Roger ON iN mic issue

You could ask zoltar:

I don’t think he will respond, but, boy we’ve been paying +$$$$ for licenses when we could have used Casper & Co. for free!!!

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Casper may be the answer here. I was considering the possibility that your audi mislabeled the aids in target, ie right and left reversed. You probably would not notice the difference because the hearing in your ears is so similar. Anyway, since the Roger is working, that is good news. BTW, after you get things straightened out with the audi come back and let us know what happened. When you go to the audi, I would ask her to check for any firmware updates.

And now … you may or may NOT believe this, but I was attempting to xfer the Roger to my rechargeable aids. 312 aids had battery door all the way open. Got the usual “X” mark for the rechargeable, but when I went to myPhonak app, the Devices display is now this at 5pm:

Just to be certain, I closed the battery doors, put those 312s in, and LUCKILY they still stream audio to both aids.

I wonder if this has something to do with the convoluted cross-transferring of licenses that the Phonak rep did last fall.

I was adamant that if I had to buy TWO (redundant) pairs of rechargeables to get through a full day, and TWO (redundant) Roger mics - each with just TWO licenses for a single pair of aids, that BY GOD she was gonna make it happen so I could grab either pair of aids and either Roger mic. I was NOT going to settle for a single Roger mic that only worked with a single pair of rechargeable aids.

I recall that she had to try a few times to make it work. She’d xfer the license to one pair of rechargeables, then to the other. She repeated that with the second Roger mic, doing first one pair of aids, then the other. By the end, we all sighed with relief that no matter which pair of rechargeables I put in, I could stream with either Roger mic. My thought was that I’d keep one mic in its cradle for TV streaming and have the other one in my purse for streaming outside the home.

It worked fine back then. After getting the new 312s, it’s been complete confusion among the 3 pairs of aids and two Roger mics. I would love to wipe the licenses off every single pair and start from ground zero.

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Any chance the names are mixed up left for right?


I could sure see that being the case. It’d all be in the Target software at my audi’s.

We had our pants ON FIRE the last visit. I had issues with one of the rechargeables, wanted to make changes in the Roger software, but mainly get rid of the persistent howling, whining, zinging and NOISE that was in ALL 3 pairs’ right aids only. ALL 3 had this same issue.

We got on the phone with Phonak tech, and the gal said it was likely my Target file had been corrupted somehow, leading to the same issues in all aids. She recommended that an entirely new profile be created from ground zero for the 312s. I was to test that out to see if the dedicated programs and frequency settings were okay AND the right aid noise issue was eliminated.

Happy to say YES! I no longer have that day-long noise issue with the right aid. But in our hurry to get me out the door and the next patient in, I’m not sure my new profile was bug-free. I want to get back in to resolve that, then copy/paste this brand new profile into my 2 pairs of rechargeables. THEN I’ll smash them with a ballpeen hammer. I am so frustrated with this cluster-puck of Phonak stuff.

I’m confident that I’ll get down to JUST my 312s working great and streaming fine. But it would be good to also get all my other Phonak “investments” working before they go in the mothballs. I can’t even sell the stuff till I’m convinced everything works.

I’m recalling from an earlier post of mine HERE that I’d said:

FOOTNOTE: Weirdly, as the audi was UN-installing the Roger from one pair of my rechargeables (had to remove license from EACH aid separately!), I giggled and said, “While you’re doing that, I’m actually ROGERING with the mic there!” I don’t know if this is a scam, a game, or a joke, but maybe I never had to go through all these steps? The minute I put my 312 Phonaks in, they were capable of streaming audio from either Roger mic. Now maybe that’s cuz the program/settings were copy/pasted over from my rechargeable. But … what if we could have limitless pairs of aids on a single Roger ON iN mic!!! Would that be hilarious to make audis and users go through all those steps for nuthin’? :thinking:

Roger on brochure

It says no limit to the number of receivers that can be connected. Physics will be the real limit — how many people can you pack into the range of the mic. You can network up to 10 mics together so that could be a huge number.


