Roger ON iN mic issue

Okaaaay. Long story short: I recently bought the Phonak Lumity Life 312 battery aids. I already had TWO (redundant) sets of Roger ON iN mic licenses cuz I needed TWO (redundant) rechargeable pairs of aids to get through one day.

So I removed BOTH of the Roger licenses from just ONE pair of the rechargeable aids so I could xfer that license to my new 312s. For a few weeks I enjoyed nightly streaming with either Roger mic.

But! I had a “file corruption” issue with all THREE pairs of aids dating back to Feb which caused the RIGHT aid in all three pairs to go woo-WOO-woo-WOO or zing!-ZING!-zing! all day long. Phonak tech rep had my audi create a brand new profile, then set up my 312s in that profile. She was advised to manually enter (NOT copy/paste) all the programs and settings from my initial 312 set-up to the new profile. Time consuming! She literally took shots with her cell phone of like 7 screens with all the data, and painstakingly entered it into the new profile in Target. Whew. Done.

It took about 10 attempts (I kid you not) to get those 312s repaired and reconnected to my cell phone. Finally success and I’m streaming phone calls.

But I can’t get these 312s to stream with either Roger mic. I’m thinking that with the new profile created, I need to go through the process of xferring the Roger license to these aids again. But. Um. Er. We never removed the license from the initial profile on these 312s. Is that a prob?

I haven’t tried to just install the license from Roger to my 312s, but what have I got to lose? The aids are not streaming with either Roger mic. Given that it took 10 attempts to get the aids paired & connected to my cell phone (and only ONE attempt to do so with my MacBook Pro!) I want to proceed cautiously.

Advice? Greatly appreciated! I’m clearly the laboratory RAT here with my wheelbarrow of gear: 2 rechargeables, 1 312, 2 Roger mics. We literally ran out of time at my audi’s to complete all I needed doing. At least as I segue from redundant rechargeables back to the simple life of 312 batteries life WILL get easier, and my appt times won’t be so convoluted. I still have to go back and have the uncorrupted profile copy/pasted into BOTH of my old rechargeables.

If I’m met with brass knuckles at the audi’s I won’t even flinch. :expressionless:

Shall I take the bold move and just try to xfer the license from my two Roger mics to my 312s?

@bluejay did you actually install new licenses in the 312 Model? Do your rechargeable aids still work with Roger? Maybe you should refresh your Roger On iN’s with new/recovered licenses and transfer those to your new 312 aids. Take a look at the threads relating to updating the licenses using the Roger Upgrader software (available for free from the Phonak site). If you have a question or problem with that procedure some of us can walk you through it, however, it has been pretty well documented in related threads.
Happy hearing,

Is this the same audi who told you you had to buy a second Roger On to get licenses in both pairs of aids? Honestly, I’d just find a different one at this point. There’s just way too many problems, at least some of which seem to stem from nobody knowing how the tech works.


MyPhonak app will tell you if the HAs have licenses.
Middle tab (devices)
“Your hearing aids” (product information)
See bottom two lines.

Should be 03s if you have licenses. Blank (I think) if not.

If you have licenses then reconnect the aids to the mic. Couldn’t hurt to reset the mic and reconnect. “press and hold the Function and Connect buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds.”


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Taking these excellent observations & suggestions one at a time:

did you actually install new licenses in the 312 Model? Do your rechargeable aids still work with Roger? Maybe you should refresh your Roger On iN’s with new/recovered licenses and transfer those to your new 312 aids.

We actually REMOVED both Roger mic licenses from ONE pair of rechargeables, so that I still have just TWO pairs of aids (one rechargeable, one 312) with TWO Roger mic licenses.

But I hadn’t heard about updated licenses … Hm. Are we never DONE with the dang license stuff? It should be one time only! I don’t have to update, upgrade or pay more to connect my aids to my cell phone. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark if I can’t use a Roger mic license for the life of my aids.

Is this the same audi who told you you had to buy a second Roger On to get licenses in both pairs of aids?

