Roger ON iN mic issue

I really am greatful for all the suggestions, ideas and proddings here! I actually see value in the myPhonak app! myRoger app is pretty lame by comparison, only allowing directionality and zero control over volume of aids or mic.

It boggles my mind that Phonak hasn’t figured out a way to allow multiple aids be added into myPhonak. They assume we all have ONE pair of aids that works 100% of the time. And that if that aid fails, we can go without the aid or any use of a phone app for 2-3 weeks till the device is sent in to Phonak for repair, then back to the audi for tweaking before we see it again. If only the prez of Phonak walked in my shoes.

But! To your point, I just rebooted my phone right now, too! So now I’m looking forward to a day of some testing, note-taking, and resolution. For now, it seems that just un-installing and re-installing both myPhonak & myRoger have gotten my 312s streaming again - even tho myPhonak shows NO license in one of the aids.

It’s a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma called Phonak. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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@1Bluejay Have you checked the Roger you transfered the licenses from to see if the license is still in there? The procedure was described above, but it is pretty simple. Turn the Roger On on and use the pin/paperclip to insert into the hole in the back very briefly. The number of licenses in the Roger will be displayed on the display. If 0, then all were transfered, if 1 then it is still there and can be transfered to your aid.

I agree, however there are a couple of workarounds. You can download myPhonakJr which will connect with a second set of Phonak aids and/or you can download the Amplifon app which can also work with a second or third sed of Phonak aids (this is the one I use for my second set). This app has a completely different look and feel but has essentially the same functionality.


Weirdly, on one of my Roger mics, it displays “2” - yet I’m able to stream with my rechargeables and the 312s. On the other Roger mic, there is only the open-door hearing aid icon displayed - no number. Not a zero, 1 or 2. Just that icon. But I’m also streaming both pairs of aids with that mic.

If I’m not stuck on some kinda ring of HE!! I don’t where to begin. I can’t explain what’s going on here.

However! I am very greatful for the tip about myPhonakJr. I do recall reading that app has fewer options, but I could always download it and see. Do you know if I have to un-install the myPhonak first?

To download the Amplifon app with its different user interface would probably blow my brain up right about now. :upside_down_face:

I believe you held the pin in too long and are seeing the transfer icon. Just push it in and take it right out and see what happens.

No, that is the beauty of it, they run side by side. When you feel adventurous, take a look at the Amplifon. I do not believe (but not certain) that it uses just the main Bluetooth connection and not the LE_ connections.

Nope! It was a short, 2-sec press that displays the HA icon on one of my Roger mics. Even so, audio streams to the LEFT aid only when I turn that mic on.

Weirdly, the second Roger mic, where “2” displays after that short press, audio also only streams to the LEFT aid.

When added together, it seems that I have 2 remaining licenses on that second mic, and somehow I need to xfer it to the first mic so that can be xfered to the RIGHT aid on both pairs (312 & rechargeable).

Here’s my cluster-puck: (2) Roger mics, (2) pairs of aids (312 & rechargeable), and supposedly FOUR Roger licenses (2 per mic) to be cross-installed into the 2 pairs of aids. That way, I’d be able to wear either pair of aids and stream via Roger with either of the mics. GRAB 'n GO!

All this would be ridiculously simple if Phonak just allowed pair + connect. But no. They wanted to make bundles of money by charging $1000 bucks per license. It’s enough to give one a migraine sorting it out. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

You don’t need to move the license to the other mic. You just need to install it in the HA that still needs one.


@1Bluejay Just a reminder that a Roger On iN comes with 2 licenses only*, so you will need to move back the licenses from the rechargeable HAs to the Roger, then move them to the 312 HA.

*See hidden thread for moare. :shushing_face:

Now me thinking, was it you @1Bluejay who had a problem with Bluetooth and the neighbor’s boat?
Or it could be the interference or something paranormal within the area or your house, think disappearing items, displaced wall painting,…

Yes, hoping to accomplish that. Here’s what myPhonak shows for my 312s:

It looks like there’s already ONE license on the RIGHT aid. But that’s the side that won’t stream audio with either Roger mic I have. I only get streamed audio in the LEFT aid - which shows on myPhonak that there is no license installed.

I think I’d like to bring my 2 Roger mics and 2 pairs of aids in to my audi’s and have her Phonak rep there to do the cross-xfering for me. She did that last fall with my 2 pairs of rechargeables. It shouldn’t be rocket science, but appears to be in my situation.

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Absolutely! That was my haunted, hacked house for sure! Now I’ve got these odd issues with the 2 Roger mics and them not streaming audio to the RIGHT aid, even tho myPhonak profile (see above) shows that’s where the 03 license is.

