Severe/Profound Loss At a Loss

Yeah, I wear glasses all the time @Member361, they are not a problem for me, although my lugs are fairly large :rofl: You could not really quantify the percentage increase, and I am no expert, I just know my confidence is greatly enhanced with these aids, although admittedly, I have a distinct advantage over most, according to my A.uD, I am an excellent lip reader, but only 30% of all words are clearly distinguishable on the lips, but I am now super confident in moderate noise, between lip reading and these aids, I certainly cope well, when you consider my level of lossā€¦ If I am struggling, I have lots of Roger ALDā€™s, if I need to hearā€¦Good Luck in your endeavour for better overall hearingā€¦ Cheers Kev :wink:

@glucas you are very welcome, btw Target is now 10.0ā€¦ Cheers Kev :wink:


Thanks! I had one other question since it appears you both are DIYs with this: If I want to turn off all AI, noise cancelling, sound reduction, etc, in one program, does it have that capability?

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I havenā€™t touched the Naida Lumityā€™s 90 UPā€™s since I got them, in November last year, simply because they work very well, my first fit was my last fit, no further tweaks were necessary, by me or my A.uD, the only thing that has been altered is a firmware update, last weekā€¦ In my instance, the aids were set up before I entered my A.uDā€™s office, apart from feedback management, after this, she asked me, how that sounds, I asked her to switch on compression, and swap to NAL NL2 fitting formulaā€¦ Bingo, we were good to go! And that was itā€¦ No further programming whatsoever, as they sounded spot on to me! There is no AI in these Naida Lumity UPā€™s, a good A.uD can make them or most other digital hearing aids, sound almost linear, if he/she has the skill set, perhaps therein lies the problem, the good ones are as rare as hens teeth, if you find one, you would be advised, to cling on to them, like a limpet mine :joy: In my experience, there are only 2 types of Audiologists, ā€œthem that know, and them that think they knowā€, the latter will give you copious amounts of B/S, and fob you off, at every given opportunity, they are basically winging it, and they will try to relieve you of as much of your hard earned cash in the processā€¦ Knowledge & Education is your friend, there are many absolutely brilliant A.uDā€™s out there, there are unfortunately a few shysterā€™s as well, educate yourself to spot themā€¦ For these reasons, many of us DIY, I have Target 10.0, & Noahlink Wireless, but I am also most fortunate too have an absolutely brilliant A.uD, whom wants me to have the best hearing possible, and she will do her utmost to make it soā€¦Cheers Kev :wink:


It does, this is how you set up a dedicated music program.

@godavid_d, @Member361, what is your Word Recognition Score (WRS) in quiet in percent? With the right and left ear separately and bilaterally?

Right : 40% at 95 db HL
Left : 28% at 95 db HL
Binaural Word recognition 48% at 95db


I was doing some research on this particular aid (Nadia Lumity) since a lot in here are vouching for it, and I notice that there is already a dedicated music program built into the aide for the higher end models but not the lower end models. See picture:

This may be a deal breaker in terms of which model to get, as I would be limited to just getting the L70 or L90 if I want to have such a program.

However, if you say it could be set up manually by turning off all AI, noise cancelling, sound reduction, etc, then am I correct in that you essentially donā€™t need to have this feature already built in and can just build one yourself this way with the L30 and L50 models?

I was tested in this, but didnā€™t ask for the scores. Based on what @Neville has said in here, I have decided to move on from my current audiologist, and will get retested in September by both Kaiser as well as another audiologist Iā€™ve found based on reviews (that I will likely get my next aides from). I will be happy to post those scores once I get retested.

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Yes you can turn all the extra features off and call the program anything you want, I just used music as an example, you can make a maximum of 4 extra programs, one can be music.

Thanks. Also, it is interesting that your screenshot has Music as a feature in L50 and L30 but mine did not. I wonder why that is?

