Steps necessary to pair Roger Select to Lumity 90 hearing aids

Thanks Zebras and Psych1! I will endeavor to simplify and get the most out of the Roger V2 after getting in to see my audi and Phonak rep this coming Friday.

What’s currently driving me nuts is the ODD days (1,3,5…31) when I have in the pair of Lumity Life aids without the license on them. I only have it on the aids I wear on EVEN days (2,4,6…30).

I must be the only :alien: here who doesn’t mothball my “backup” pair of rechargeable aids? I just figure it’s best to use them both equally and keep them charged and ready to wear in any emergency if one pair isn’t working. I’ll get there soon enough with the Roger stick resolved, but for now, I’m favoring EVEN days of the week when I’m streaming effortlessly with the Roger. :slight_smile: