Roger On In installation

I installed Roger on receivers from my Roger On IN without pressing the button at the back. Has anyone else tried it? I know for sure that I did it, since it showed “2”, then"1", and in the end “0”. Then paired with the aids by pressing connect at the back, and heard the chimes, meaning that they were paired successfully. However, when I turn it on, no sound is coming from the Roger On In. Aids are Paradise P30. Any idea? Thanks

Look in the myPhonak App to see if the licenses/receivers were in fact installed.

Works now, I probably missed to go to the right program ( don’t want it going to Roger automatically). Expected much more difference between w and w/o receivers activated. I am just curious how is it possible that I can transfer receivers without pressing the button at the back?

OK. I was at my audi’s today and took notes on how to INSTALL and UNINSTALL the Roger ON iN mic to hearing aids (whether they are battery-operated or rechargeable).

Quick 'n dirty video HERE, but it leaves out one last CRITICAL step (no idea why, but y’have to do it to complete the installation or de-installation.

And YES, a pin was used in the pinhole on the back side of the Roger mic (hidden under that metal bar that looks like a belt clip). In a nutshell then:


  1. Turn the aids OFF (open battery doors, or turn rechargeable off)
  2. Turn the Roger ON iN mic ON
  3. Now turn the Roger over, lift the clip, and press the pin into the pinhole and hold for 2-seconds
  4. Turn the aids ON, and place them right next to the Roger mic
  5. In a few seconds, you should see the :heavy_check_mark: check mark (If not, repeat above steps.)
  6. If you see the :heavy_check_mark: , there is one last step: literally place the Roger mic on top of that hearing aid - touch it to the aid for a couple seconds.
  7. If you’ve got the license xferred (or whatever they want to call it - I call it your aids are now paired & connected to the Roger) to that aid, DO THE SAME for the other aid. BOTH aids need to have these steps performed to successfully stream with the Roger.


  1. Repeat the steps above for EACH aid.
  2. This time, a large “X” will tell you the aid is no longer paired with Roger and will no longer stream audio from that mic.

In case anyone is wondering why I’d be UN-installing and then RE-installing a Roger it’s cuz I bought my THIRD pair of Phonak Lumity Life aids today. These are the 312-battery L90s.

They have the identical settings and programs copied & pasted from my TWO (redundant) pairs of rechargeable Lumity Life aids. I needed those two redundant pairs cuz neither one gave me more than 17 hrs per day of use - lame!

I’ve been pining away for a battery version of this aid (or ANY aid, as they are all transitioning to rechargeable only), and bought the 312-battery Phonaks now that they’ve finally come to market.

Only prob was that my TWO (redundant) pairs of rechargeable aids had the TWO (redundant) Roger ON iN licenses I had to buy in order to swap either aid with either Roger mic. Again… LAME! In fact, it’s more like FOUR Roger licenses, cuz each aid has to have the license put on it.

If I was to pair/connect/transfer license from these two mics to my new 312 aids, I had to first pick one of the rechargeables to REMOVE/UNINSTALL from BOTH of those Roger mics. Yeah, I’ve got a migraine long about now, too! We got on the phone with Phonak, they walked us through the process and we just hunkered down and did it ONE. AID. AT. A. TIME! I kid you not, each aid you have has to go through the 7 steps to get the license, and ditto to uninstall the pair you don’t want connected to the Roger.

I paid for EACH of those FOUR (redundant) licenses to go on each aid I owned. Ouch.

I decided to pair/connect/license the new 312s to both mics so I can swap them out. I still have ONE of my rechargeable pair of aids on each Roger for use as a backup.

FOOTNOTE: Weirdly, as the audi was UN-installing the Roger from one pair of my rechargeables (had to remove license from EACH aid separately!), I giggled and said, “While you’re doing that, I’m actually ROGERING with the mic there!” I don’t know if this is a scam, a game, or a joke, but maybe I never had to go through all these steps? The minute I put my 312 Phonaks in, they were capable of streaming audio from either Roger mic. Now maybe that’s cuz the program/settings were copy/pasted over from my rechargeable. But … what if we could have limitless pairs of aids on a single Roger ON iN mic!!! Would that be hilarious to make audis and users go through all those steps for nuthin’? :thinking: