Of Google’s Pixel phones, only the Pixel 8 and later (excluding the Pixel 8a) support Auracast
I am very unclear how much I want Auracast support but figure going forward would be a good idea to have on a phone I might want to keep until 2030! I’ll knock around some and see about the Pixel 8 (does support Auracast with Android 15, which was out in October 2024), and various flavors of 9 too I guess.
Auracast support
Google plans to enable Auracast on the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro, Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, and Pixel 9 Pro Fold. The Pixel 8a, Pixel 7 series, and older Pixel phones do not appear to be supported.
Do you know the firmware version number I need to be able to have 2 way phone audio on my Pixel 8 (Android 15) with my Reach Lit 80 from Costco. Mine have firmware version 25.0.902.3
I agree with you. We spend a lot of money. Why rexton don’t made the reach hearing in the same way of the iPhone bluetooth that we can use the hearing mic . They focus just on the IPhone and forgot the anndroid user.The question is, IPhone paid to rexton for the exclusiveness? There more Android user than iPhone user.
My Costco Rexton Reach aids are fulling “Hands Free Calling” with my Pixel8 pro phone and Android 15 as of Jan 1, 2025 and also working well with the bluetooth Reach App. These have been wonderful aids for me coming from Kirkland 10’s.
I was unfortunate to have decided on a Samsung Note 20 Ultra and there is no support Samsung gives on it now after just two years
I switched to a Google Pixel 9 Pro which has 7 years support. I shall never trust Samsung again.
I have the Rexton Reach software update but I am unable to turn on LE Audio on my Pixel 4a even though I have enabled Developer Mode turned on under System. It is greyed out on Android 13 - no update available. Is this hopeless or is Google going to update my 4a to be able to turn it on? Anyone here kmow?
Thanks for your reply. If I choose to upgrade now do you happen to know which Pixel already includes LE Audio? Also, since Samsung seems to be offering “iphone-like” “hearing aid accessibility” would you happen to know which ones work fully with the Reaches? Right now, my phone keeps switching from Hearing Aids to Speaker during phone calls.
You need to have firmware version 25.5.972.3 on your Rexton HA’s. Also you have yo wait for Android 16 for the Pixel 8 and more recent phones (coming June-ish 2025 time frame). I spent all day trying to figure that and a couple of things out.
Wow! Thank you for spending all day for the rest of us! I’ve got 25.5.972.3 on the app but now I will try to relax and wait for June-ish before jumping on Pixel 8 or 9, maybe even more discounted by then. I was about to jump on the P9 but at its current price I would have been more than a little disappointed if it hadn’t immediately improved the reliability of my Reaches sticking to “Hearing Aids” instead of slipping over to “Speaker” as they now do more often than not!
You can apply for the beta test on Android and get the beta version. I did and I just installed Beta 2 of Android 16 ( your mileage may vary and you may run into problems with this). I had to turn on the audio share feature and I am stuck. Android says connect compatible headphones. and does not recognize the Reach HA’s. l’ll create a ticket with android and see what can be done.
One issue I had was I could not turn on the Audio sharing at all. After setting the developer oprions to turn this feature on and rebooting the phone a few times. I realized I needed to forget and pair the hearing aids again because most likely the hearing aid profile had changed. The adventure continues.