Itā€™s been a while since using target, but thereā€™s AutoSence programs and then thereā€™s extra manual programs that can be added, they can be the same as AutoSence or manually adjusted to suit, @Zebras or @kevels55 could explain that a bit more for you.


Definitely a CI candidate if you wanted one or two.


In all truth @tenkan, I havenā€™t really bothered with Target, over the last 2 years or so, up until a couple of days ago, I hadnā€™t opened it up in months, but I thought, I had better get back into it, hence my contact with you yesterday, and thanks to your kind help, I now have a fully functioning Target 10,0ā€¦I do not profess to be any kind of expert, I know enough to perhaps get bye, but sometimes that is even questionable :rofl: for some folks, they like to tweak, always battling for some hearing aid Nirvana, me I like to bend with the wind, and adapt to my aids, as opposed to them being adapted to me, once the aids are reasonably well fitted, I leave well alone! Ruth @Zebras is your best bet on any questions on Target software or @PeterH is also becoming quite an expertā€¦ My present A.uD (of 5 years standing) is such a veritable wizardā€™ess on her keyboard, IMO, she is way beyond an expert, I can hardly see her hands moving, such is the speed of her programming, she is just everything you would want from an A.uD, kind, considerate and very helpful, nothing is ever a problem, and if there is, she will try her utmost to find a solutionā€¦ Cheers Kev :wink:


Music isnā€™t an Autosense feature in ā€œ30ā€ aids (at least in Marvel/Paradise), but can be added as an additional programme. You could also change something like Calm Situation to match its parameters, which are basically 360ā° and flat responses, with zero noise reduction and minimal WhistleBlock.


As long as my Bluetooth is functioning good Iā€™m just not going to worry about a CI. thanks

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Thank you Peter!

So, let me know if Iā€™m understanding this correctly and/or if any of the following is incorrect:

There is one ā€œmainā€ program (the program that is on when turning on the aids), and this main program has Autosense, which itself has several programs within this main program that it automatically switches between depending on the environment. Each of these Autosense programs can be edited, albiet with limitations. Also the number of programs in Autosense depends on which model you buy (L30, L50, L70, or L90).

There can also be 4 separate ā€œstandaloneā€ programs that can be switched manually from the main program, and each of these standalone programs, which donā€™t have Autosense, can be fully edited, including disabling much or all noise cancelling and speech enhancing elements.

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Yes, that is exactly right. Just one other thing. When you add an additional programme, you are asked whether you wish to add it as a ā€œlinked programmeā€ or ā€œstandaloneā€. If you choose ā€œlinkedā€, any changes will be made to the original too, in Autosense. If you choose ā€œstandaloneā€, then any changes will just purely to the original programme, leaving the Autosense version as it was. Either way, your new additional programme, will be scrollable with a long press, or in the app. Remember, the App creates 3 additional programmes anyway (Music, Restaurant, TV). These can only be selected via the App, and can be deleted if you donā€™t want them. If you do delete them, they may reappear after any future work in Target.

There are many other things you can do in Target, regarding how you wish your HAs to work. For example, you donā€™t have to hae Autosense, as your default/startup. You can choose an additional programme if you wish, and have Autosense as a selectable option (or disabled altogether). Other elements that can be edited are: Streaming, Calls, Roger, Partner Mic. Even switching options can be made.

Cheers, Peter


Interesting! Thanks!

And the option to switch the Autosense out as the main/default program is awesome. I know from experience (including the aids I currently have), you couldnt do that with older digitals, meaning that I always have to take the hassle to switch it every time I turn them on to an edited standalone as my ā€œgo toā€ program.

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Yes, I dislike Autosense, so I have ā€œMusicā€ as startup, with ā€œSpeech in noiseā€, and ā€œComfort in echo (P90)ā€ as manually switchable. I even have the TV Connector as manually switchable.



We think alike. My ā€œgo toā€ (that I wish was my default) is the one I use to listen to music as well as most all situations. I only use the default when in noisy situations and need to hear speech.

Thanks again. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have more questions once I trial these.