It was the Phonak sales rep invited in to the app’t who said I needed to pay for the extra Roger mic license so that my TWO (redundant) pairs of rechargeables could be used with either Roger mic. If I’d only had one pair of aids with Roger license, I’d never be able to stream TV with my other (redundant) pair that I was using every other day. I think my experience with Phonak rechargeables is a textbook case of why folks need BATTERY and rechargeable (not me!) options. For someone with my hearing loss who needs to hear all day, rechargeables are not an option. I’m SO HAPPY I have the 312s with 6 days of use. So I’ll power thru these idiotic issues with (redundant, overpriced) Roger mic licenses and then just live happily ever after with BATTERY aids. :slightly_smiling_face:

MyPhonak app will tell you if the HAs have licenses. Should be 03s if you have licenses. Blank (I think) if not.

Interesting. The myRoger app I have on my phone doesn’t give me that info. Too bad. I agree with your suggestion to just reset the mic and reconnect. Say 3 “Hail Marys” and hope for the best.

MUCH APPRECIATE all your advice here. I’ve got the long holiday weekend to just tinker and try things with the 312s.

If you’ve used the roger on with the 312 and it did work before changing the profile, then there is no need to transfer the licenses to the 312, as the licenses will still be inside the 312 regardless of the profile. (tell me about that, learned it the hard way)

You could check on the app if it says you’ve got the roger licenses or not.
Maybe your problem is pairing, or the app!

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The MyPhonak app will tell you if Roger Licences are installed, not the MyRogerMic app.

I thought I read on here that the “trick” of refreshing a Roger iN device with more Roger licenses wasn’t common knowledge at Phonak, and thus even less known amongst audiologists??

As for your other issues, and solutions, I really don’t understand what’s going on there, sorry.



I said “MyPhonak” not “myRoger”.


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Give in @1Bluejay, last try.

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Exactly. And my own lame point was that you’d think it would be on the myRoger app! I still don’t have the myPhonak app.

Just to clarify: is there ANY reason my audi would be needed if I download that myPhonak app? For some reason I thought if I did that, each hearing aid (right one, left one) would automatically be renamed to something like LE_Phonak R and LE_Phonak L or some such thing? So in the list of things available for pairing there would now be TWO things to pair + connect.

Right now, each pair of my aids has a single name: Silver, Champagne, Pink. So pairing, connecting and forgetting is super easy with a very intuitive name. These are the names my audi set up in Target on her end.

And here, I rip out THREE hairs with frustration.

LOL! I need to. Pray for me. I’m weak and facillating, but want to simplify my life with just the 312s as well as be a bit more self-sufficient without my audi. She’s gonna fire ME one of these days. :no_mouth:

OK. That screen capture is really helpful! I think you just answered the question I posed above: it appears that YES - EACH AID (right one, left one) will be assigned a name in myPhonak. Did you download myPhonak on your own or did your audi set you up with it?

I guess I could get used to having each aid broken out for tracking.

Looks like I’ve got two things to do on Mem Day weekend: download the myPhonak app and get to the bottom of my ROGERING issues.

If it worked before with those aids, it is unlikely anything that has been done removed the licenses. Just try resetting a roger (hold both function and connect buttons at same time for 10 seconds) and reconnect to your aids with the button on the back after it has reset.


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1Bluejay, Please download the myPhonak app. You will find it in the App Store if you have an Apple phone or in the Play Store if you have an Android. It will be much easier for us to help you if we know if the licenses have been installed. I know you have been avoiding this app like the plague, but you can uninstall it with a little push on the icon if you really don’t want it on your phone. Once it is installed, which is done automatically, you can pair it with your 312 aids by putting them into paring mode (open the battery door and close it again). If you still have the rechargeable aids, please turn them off so the new app will know which aids to pair.

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On another note, the MyPhonak app only works with one pair of aids at a time. I use another phone for my 2nd pair

Ok - so you can’t select a different pair of aids in the myPhonak app to activate?

Conversely, in myRoger app, I have two Roger ON iN mics, and the app automatically selects whichever one is turned ON. So it’s a no-brainer.

Also conversely, even BT allows many pairs of hearing aids to be paired, and also seems to automatically connect the one that I’m wearing.