Speaking of paranormal … A few weeks ago, I had just set up my ironing board to do a load of stuff, and instantly, the house PA system right in the room I was in played Alphaville’s “Forever Young” - out of the blue! I hadn’t pressed a button, phone, wall switch. Just plugged in the iron. No sooner was the last shirt done when … the music stopped. True story.

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People I know have their house built near a battlefield (1487 ish Century, in England, UK), they have a ghost who come to their house and often take stuff and displace painting, then few months later those lost items would appear as per magic, not sure if Casper is the culprit.

Even Casper would vaporize if he had my collection of rechargeables, 312s, Roger mics & phone apps to contend with.

From this: :ghost: “BOO!”

To this: :dotted_line_face: screamin’ “I’m outa heeeeeeeer!”

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If you still have some hope, lets try this. Take the Roger that has one license and attempt to transfer it to your left aid. With the right aid turned off, put the Roger into transfer mode and place the left aid next to it. Lets see what happens. Does the myPhonak still show the same as you posted and does the Roger still show one license. If you still have any patience left I would be interested in seeing what happens.

LOL! You talked me into it! I just did this using the Roger mic that displayed “2”. First I did the LEFT aid, then the RIGHT aid.

I got the BIG CHECK mark both times, but now Roger only streams to my RIGHT aid, and no audio in the LEFT one.

Here’s the up-to-the-minute result in myPhonak:

Again - WEIRD that the aid in which there is supposedly NO license, I can get audio; but the aid that shows it has the 03 license does not stream audio. I’m clearly doing this in order: RIGHT aid = RED, LEFT aid = BLUE.

Now when I put the pin in the back of that Roger mic, I only get the “X”. Guess I’m outta licenses! I feel like the license removal/transfer simply does NOT WORK as easily as the Phonak Youtube would have one believe. I had to try about 10 times with the pin’s 2-second press just to get the HA icon so I could proceed with the xfer.

It shouldn’t be such a cludge.

And NOW!!! I just re-did the LEFT aid alone. I got the CHECK mark! I immediately got this screen capture in myPhonak:

I am streaming with the Roger mic beautifully into BOTH ears, even tho there are no licenses on either aid.

Yeah. I’m starting to believe in Casper as a FRIENDLY ghost! I’m leaving things as-is. I’ll tell NO ONE. :alien:

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You must be kidding, how is that even possible!!! :astonished:

I can not even explain. I can not even wrap my head around it.

It makes me think that the whole concept of buying separate Roger licenses for EACH aid is simply BS. I don’t know what’s happening when I press the pin in the back of the mic. It’s like the old-fashioned 8-ball fortune teller: give the ball a shake while asking a question, and see what answer pops up. Completely unrelated to what myPhonak displays for each of my 312s.

But since these 312s are my go-to pair, I really want to take a ballpeen hammer to my 2 rechargeable pairs and the unworkable Roger mic. I’m HAPPY NOW. I won’t even pursue this myRoger app/mics issue with my audi. There is no one with answers for us. I can only go through the motions, get the results, and go from there.

You could ask zoltar:

I don’t think he will respond, but, boy we’ve been paying +$$$$ for licenses when we could have used Casper & Co. for free!!!

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Casper may be the answer here. I was considering the possibility that your audi mislabeled the aids in target, ie right and left reversed. You probably would not notice the difference because the hearing in your ears is so similar. Anyway, since the Roger is working, that is good news. BTW, after you get things straightened out with the audi come back and let us know what happened. When you go to the audi, I would ask her to check for any firmware updates.

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And now … you may or may NOT believe this, but I was attempting to xfer the Roger to my rechargeable aids. 312 aids had battery door all the way open. Got the usual “X” mark for the rechargeable, but when I went to myPhonak app, the Devices display is now this at 5pm:

Just to be certain, I closed the battery doors, put those 312s in, and LUCKILY they still stream audio to both aids.

I wonder if this has something to do with the convoluted cross-transferring of licenses that the Phonak rep did last fall.

I was adamant that if I had to buy TWO (redundant) pairs of rechargeables to get through a full day, and TWO (redundant) Roger mics - each with just TWO licenses for a single pair of aids, that BY GOD she was gonna make it happen so I could grab either pair of aids and either Roger mic. I was NOT going to settle for a single Roger mic that only worked with a single pair of rechargeable aids.

I recall that she had to try a few times to make it work. She’d xfer the license to one pair of rechargeables, then to the other. She repeated that with the second Roger mic, doing first one pair of aids, then the other. By the end, we all sighed with relief that no matter which pair of rechargeables I put in, I could stream with either Roger mic. My thought was that I’d keep one mic in its cradle for TV streaming and have the other one in my purse for streaming outside the home.

It worked fine back then. After getting the new 312s, it’s been complete confusion among the 3 pairs of aids and two Roger mics. I would love to wipe the licenses off every single pair and start from ground zero.

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Any chance the names are mixed up left for right?


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