Resound Smart Fit Software Download

Hi there, sure but you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for DIY projects.

Hi, just starting to read through this thread and new to HAs. I’m 46 and “hopefully” have years of hearing aids ahead of me. Have NHS ones and starting to shop around. Seems logical to do my own purchase and programming, but still researching sourcing HAs and programming.

I have basic GN HA right now.

Guess the question is - is it worth it? Is it money saving or just flexibility to get programming right.

(I haven’t been very impressed with knowledge of hearing aid sales here in UK).

Any advice welcome.

Hello, could I please request the link to download Smart Fit? Many thanks in advance.

Sure no problem, you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for your DIY projects.

Thank you!! so prompt and helpful.

Could I please get a link to the ReSound Smartfit software? I have a NoahLink Wireless and a set of Omnia 961 and One 961 hearing aids I want to program for myself.

Could I please get a link to ReSound Smartfit software? I have a NoahLink Wireless and a couple of sets of ReSound hearing aids I would like to program for myself.

Hi there, sure ,also have a read of the SmartFit user guide, very handy for setting up the first fit, it’s all pretty easy enough to follow.

Good luck

Thank you very much. I have a set of hearing aids that were fit for me. I should be able to connect to those and import that data and then use it to program the other hearing aids I have. That’s my logical approach. Am I missing something? That should work, right?

Welcome to the forum, yes and no, you can use the import/export features in most manufacturers software, obviously you’ll need the same brand of HAs, but it’s not always an exact copy, so you’ll still need to do some fine tuning after importing to your new HAs.
What brand/models are you thinking of doing.

I am assuming they are both/all Resound?

Apart from what @tenkan says, you may find there are bigger changes needed if there are dome/mold differences, also program options may not be the same in different models of one brand of aids. But in principal as he says that’s the yes bit.

I had ReSound Omnia 961 HAs with power domes fit for me, but then insurance didn’t pay for them. I am able to return them so I found a pair of Omnia 961 with the same 2m receivers that I picked up. I also got a backup set of Omnia One 961 HAs because the price was good. The Omnias were an open box item and the Ones were purchased for somebody who passed away unexpectedly so they are about 3 months old. I’m going to try the import with the Omnia and maybe starting from scratch with my audiogram with the Ones.

I’m using Resound one 961 with MIE&E with vented/open domes.
THis has the tendency to histle and feedback quite often.
When I tried to use over the ear headphones, the whistling is continuous. I am considering change to normal RIE and all this seems to be due to the extra MIC in the Ear.
Anyone else can provide experiences and solutions.

That should work then. But if your present pair of Omnias came from Amplifon, then you probably will find that SmartFit won’t connect to them.

I was able to install the SureFit software, connected my NoahLink Wireless, and recognize my current ReSound Omnia HAs. I ran an Export, closed out of the session, and then connected to the Omnia HAs I picked up. I was able to run an Import and got the settings that are on my current Omnia HAs. They seem to be working fine other than that the left HA seems like it isn’t picking up as much sound as it was with my previous hearing aids. Might have to work on some fine tuning.

Good one, your well on your way to having another great set of HAs, keep us updated, others will find this helpful.

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Excellent! Well done!

Hey there, trying to help my dad tune his hearing aids… His audiologist isn’t quite getting them right. Would be grateful for the link to the SmartFit 1.15 software!

Welcome to the forum, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for DIY projects.
Check out the user guide as well as it’s very handy for setting up the first time.

Hello, can I get a link to download the Resound Smartfit program. I have Noahlink wireless already but can’t find the software to adjust my Omnia’s. Thank you