Score “0” for myPhonak and “1” each for myRoger and BT. :neutral_face:

Ahhhhhhh, YOU WIN!!! :grin:

I just downloaded the app f’petessake. Now I’ve got to get more familiar with it. I can already see that the programs set up by my audi all appear: Automatic, Speech in Loud Noise, Music, Acoustic Phone. Plus a few others I can set up, rename and save. I LIKE THAT. Score “1” for myPhonak! “0” for life without it.

But I’m confused about something. After the app prompted me to connect my aids via BT, FOUR Phonaks now show up in my list of “Paired devices”:

  1. Precious Pink (the name given to my pair of 312s)
  2. Champagnes (the name given to my pair of rechargeables)
  3. LE_L Phonak - what the HE!! is this, cuz I can’t connect or turn call/audio ON
  4. LE_Precious Pin - again, WTH?

Why do these two odd LE low-energy devices even appear on my list of “Paired devices” when I can’t do a thing with them?

As long as I quit out of myPhonak, I can stream calls with either my rechargeables or the 312s, but can’t do one thing with the oddly named LE_ devices. So why are these even here?

If myPhonak is open, I’m unable to stream calls at all. DOH. Score “0” for myPhonak, “1” for no myPhonak app at all.

I’m taking this in baby steps, and gradually getting familiar with the options. I’m also confused about the lineup of programs: Automatic, Speech in Loud Noise, Music …
If I activate one, it seems all I can do is adjust the program (sound, volume). It doesn’t put my aids into that program. For that, I have to manually press the aids. Correct?

So many things in 1 post, I’ll try and address them.

The LE connections are for App only, in Android. If both hearing aids (that are paired with the app) are responding to the app, I just wouldn’t worry. If you wish to change the hearing aids in the app, to another pair, I can explsin that procedure, but it won’t help here, it will just confuse further.

It sounds like you’ve paired all 3 sets of hearing aids for Calls/Audio. In your Bluetooth list, you should see ONE connection, for each pair. That, is normal.

However, I see no link with the App being open stopping you taking calls or streaming. UNLESS, another set of HAs are switched on and connected?? That will definitely cause a conflict.


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I will just repeat some of the things that Peter said. Sometimes redundancy is helpful :grinning:
the LE_ is the connection of one of your 312 aids to the myPhonak app. They are usually labeled LE_L for left and LE_R for the Right aid. Your audi is using a little different terminology - not a problem at all. These are the connections that you use to address the hearing aids when you are making selections in the myPhonak app.
The other two connections are what is used when streaming or making phone calls, one for your new 3122 aids and the other for your older rechargeable aids.
For the moment, at the bottom of the app page, select “Devices” then “Product Information” by using the small arrow to the right of the Audio L90 names. You will see the models of hearing aids, the designation of the latest firmware, i.e. or a similar number. Below that you will see Roger receivers installed for each ear if the licenses are installed. Right and Left 03
Let us know what you see.

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OK - very helpful! I get it: when myPhonak is open, it does indeed allow me to split the aids into LEFT and RIGHT so I can adjust each one independently. So that explains the LE_ prefix.

But when myPhonak was open and I tried to make a call via BT streaming, it just plain did not stream. In looking at my phone’s BT list of “Paired devices” yes, both the 312s and one of the rechargeable aids (Champagne) are paired - but BT would typically ONLY connect with the Pinks automatically. When I closed myPhonak app, that is what happened, but when myPhonak app was open, calls would not stream.

It seems that myPhonak app is mainly to adjust the aids’ volume, balance, sound. I may even be able to switch from “Automatic” to “Speech in Loud Noise” using the phone app. But then I think I should quickly CLOSE the app so if a call comes in, it will stream automatically.

On top of which, my audi set up “Speech in Loud Noise” but I see “Restaurant” in myPhonak. Aren’t they the same? I think I can now select more than just the 4 programs my audi set up on my aids, and maybe I no longer need a dedicated “Speech in Loud Noise” if I have the “Restaurant” option in myPhonak.

See. These are questions a GEEK SQUAD should answer - like a Phonak Tech chat line. But I know of no such resource. They sell us THOUSANDS of $$ of aids and accessories and then assume I’ll have a divine message from the Almighty how to use it all. Silly!

You guys have been BEYOND helpful. BLESS YOU! Beer at the pub on me. :wink: