Severe/Profound Loss At a Loss

Yeah I get what you’re saying, I’m the same, my last pair were the Marvel, I check it every now and then, well I’m getting a little excited about Sphere so I’ll need to get up to speed just in incase :wink:

Exactly the reason I dumped them after many years of being a loyal Phonak user, Sphere could be be a come back! I’m not holding my breath tho…


I’m watching all reviews with interest too. The lack of a battery option will stop me panic buying (for now), so at least the dust will have a chance to settle. This, along with the announcement of the RogerOn3 seem like big changes.


I dislike AutoSense as well. I think it worked better when it was called SoundFlow but I did have only Calm and Speech in Noise as programs within SoundFlow.

I’m just above to program some P30 which also only have Calm and Speech in Noise in the SoundFlow so I’m curious if I’ll like them better then the P70.


Keep us posted, it’s a common theme people ask, “do I really need the premium model” having experienced people on reviews is always good.


Very true. I’ll make a post about how I get on.


I can’t honestly say I am not the same @PeterH… I virtually use no other program than Autosense 5.0, occasionally I might turn my aids up or down via the rocker switch, but that’s mainly it. And yes, Autosense does make the occasional mistake, but you live with it… I’m not really interested in the app…I dislike music nowadays, I was once an avid audiophile of most genres, from punk, to folk music, to classical, I loved them all, I did some roadie work at an odd rock concert, I believe, I only did one actual Rock festival, but my first love was folk music, especially traditional, my summers would sometimes be taken up, doing the folk festivals… I do, on a rare occasion, listen to some older music, only pre SSNHL, stuff that can stir my memory, it does still sound out of tune, but my memory fills in the gaps… I do miss music, it warms the soul, but it is a void in my life, I have had to very reluctantly accept, in my younger days, I couldn’t listen to music played badly, or out of tune, I haven’t changed, apart from the fact, it’s my ears that are now permanently out of tune, very frustrating, but I do grieve for yesterdays musical sound! I lived with distortion for many years, due to Meniers Disease, eventually, I experienced MD burnout, and the distortion abated, till nowadays it is virtually nonexistent, Tinnitus is still as loud as ever, but I learned to live with it, I can switch it off, when it becomes overly annoying, through using self relaxation techniques… For some of the reasons above, are why I resist tweaking my aids very much, any clarity I get, I am enormously grateful for, mainly because, living with years of periodic sound distortion, that has been seared into my memory… Cheers Kev :wink:

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Looks like I have an option between the Naida Lumity SP vs UP. Is there any difference between the two besides battery type?

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So the aids you have are not good for music?

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They have different power capabilities. Check out the fitting guides here, and map your loss onto them and find the one that matches best.


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Without much experience on that sort of thing, can someone clue me in on which would be a better fit for my audiogram? SP or UP. Also factoring in potential future loss.

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i would suggest Naída L-UP, this have more power and battery last longer, but it is bigger

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I personally think you would be OK with the SP. This is only based on my audiogram and looking at the similarity with yours. I was going to trial both, but ended up settling with the SP. But you are probably 10dB worst off in the mids, but slightly better in the highs, so you could go with the UP.


I also feel the SP Naida is more than enough for the OP’s loss.
The notably smaller aid than the UP and the 13 battery are a great combination.


I used to use a size 13 battery on my Phonak M70 SP and I got 3 to 4 days of use.

I now use a size 675 battery on my Phonak Naida P70 UP and they last around 15 days.

If you don’t mind having a smaller battery which may mean you are changing batteries more often, having a smaller Aid is nice.


Yes. On the topic of battery life, I get about 6 to 7 days with the size 13s on the SPs. The UPs would be much better in this respect.


No aids are perfect for hearing music @Member361, they are designed specifically for the spoken word… That being said, any top line digital hearing aids, in the correct hands, can be tweaked, and a designated music program added, so that music might become perhaps more appreciable, through hearing aids, but it is a compromise, you are tweaking something that isn’t designed for music! It will most likely sound reasonable, but not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination… I just gave up many years ago, I mostly prefer not too listen, and try to avoid music, whenever possible, it just sounds much better from memory, inside my head… Cheers Kev :wink:

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@glucas @Zebras @firenzel @Raudrive Thank you for your input!

I do like the smaller size of the SP, which is why I’m considering it. I just fear it may not be enough in terms of power for me in the long run if my loss worsens with age.

Looking at the fitting guides, too, it seems the SP is more geared for a typical age related audiogram rather than cookie bite, with the higher frequencies receiving more power than the lower frequencies - something I definitely don’t need.

Given my tendencies towards bass in preference, I may even end up with very little overhead on the bass side with SPs, which may be a problem if my loss worsens over time.

Granted, as it stands right now, with enough overhead, I can probably adjust these frequencies to my liking, but my audiogram has lowered approximately 15 dBs in the past several years, with no sign yet of stopping.

glucas, how much overhead do you currently have in the SPs?

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This would be a dealbreaker for me, as I cannot do without music - as a listener and player.

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Also, a dumb question perhaps, but I have zero experience with BTEs since abandoning the analog versions 25 years ago:

Who makes the molds for BTEs, the audiologists or the hearing aid manufacturers?

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If by overhead, you mean headroom i.e. additional gain and output, that I could call upon, I actually don’t think it’s a lot in terms of Target, the Phonak programmer, as it’s complaining that for my left ear I am nearly exceeding 132dB. But that I think is in the mids. I would have to check.

Bear in mind the SP has an output of 135dB and gain of 78dB. My NHS audiologist believes I could get away with a normal power aid. So I believe in general I should have a lot of headroom with the SP. But your situation may be different.