGED - and in the show, the hosts would literally beat a GONG! to dismiss the unfortunate loser. :smirk:

Is that the yes/no game? If so, we had a version in the UK called “Take Your Pick” in the 1960s. It was rebooted more recently too. :slight_smile:

Sorry, wrong show lol


I am.

However, it’s shaken me up.

  • It’s not based on a good audiogram. (Suddenly my hearing is better than it’s been for years.)
  • There was no REM
  • I lost the programs (the audiologist who quit erased them all)

I’m very happy with the new practioner. I’m going to call him. I have a workman’s compensation claim. It’s really hard for him to be paid adequately in the system here. Guvmint is reducing costs. I’m lucky I qualified.

Toronto Ontario Canada

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this has been my experience when I tried to get support from them. I do not think the phone reps you get are knowledgeable. I got wrong information from them on how or if the Roger on could be connected to my resound hearing aids. More help here. Just follow Neville’s instructions.


Well I’m getting into the advanced age GREY AREA too but I don’t recall Gong Show. I have a pretty good memory of stuff like that so I can’t account for my lack of cognition in this case. I remember Groucho Marx show with George Fenaman (but I’m not sure of spelling). I remember a duck being lowered from the ceiling with a word on a card in its mouth (Say the Secret Woid) or how about The Life of Reilly an olds school simpler times comedy and My Little Margie back in the 50’s NOW you know I’m old for sure(My Little Margie - Wikipedia).
But I must’ve fallen asleep for the Gong Show dang it.

@rothlev1 I vote with you. Things like this ought to concern Phonak because word gets around eventually but I think they are too arrogant to care right now.

I have NEWS I’m happy to report. I can’t tell you how but somehow I have both hearing aids connected to Roger Direct IN. DESPITE the red light result I previously reported.

Now My Phonak app has a new section for Roger Direct. Having finally succeeded in this long-running connection effort maybe i will finally have time to study the possibilities and how-to’s of my Lumity 90 H. A.s.

Thanks to one and all who have persevered beyond the call to help me. I couldn’t have done it without you because Phonak surely didn’t help.

Mine is not to question why or look a gift horse in the mouth!

Better I don’t list out all the monikers of those who helped me. It’s a long list and surely I will miss a name and possibly offend someone I inadvertently left out.



Here in Canada I sense that Phonak will only talk to audiologists.
They won’t talk to me, though they are only 3 miles away. I have had 3 sets of Phonak HA’s.

Yet my know-nothing audiologist had a virtual direct line to them . Every time I visited his office he would grasp my question and talk to Phonak reps on a first name basis while I sat beside him using speaker phone.

It did not inspire me with confidence. He was my audiologist for 2 years but is no longer.

Observation: I’m not Phonak’s customer. The audiologist is/was and they support their customer.



That has been my experience with Phonak, Resound is a speck better as far as support. the Audi’s call in and get a much better support line than the consumers. If you can get thru to the line for Audi’s then you would get help. I only dealt with Phonak because I wanted to use the Roger device. I had to figure out how without their help. I found the sites from Britain that sell Roger devices know their stuff. ( the rules are different there ). ( consumers are not locked out of the wheel )


My UK NHS audiologist rang Phonak UK and was told it doesn’t matter what serial number the Roger X is, if you want to install the license the other way without a Roger iN Mic.

I knew they were wrong but the audiologist said I was wrong and Phonak UK was the one who was right.

Phonak Head Office are their own worse enemy.



Hear here!

Thanks so much.
Meantime I curse the Paradise P90 wax guards every day. Anyone who designed them doesn’t know their user at all.
So I have 2 pet peeves.

  1. setup (hearing aids didn’t work/I couldn’t hear for 2 years
  2. wax guards

And today I couldn’t understand a person standing to my left side that was only 5 feet away. I was talking to someone directly in front of me. Does this new technology work?


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Hm. Are you sure your aids weren’t in some kind of directional program? In my default program, I can typically hear folks in 360 degrees. Caveat is if they’re say 10 steps in front of me with their BACK to me.

I agree with your two pet peeves, and would even add one of my own:
Roger V2 stick needed for EACH pair of aids in which license is permanently installed. I wear my 2 pairs of Lumity Life aids every other day, and since getting the Roger V2 license installed on the first pair almost a month ago, I’m forever cursing my Roger V2 when it WON’T stream … only to realize I’m wearing the OTHER pair - the pair that won’t have a legitimate license installed until the 13th of this month.

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You don’t need to buy a second Roger, you could buy the receivers and have them transfer the licenses to you second set of HAs. If your HCP does this, nothing risky or second tier about it. Probably a fair bit less money than a second roger.


Thanks for that info! I will see what-all is planned when I get in on the 13th. My audi said that I’d be given a 2nd Roger stick. I REALLY don’t want that. I want a license that can be used on the same Roger V2 stick that I got a month ago (a loaner, which I’ll turn in for an actual purchase).

Fingers crossed I can get TWO pairs of aids on a SINGLE Roger stick. I keep that stick plugged in close to the TV, and I don’t want to have to swap in a different stick every other night.

It irks me that I never wanted rechargeable aids, but now that’s all Phonak is selling, I need TWO pairs of rechargeables to get through 24 hrs (if need be), so now charging base and Roger is multiplied by two as well.

If I had a single pair of battery-operated aids that lasted 6 days I’d never have needed the redundancy in aids, charging base, Roger stick. And forget about time for UV sanitizing these! I no longer do that cuz all night long the rechargeables have to sit on their bases instead of being placed in a UV sanitizer.

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Once you have licenses in all your HAs, you’d be able to link them all together. All hearing aids could connect to both Rogers. But less is more…

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How many sets of receiver-equipped or license-containing aids can a Roger microphone be paired with?

I don’t think there is a limit.


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How many hearing devices can be paired with the Roger On?


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Thanks for that insight! I’m bringing the whole kit 'n kaboodle with me on the 13th! Hoping we can simplify this! :slight_smile:

Once you understand the Roger set up, it becomes a lot easier.

Having 2 ‘sticks’ is not needed unless you want to use 2 ‘sticks’ when walking with 2 other people, then it could become useful. :woman_shrugging:

The 2 ‘sticks’ work together to stream to whatever hearing aids, once they all have licenses.

If you don’t want another ‘stick’, then you don’t need to get one to get the extra licenses.


This is very true! As we have seen here many times the converse is that without understanding it becomes impossible. The Roger systems are fabulous but complicated if you really want to get the full benefits. Using the apps is essential . With the TableMic you have to use the remote control, the app, and play with your HA buttons. You can link multiple devices together and share devices with others. Simplification and full utilization are incompatible.