The brochure also says:

Roger installation
Roger On iN contains two Roger receivers that can be installed into a pair (two) of hearing devices with RogerDirect.

So that has been my conundrum. I want those Roger mics cross-licensed with 2 pairs (4 aids). It was accomplished by the Phonak rep last fall, but it sure isn’t working that way of late.

You can use Roger upgrader SW to get the license count back to Two. Not sure how many times, I wonder if it isn’t unlimited but three times was mentioned here at one point also. IIRC @Zebras brought it to our attention. If you’d known that a while back, you could have bought just one mic and put licenses in all your aids.


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@1Bluejay ,I’ve found that some of the weird things that happened work after a reboot of the phone eg. the app wouldn’t respond to touch. I’m android.
The licence information wouldn’t display until reboot.

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You don’t use the App to make calls. Minimise the app, and just make a call, from your phone’s call menu.


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I am also on Android. Good advice!

Hm! Interesting, cuz my new “backup” aids will be the old Marvels. I’ll keep that in mind. I plan to only have my new 312 Lumity Lifes dedicated in myPhonak app for now.

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I think I might have inadvertently DONE just that! No idea how, why, but after many MANY hours of trying to press the pin, xfer the license, I finally got one on each of my new 312 aids. It actually shows in myPhonak that both RIGHT and LEFT 312 has an 03 Roger license.


I told @1Bluejay just before she got the second Roger On via Private Messaging but she wanted to get the second Mic as that is what the Phonak Rep said to do.


Is this the Upgrader you were referring to? I downloaded a “free” zip drive and now have the files & .exe if I want to go BOLDLY forth.

If so, my stoopid question for the day is: some of these files have Microsoft location, but I have a MacBook Pro. Wonder if the .exe would know where to put all the files.

In any case I’m going to make my life really SIMPLE. I’m going to have a single Roger mic dedicated to my new Pink 312s and the other (redundant) Roger mic dedicated to just one pair of rechargeables. It’s been a hair-rending nightmare to sort out all the Roger license stuff among THREE pairs of aids - one (rechargeable) which is not even working at all.

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It is what we were talking about, but it is an x86 windows program. It upgraded the firmware in my Roger, but mine is not an “in” version, so no free licenses for me. My aids came with licenses before we ever talked about mics or other accessories.


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Both of my Roger mics are ON iN V2. So maybe that’s why Phonak was so greedy in demanding I PAY a ransom for each?

You saw my comment above about my audi removing ONE set of licenses from my old rechargeable in order to (legitimately) xfer them onto the new 312s? Yeah, I was giggling cuz the new 312s were ALREADY streaming on that very Roger On iN mic! How that’s possible? Dunno!

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I’m gonna ask for a v2 with my new aids this fall.

Hope they make the new ones come out in oct so they’re on the contract in nov. It would be disappointing to have to wait until May to get new gear.


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I’ve just paired one Roger Table Mic II iN, to all three sets of HAs (Bolero Marvel M70, Audeo Paradise P90 Naida P30). It connects (without having to re-pair) to which ever pair I’m using. Works very well. I only have to re-pair if I’ve paired with another Roger device.

In fact, as an experiment, I’ve just paired my Roger On (v1) to all 3 sets of aids. As long as I switch the current pair off, before switching on the next pair, it will connect. This process lost all the Table Mic II pairings, which I’ve just re-instated.

So, each Roger device can retain at least 3 pairings, whereas each HA pair, can only retain 1 pairing at a time. I’ve decided to put my Roger On and Roger Select into storage… as spares.

On another note, Roger Upgrader v1.28 works just fine for replenishing Roger Licenses in the Table Mic II iN.

As a conclusion, it appears Phonak Reps either don’t understand their products, or deliberately give bad advise, shame on both counts.
