Rexton Reach and Android phones

Starkey’s Edge AI is offered in replaceable batteries. It appears to have all the bells and whistles that the rechargeable has.

I haven’t figured out how to quote a message I respond to in this forum. I skimmed the tutorial, here…

Freezerman404: That Pixel 6a, does or will it support streaming as well as the competitors’ phones?

I’ve never bought Apple anything. I run Windows 10 laptops (a couple), could upgrade to Windows 11 but so far I have resisted that free upgrade, being busy and not knowing of a reason to do so … other than to maybe fix some issues I have (my laptops don’t recognize my android phones anymore so I can’t copy data to or from them without removing their memory cards, a fair hassle).

If we are we talking about the aids then the answer is yes.
If the phone then yes also.
I stream from my 6a to my aids.
I also can take calls through the aids.
The only thing with my phone is I have to talk into the phone mic.
The new Pixel you can talk through the aids if they have the new Bluetooth codec.
Which the new Pixels do.
In the box at the right you see a return arrow. That is how you respond to someone directly.

I wasn’t thinking of listening and charging at the same time, although that would be nice at times. I was concerned that to use the USB-C port for audio you had to change a setting and then to charge have to go into settings again. I got that impression from something I read online earlier today.

I was only considering Samsung phones but there’s no reason I have to do that. Android would be fine if the phone wouldn’t be obsolete too fast. Those Quora comments suggested at least Samsung phones would be obsolete pretty fast, that Samsung would drop support in 2 years or less. Maybe that isn’t the case now.

That is not the case for Samsung.
I think it’s 5-7 years.
There is no setting to change.
You just plug and go.

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Yeah, I was hitting Reply but saw no way to quote. Got it working now. Guess I’ll look at the Pixels.

So, your phone doesn’t support the new Bluetooth codec but the new Pixels do?

Nothing wrong with Samsung.
Everyone is running deals right now.

Quote is working now, don’t know why it wasn’t for me before.

So, what I’m concerned with in choosing a phone is what? Support for BT 5.3 or better, is that pretty much it?

Auracast is, let me see if I can get this right. LC3 codec.
Samsung’s have that.
Not sure at what phone they start.
Pixels I’m not sure of.
They do have 5.3.

I went back and looked.
Your trying a Reach right.
They have are going to have Auracast.

Yes, a Reach. So, Auracast coming then. I saw something about Connexx updating. Have them do that and they get the new codecs automatically as part of the update. Researching, I’ve seen info about Auracast supplanting T-coil, but hasn’t been implemented yet by venues, e.g. theaters, halls, lecture spaces, museums, etc. Does Auracast have something to do with streaming from your devices, e.g. smartphones, computers? Or that’s just LE Audio, a feature of which is Auracast?

Yes it does.
When? Eventually it’s supposed to be common.
Some Samsung phones can do it.
Cvkemp has a S23 that does it.
He has Oticon Intents 1.
Phones with Auracast work like MFI if the aids also have Auracast.

Auracast is a feature of LE Audio.

Thanks for posting this.

So, seems to me that I’ll get what I require in a phone with the Reaches if I get the cheapest S23 I can find that works, right? A refurb, i suppose, or even used by a reliable source.

Edit: Actually, a Pixel 8a would maybe be smarter, will have upgrade and security support until 2031

Check with Costco to make sure the Reach has the Auracast update.
That’s what I don’t know.
Also make sure the Samsung has it to avoid any bugaboos.
The Pixels I’m not sure about.
My son just bought a Pixel 9.
I’m going to connect my aids to them to see if it works.

Just one thing.
Just because one aid and phone works that doesn’t really give it blanket coverage.
If you read enough posts oh this site you’ll see that what works for one doesn’t always work for someone else.

Looked it up.
Pixel 8a looks like it’s not going to support Auracast.
Also looks like the Pixels that will get it, do not have it yet.

Not sure I’m understanding. I think I’m on Verizon network now but the plan is through an MVNO (Redpocket). I’m actually due to renew, which I do every 360 days, pay $100 for a limited data plan that easily covers my usage. I hardly ever make calls and don’t use much data, usually access data through Wifi at home. If I get an unlocked Pixel 8a, I figure I can maybe just put the SIM in it from my current Samsung S9 phone and working with my Redpocket MVNO have things working OK. A possible glitch would be problems moving data from the S9 to the pixel, a new thing for me. I think it’s supposed to be supported but saw an Amazon review by a person whose data transfer did not work out. As far as “coverage” goes (I figure you’re talking about getting access to cell towers?) I figure my Verizon would be OK. I’m not deep in wireless. I started out with Windows phones then dropped into android when Windows Phone went belly up, but am not a ton into cell phones. I like a Windows laptop. Figure I may have to upgrade to Windows 11 soon, support for Windows 10 runs out in October, and besides that my Windows 10 laptops have some issues which I figure a reinstall or change of OS is apt to resolve.

Hearing aid wise.
For whatever reason all aids do not always play nice with every phone.
Remember Pixel 8a will not support Auracast.
It supports Bluetooth 5.3 are something.
It will work like my Pixel 6a.
You can hear the call in your aids but you have to talk in the phone mic.
It should support streaming like mine.