Rexton Reach and Android phones

I just received my new Rexton Reach RICs.
Very disappointed to find that these were designed for iphones. When making or taking calls you have to talk into your phone! What garbage.
Also tested the music audio quality. Phonak is hugely better. The music has a much better presence than Rexton. I can’t believe I spent good money on these.
Let me know if anyone has a solution to the android problem. You would think technology would get better after 5 years. Not worse.

Welcome to the forum, hey the Rexton are rebranded Signia models, you haven’t brought “garbage” they are just as good as any others, now the first thing to look at is your Bluetooth settings on your android device, you need to pair them there, have you tried the App? You do have ASHA to begin with, LE audio is coming soon for your Rexton so you’ll be able to use them “hands free” it’s a bit of a gimmick anyway, as using the microphone on any HAs because they pick up all the environmental noise around you, so only any good in a quiet place, I always use what the phone and HAs were designed for, you shouldn’t base your decision on whether the HAs are any good at “hands free”

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I completely agree with Tenkan’s perspective. Currently, I am using the KS9.0 connected to an Android phone. However, during hands-free phone calls, the hearing aid’s microphone does not pick up sound as well as the phone’s internal microphone. Even in quiet environments, the person on the other end often has trouble hearing me, which makes me anxious whenever I receive a call.

I’ve researched many solutions, but PHONAK has not been able to provide any effective solutions. If phone calls are an important part of your daily life, the hands-free functionality of PHONAK hearing aids is a significant drawback.

by the way, I would like to ask for advice from everyone:

1.When using ASHA, can we choose to use the phone’s microphone for speaking and the hearing aid for listening during phone calls?
2.With the future LE Audio technology, will it be possible to use the phone’s microphone for speaking and the hearing aid for listening during phone calls?

I can no longer trust the hearing aid’s microphone for hands-free calls, as even the cheapest built-in phone microphone performs much better in any situation compared to the expensive hearing aid microphone!

thanks for everybody!!!


Each to their own. I’m retired and don’t make or receive phone calls in environments where background noises are a problem. I love the way the aids handle phone calls and have never had a problem with it. The fact Costco doesn’t have anything that would handle phone calls with my inexpensive Android phone as easily is a major disappointment as the 9s are getting older and I worry about them. I don’t want an iphone. Really, really don’t want some kind of intermediate device for phone calls. Had that before and don’t want it again. If $$ no problem, I’d get Phonaks, but it is.

Edited to add: I have KS9s. Thought that was at the beginning of my post to start with.

Yes you can, as for LE Audio letting you do this, I would think you’ll still have the choice in android phone to switch between whichever microphone you want to use for a call.

Yes I agree this is not a problem in a situation like this, and yes nobody should have to get an iPhone (god forbid) or another device to do this, it’s a pity that LE Audio hasn’t been easily available and implemented as I’d thought it would have, seems we’ll need to wait for next years “new” releases from the manufacturers.

Maybe the Rexton Smart Mic will work on the Reach. They are a clip on mic that will give you hands free. They cost about $250. This is a common solution for Android users who need hands free… Particularly ex Phonak users who are accustomed to hands free. I wish you the best with your new hearing aids. They are getting good reviews.

I have the Reach and an iPhone when on phone calls the HA microphone is so sensitive I can be heard chewing gum by the other person, they can hear too much around me I prefer to use the phone mic. So far the Reach are much better than my ks 10’s